ya Portal 2 sucks

This. Any possible information about EP3 in the game at all?


The game has some of the best, most well designed experiences I've played in a SP game in a long time. The setting is varied far beyond what I could have ever expected after the first game, and not in superficial ways. I'm five hours in, and probably coming up on the end, and frankly, Its absolutely worth the pricetag. Its very obvious how much work went into making the game. Its probably the most polished game ive played in 10 years. I've yet to play the Co-op but I'm sure that will be equally excellent. It is absolutely worth the price.


Jesus christ, it's so disillusioning to hear people talk about value for money in games and only ever refer to the length. God forbid they judge it by the actual content! I could count the number of games that gave me as rich and concentrated an experience as Portal 2 on maybe two hands, meanwhile I've played innumerable more that boasted lengthier, more feature-rich, more open-ended campaigns, and yet were not compelling enough to even come close to finishing. Which deserves my money more, at the end of the day?

Seriously, if you're just going to treat games like amusement park rides (or some better metaphor I haven't thought of), please stay the **** away from my gaming. This is not how we engender better and more engaging experiences.

Edit: The above isn't really targeted at anyone in particular, just ranting at a general, disembodied sentiment like usual. :dork:
All the bad reviews were about the cost of the game, not the fact that the game itself wasn't fun or too challenging or had framerate issues or looked bad. I never really factor in cost in a game because Hell if I wanted to I'd just wait 6 months and pay $15 for it but hell was it fun for the 4 hrs you played it for? Thats all I want to know lol
TBH if you haven't played Portal 2 it's impossible to know whether the hate-spewing gremlins are correct or the hype-spewing reviewers are, because there are games which deserve their vicious backlash and there are games which don't deserve their glowing praise. All you can do is place a bet based on how much you liked Portal 1 and what you know about Valve. I completed P2 earlier today and all I can say is that it is absolutely the dogs nuts. Valve have in no way dropped the ball with the quality of the game.

Whether it gives value for money depends on the buyer. Personally, I buy for moments that stick in the memory, as one of my all time favourites was a full priced, 6 hour long title. P2's a short game, but not remotely as short as the first Portal and not as short as most are saying. It took me about 8 hours in one sitting while I was very tired, with thorough exploration, but on the flipside I never got really stuck and I even missed a couple of easter eggs which I'm now kicking myself over.

I think Krynn hit the nail on the head, saying that most of this is misdirected sour grapes over the ARG. In all honesty I can see why some of those guys are frustrated, but credit should be given where it's due. It's a fantastic game, and I say that as someone who didn't buy into the hype or really even think the game needed to exist, since Portal 1 was essentially self-contained. I even noticed the 'console-friendly' touches but they're not impactful. It's just top drawer.
The game (singleplayer only so far) took me about six hours. Honestly, if anything, it is the perfect length for this kind of game. I think if they expanded the game to be like 12 hours or something like that, it would have ruined it. The pacing was excellent as with the last game and stretching it out would likely have made it impossible for it to maintain. Extra puzzles and whatnot are nice, but its a good idea to take them out of the story driven part of the game. I always felt like I was in the world they created because the story was progressing at all times. There wasn't any longwinded puzzle-only sections to ruin the flow, and I think if they tried to add more character interaction as well as puzzles, then it would have become rather obnoxious after 12 hours.
I don't get how you can finish the game that quick. Played for five hours tonight and I am about halfway. Of course I take my dear old time and I had one or two daft moments, but still.
To be fair, the DLC is absolutely horrid. Yes, I know it's cosmetic, but it's the fact that they would attempt to charge me five dollars for one pair of skins.
Metacritic is always messy when a popular game comes out, people sit there waiting for the comments to unlock just so they can post a 0/10 score. It usually settles down after a couple of weeks, when the people who were never destined to like the game get bored. But even then, its a sodding user vote and about as accurate as a clap-o-meter,

I thought the game was bloody brilliant myself, I am an obvious valve fanboy so very bias, but I honestly think it contains some the best singleplayer stuff they have done.
What is this ARG that everyone seems to be talking about? (is it spoiler related?)

I'm looking forward to playing Portal 2, both single player and co-op.
I haven't yet made up my mind about buying it now though. I might wait until it gets down to $25 and buy two copies so I can play with friends and family.
For people complaining about price that's the beauty about gaming. If you can wait a while you can get the same experience for much much less.(not always true with mp games of course)
I'm pretty sure some of those user reviews are posted under alias accounts.
I find funny people complaining about the "dlc",just look at call of duty that charges 15 dollars for 3 maps

though yeah I think they should have added some default
No, it's the average and ideal length for a game.

Are you serious?
Average and ideal for a game like Portal, sure.

