Will there be a UK retail Collectors Edition?



Because I've only seen the standard DVD-Rom edition on amazon.co.uk, hmv.co.uk, gameplay, play.com etc.
Also, does anyone know if HL:Source is included in this version, or will it have to be downloaded from Steam?
Sorry if this has been discussed already.
Godcat_V2 said:
Because I've only seen the standard DVD-Rom edition on amazon.co.uk, hmv.co.uk, gameplay, play.com etc.
Also, does anyone know if HL:Source is included in this version, or will it have to be downloaded from Steam?
Sorry if this has been discussed already.
It has been discussed but apologies accepted...Standard HL2 comes on DVD as standard in UK (and Europe). There's no HL:S on it.

The CE version should be available on Dec 10th (unconfirmed I think). e.g. from Game

There's no confirmed word about when (or if) HL:S will be available as a separate purchase.

Your best bet if you need HL:S is to buy the Steam Silver package NOW or wait for the CE. If you buy Steam Silver you've only got 36 hours to complete the preload...(4 or 5 Gigabytes of data or 8 if you allow the whole back catalogue to be downloaded...)

Gold version is steam.

The CE will be released around the 10th of december in europe. Wich includes HL:S.
grumpycrab said:
What are you going to do ??? Go on - tell us...
I don't know... I was having problems with Steam downloading the preloads properly (happened quite a few times actually), so in the end I decided to cancel it and wait for retail.
But I don't know if I can wait til December 10th, knowing Half Life 2 is already out there to buy from the 16th.
I would not wait if I where you.

4 weeks later than everyone else, for HL:s, well if you want to play HL than play the original ffs. I don't see what is so special about hl:s and the t-shirt, well, who needs a t-shirt of a game. Ofcourse it's nice, but for 20 bucks?

The CE is crap imo.
joepjens said:
well if you want to play HL than play the original ffs

I know exactly what you mean but, still, it would be nice to play the original Half Life with better GFX, physics etc, wouldn't it?

It just seems to be a current trend with DVD related products. They release a bog-standard version first, and then an ULTIMATE LIMITED ULTRA EXTRA FEATURE PACKED COLLECTORS EDITION with a few more special features a couple of months down the line, just to entice the non-plussed people who couldn't be bothered to buy the original in the first place.
Nice way to treat the fans who bought it the second it came out!
<rant over>

originally it was 2 weeks after original so 16 + 14 = 31st but guess it got pushed back to 10th.
Necro said:
originally it was 2 weeks after original so 16 + 14 = 31st but guess it got pushed back to 10th.

That's a fair point. I mean, I wasn't ranting about Half Life 2 specifically, and I do acknowledge that it isn't always exactly 2 months down the line that companies release a better version.
Godcat_V2 said:
I know exactly what you mean but, still, it would be nice to play the original Half Life with better GFX, physics etc, wouldn't it?

It just seems to be a current trend with DVD related products. They release a bog-standard version first, and then an ULTIMATE LIMITED ULTRA EXTRA FEATURE PACKED COLLECTORS EDITION with a few more special features a couple of months down the line, just to entice the non-plussed people who couldn't be bothered to buy the original in the first place.
Nice way to treat the fans who bought it the second it came out!
<rant over>


the HL:S gfx arnt really any better, maps and models remain unchanged only things that are really noticable i think are lighting and water.