Would 0.999... plane be able to take off on a treadmill?


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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If you threw the Eiffel Tower off a cat would it survive?
Depends how big the cat is.
D) Not Enough Information

Because we don't know the shape or the drag coefficient of the treadmill.
If you threw the Eiffel Tower off a cat would it survive?
Well, 0.999... = 1, and we've already determined that one plane CAN take off on a treadmill.

And the second question... are you asking if the tower well survive, or the cat? Yes to the former, because the height of the average cat is not enough to cause significant rotation to the tower, so it would just land on the legs/base of it again with a jolt. The cat however would not survive, but to be fair, it would have been killed during the mounting of the tower on the cat, not the dismount.

Give us something harder to solve riom, this kid's stuff won't bring people back.
Give us something harder to solve riom, this kid's stuff won't bring people back.
Submitted for your consideration:

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