But, for shooters in general? If they have a good enough story and fun gameplay I'd expect most shooters to be in the 15+ hour range.
I find funny people complaining about the "dlc",just look at call of duty that charges 15 dollars for 3 maps

though yeah I think they should have added some default

i don't want to defend call of duty here, but paying money for maps is far, far better than paying money for cosmetic makeovers or gestures. there is no argument there and i'm quite surprised someone tried to make it, really.

that isn't to say paying for dlc is or isn't good at all, mind, but that's an entirely different argument on it's own.
I'm fine with idiots buying that shit as long as Valve doesn't charge for new maps etc.
But, for shooters in general? If they have a good enough story and fun gameplay I'd expect most shooters to be in the 15+ hour range.

Why, exactly? I think, if anything, shooters are the worst candidates for longer games. I don't think I've ever played a 15 hour shooting game that didn't feel pretty forced in many parts. Shooting doesn't exactly provide a wealth of variety.
Fantastic singleplayer, Valve's most well put together campaign for sure.

One thing I really didn't like:

The implementation of The National's song. How you happen to find a room with like, lyrics on the wall, and the song is playing. That was so lame. Not to mention it was never brought up again, so it just felt wedged in there as some selling point; instead of something that had a purpose in the game.
It is a shame, because The National is a good band. I thought the song they recorded for the game might of shown up at the end of the game.
I was listening to that song all day today. Personally I enjoyed having it play while I was doing that particular puzzle.

Also as knut said, money for maps is far better than money for cosmetic add-ons.
i don't want to defend call of duty here, but paying money for maps is far, far better than paying money for cosmetic makeovers or gestures. there is no argument there and i'm quite surprised someone tried to make it, really.

that isn't to say paying for dlc is or isn't good at all, mind, but that's an entirely different argument on it's own.

The thing is, Valve has always released maps and gameplay additions for free and they continue to do so alongside the paid cosmetic stuff, which, admittedly, is a ripoff of epic proportions. The comparison that Valve charges for pointless cosmetic additions and Activision charges for map packs leaves out the other, more important side of the issue: Valve still gives their map packs for free. If I had to choose between having free map packs alongside stupid paid cosmetic items I can just ignore, or paid map packs, there is no contest which is a better deal. Obviously, I doubt Portal 2 is going to have map packs in the sense that CoD does, so I'm thinking more of TF2 right now because it's a closer comparison. The item store in Portal 2 is certainly something that bothers me in principle, but right now it's a meaningless addition that only a complete idiot would participate in. The only effect it has on me is the worry that this system will replace the free content additions in the future, and a little bit of disappointment in Valve for taking advantage of the morons who pay large amounts of money for these things. It's in no way a good thing, but I don't think it's as bad as people make it sound.

Remember when you could import skins, add sounds, and make models without having to buy anything but the game itself?

I don't understand; what makes you say that this no longer the case? The Source SDK isn't going anywhere, and I haven't heard anything about it not getting support for Portal 2.
Portal 2 will end up the same way Team fortress 2 did. Lots of patchs that bring extra content for nil price and add some cosmetic items for those who wish to pay extra.
I just don't understand why it needs to be paid; pre-hat store did it the best. Unlockable, even super rare was better than paid. It made them worth something, impressive, etc. It's funny, the TF2 team released the trading system at the same time they ruined their own in-game economy. It is, and will always be, a shameless money grab.
I don't understand; what makes you say that this no longer the case? The Source SDK isn't going anywhere, and I haven't heard anything about it not getting support for Portal 2.

I'm talking along the lines of HLDM, TFC, and CS 1.6 where all of that stuff was built into the game. You had a huge variety of skins in HLDM.

Jesus christ, it's so disillusioning to hear people talk about value for money in games and only ever refer to the length. God forbid they judge it by the actual content! I could count the number of games that gave me as rich and concentrated an experience as Portal 2 on maybe two hands, meanwhile I've played innumerable more that boasted lengthier, more feature-rich, more open-ended campaigns, and yet were not compelling enough to even come close to finishing. Which deserves my money more, at the end of the day?

Seriously, if you're just going to treat games like amusement park rides (or some better metaphor I haven't thought of), please stay the **** away from my gaming. This is not how we engender better and more engaging experiences.

Couldn't agree more.

I knew within the first 5 minutes of the game my money was well spent, It was like I was rediscovering a gaming experience I haven't had since I loaded up the orange box for the first time years ago.
Portal 2 will end up the same way Team fortress 2 did. Lots of patchs that bring extra content for nil price and add some cosmetic items for those who wish to pay extra.

Yeah. Just like they did for L4D, right?
Yeah. Just like they did for L4D, right?

The extent that goes into making L4D2 campaigns outway both Team Fortress 2 updates and what Portal 2 could hope to achieve.
I have difficulty thinking they'll leave Portal 2 as is. The campaign felt about right for length and number of rooms, but I expected it to get a bit harder than it did, although I was definitely stumped a few times. With all the new elements they've added - lasers, light bridges, floaty things, bouncy things, paint, etc, the breadth of puzzles they could create must be huge. Also looking forward to seeing what the mod community comes up with.
Those Metacritic haters can lick my hairy ball sack.

