Word From Gabe Newell


Sep 13, 2003
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Update: a statement regarding the now infamous Valve hackers had apparently been made by Gabe Newell which you can find here. According to the article in question, Valve had concluded that it was not was not any specific hacking group that gained access to Valve offices in late September and that investigations pointed to an individual in Denmark. This has since been confirmed as false by Gabe himself in a forum post here at HalfLife2.Net...

I am not sure who they were quoting, but it wasn't me.
It has little to do with reality as the "they only stole a third of the source code" statement.
On a final note, Gabe has also posted a thread regarding Condition Zero. While not Half-Life 2 related, I'm sure there will be a huge number of you interested in checking it out.
Damn Denmark :)

I think we should tear down the "Öresundsbron" just for the fun of it :)
Can anybody here read Dansk? I can understand Deutsch... Humbug!
Well, im Swedish but i think it goes something like this:

He sent an email to Gabe asking if it was ***** that cracked Valve (or some other cracker groupe)

He replyed with:

"as it stands right now we can conclude it is not any hacking group, our/police investigations points on a single person from Denmark"

And he say: Can someone in Denmark be so evil to crack Valve and steal the source code? :)

That about it...

I cant speak or write in dannish but we can understand each other very well :)
Yah, thats about it. But if this guy lives in Denmark... Oooooh, please tell me where >:)

Originally posted by Gabe Newell
I am not sure who they were quoting, but it wasn't me.

It has little to do with reality as the "they only stole a third of the source code" statement.

in regards to this quote, from this thread http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12706&perpage=15&pagenumber=1

As it stands right now we can conclude it is not any hacking group, our/police investigations points on a single person from Denmark

so you might wanna update the announcement.
Forget it. If the hacker was a rookie, he'd be caught already. It takes about 10 secs for valve to do a search in their log.

I bet he used proxies. So it's not very odd to have it all point to 1 ip. If they contact this person, he may not be aware at all that his pc was used as a proxy. The list of ip's will go on and on and on. It's not very hard to do, really. You should(n't) search about proxies in google, you'd be surprised how easy it is. What they should do is forget about the whole thing and finish the damn game. Maybe let the FBI or why not the CIA or the KGB handle it. Also there is Greenpeace and WWF who I'm sure will gladly assist. Kofi Annan was talking about it at the last UN meeting. Jacques Chirac said he would veto it if it involved sugar coated laser candy, but they can use other means.

Finish the game, Valve...:bounce:
I think we can close/delete this thread, Gabe has already responded that he did NOT say this at all:

Originally posted by Gabe Newell
I am not sure who they were quoting, but it wasn't me.

It has little to do with reality as the "they only stole a third of the source code" statement.
Foreigners are always hacking

Well it's at know supprise it a Foreigner who hacked Valve...
What I thought...

Hey, deus, it means your wife, she's a big foot. And your kids, they're half big feet too.

Hey Sanchez, gunigugu!:cheese:
No problem Deus, what else are elements for?

(for those of you who don't know what we're talking about, get a hold of Raw and Delirious, wich are two standup comedy shows done by Eddy Murphy during the 80's. both made snot come out of my ears for laughing that hard)
I'm from Denmark.........and I DID IT!!........or did I? Ha, I can't even hack into a yahoo mail
Hehe, you mean "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"
Originally posted by DreamThrall
maybe, it also might be their cheese :dork: :LOL: ;)

What cheese? You must be confusing Denmark with Schwitzerland. I don't think we have any famous cheeses in Denmark. No Lurpak (danish butter) is probably one of the most exciting things we export. That and B&O sound systems...

EDIT: Oh and the danish prime minister looks like Lord Farquaad from Shrek!
Originally posted by Frank
EDIT: Oh and the danish prime minister looks like Lord Farquaad from Shrek!

I always thought he looked like the G-man in the HL2 movies... Scary, I know...
The danish also gave the world those lovely pastries.

I'm an apple and cinnamon man myself.
Yeah of course I have! I AM from Denmark! But......ah forget it
Frank and we also have carlsberg, the best beer in the world... :cheers:
...we've also got Helena Christensen. She's so ****ing beautiful!