I loved every part of Portal 2, the difficulty and pacing was just right to make you think without over confusing you in any one chamber. The song at the end was great, not going to spoil it for those who haven't played it, but it's good! Storyline was so damn good, characters were spot on, length was about right - I completed it in about 7 hours, and then did the Co-op in about 6 and a half, so that's some good content from one game.

And as much as I hate the Mann Co. Store in TF2, the Portal 2 store isn't as bad, it's just personal customization, its not 24 people running about with glowing top hats on.
i don't want to defend call of duty here, but paying money for maps is far, far better than paying money for cosmetic makeovers or gestures. there is no argument there and i'm quite surprised someone tried to make it, really.

that isn't to say paying for dlc is or isn't good at all, mind, but that's an entirely different argument on it's own.

the point is that valve dont charge for maps,and what it charges is just cosmethics stuff that are not required to play the game
This could explain some of the user reviews: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/04/20/portal-2-in-4-hours-the-steam-timer-is-a-lie/

I don't know why I didn't think of this, actually. Was talking in steamchat while playing and someone who started at the same time as me said he only had 2 hours played on his profile while I had 5. Checked it out and it showed 5 for him on my end, so I guess it's not updating properly for certain people.

And yeah, the new credits song is pretty catchy, as to be expected from JC. :)

Just beat it on my PS3, I really enjoyed the game and don't see what all the bitching is about.

Sure, it's a bit short, I got through it in maybe I think around 8 hours not counting co-op since I haven't tried that yet.

Overall, I am happy with my purchase, especially since I can give the PS3 version to a friend should I desire to and I'll still have access to the PC version on Steam.

Also, I far preferred Still Alive to the new credit song, might just be me though.:p
Also, if anyone is up for co-op please send me a message on Steam and I'll boot up my PS3.

I really need to find a co-op partner, I got mic and all.
I don't get this whole "only a complete idiot would spend money on X" thing people keep coming out with. Some people just have lots of spare cash to the point that spending $90 on cosmetic shit in a videogame means about as much to them as spending 1c would be to us poor suckers. Expense is a relative thing.
when valve releases portal 2 with episode 3 in some "Blue" Box or something, I'll get it, as for now i'll probably just rent it in the near future..
I don't get this whole "only a complete idiot would spend money on X" thing people keep coming out with. Some people just have lots of spare cash to the point that spending $90 on cosmetic shit in a videogame means about as much to them as spending 1c would be to us poor suckers. Expense is a relative thing.

Well, if one were to be super-moral one could argue that those $90 could have been of a lot more use as a whole if they had for example given them to a poor family or such.:p

I'm not saying I agree with that argumentation, I'm just saying what someone could argue.
when valve releases portal 2 with episode 3 in some "Blue" Box or something, I'll get it, as for now i'll probably just rent it in the near future..

Never gona happen. Just buy the damn game. You have no reason not to, it's a brilliant game.
Sure, it's a bit short, I got through it in maybe I think around 8 hours not counting co-op since I haven't tried that yet.

What kinds of games do you usually play where 8 hours is "a bit short"?
To Stern and the others saying that it's a brilliant game, it doesn't deserve such low scores or terrible reviews: Yeah, of course it's a great game! It was made by Valve! But they dropped the ball with the in-game store. It's not so much that it's going to affect my personal enjoyment of the game (I will ignore it completely) but that it is an uncharacteristically declasse move for Valve. I used to be a total fanboy a few years back, but that enthusiasm has waned significantly, thanks to their disregard of their earliest customers - HL fans - and the way they developed the TF2 ecosystem. Counterstrike gave me about 10 years of fun. TF2 has devolved into something that for me at least, is quite unplayable already. Yeah, it's possible to ignore the clutter that emanates from the store, but why should I have to?

And then there is the issue of pricing. While I will buy it at it's current price, I can see why many will be dissatisfied with their purchase. It was marketed as a "regular" game (unlike Portal 1) but there just enough content here. Yeah, it's a great experience and the player will be left with some awesome memories when he's done, but same was true of the full length Half-life games, except they also gave 15+ hours of play and some measure of replayability. I'm not arguing that Portal 2 should be longer, I'm arguing that it should be a proportionally cheaper.
I just don't understand why it needs to be paid; pre-hat store did it the best. Unlockable, even super rare was better than paid. It made them worth something, impressive, etc. It's funny, the TF2 team released the trading system at the same time they ruined their own in-game economy. It is, and will always be, a shameless money grab.

ya companies shouldnt be in business to make money they should be in business to make us happy

goddam Mr Christie should give their cookies away for FREE otherwise it's just a blatant money grab

see how stupid this sounds? why doesnt that apply to gaming companies but it does with every other industry