You there

Student. But I have a small job designing websites right now.
Just working retail at the moment, selling phones to the uninformed.
Web/Software Developer/IT support/graphic designer

They got me doing just about everything in this small company.
I am the carpenter.


also a carpenter:


also a carpenter:


I'm a web designer, print and multimedia guy
Im envious of you guys. Id take any job atm, but there simply are none where i live.


I am currently a barista at a coffee shop.

But come September I am going to university to become a student.

I will be studying Criminology to become Sherlock Holmes.
Student and technology sales associate at an office supply store.

When I'm not busy beating customers over the head to buy product protection plans and PC optimization services, I'm giving unofficial tech support to clueless simps who don't know how to change the ink cartridges on their printers.
I'm a student, but right now I do molecular genetics research in a nearby childrens hospital.
When I'm not busy beating customers over the head to buy product protection plans and PC optimization services, I'm giving unofficial tech support to clueless simps who don't know how to change the ink cartridges on their printers.

I hated nagging people to buy shit they didn't need. The majority of the time I'd basically say something like "also, I'm required to ask if you would like to purchase a protection plan which in all likelihood will be a waste of your money".

Didn't meet my quota for protection plans needless to say...
I temporarily work for a company that hires me for another company that works for a low-cost European airliner. Currently I'm dealing with all the people that had their flights canceled due to the volcano disruption and want their money back.

So I basically look like I'm hacking into the Pentagon while typing stuff in a text based booking management system.

I also get my share of good laughs at the stupidity of some people. Seriously, a lot of people I'm dealing with can't write an e-mail properly and/or seem retarded.
So I basically look like I'm hacking into the Pentagon while typing stuff in a text based booking management system.

I was once able to look behind the counter while one of those guys were typing on a computer like that. It looked primitive as hell, like some early DOS OS. Why dont they update the system with something that atleast has a GUI? The guy had super fast typing skills tho, typing in numbers from like 50 different tickets with 1 hand. Ive never seen fingers move so fast in my life, he didnt even look at the keyboard.
I was once able to look behind the counter while one of those guys were typing on a computer like that. It looked primitive as hell, like some early DOS OS. Why dont they update the system with something that atleast has a GUI? The guy had super fast typing skills tho, typing in numbers from like 50 different tickets with 1 hand. Ive never seen fingers move so fast in my life, he didnt even look at the keyboard.

I don't know, really. A few guys at work say it's probably because it's supposedly more stable being primitive like that. I'm not convinced.

There is so much that could be improved in order to make stuff more effective in both this system and the one that manages e-mails (which is graphical) it's crazy.
Ive never seen fingers move so fast in my life, he didnt even look at the keyboard.

When you work with computers all the time doing data entry you get that way. When I worked for an insurance company, I spent all day typing in information I got off paperwork sent to us. Once I got used to to the software and the process, what originally took me ten minutes to fill out quickly became a matter of seconds. The keypad on the keyboard makes typing in numbers a breeze, and then I learned all the hotkeys and shortcuts like Tabbing over to the next field, or hitting alt-key combinations.

Of course, that only applies if you're attentive and want to improve your efficiency. The only other person doing the same work as me was there for like 2 years before I started, and she was getting 30 reports done per day, and in less than a month of working there I was doing 80 a day. My boss was flabbergasted.
I bet she hated you after that... making her look bad and her boss demanding she improve herself.
Whatevs, she was your stereotypical dumb blonde anyways, and I was only a temp so I didn't have to put up with her crying for long.
Designer at vidyagames.

I mean sculpta, sir.
At the moment, I was a student, but I've run out of money and no work ethic made my grades go to shit. 94% average exam grade, 72% in the class because of homework. I'm working two lifeguarding jobs, and one working at a rock wall. I'm probably going to join the Air Force Reserves to get my shit in shape and to help pay for college.

I study, play and try to squeeze in sleep when I can.
temp worker at factory that supplies Toyota. the only way to truly get hired on is going through this temp agency and being exploited for a year at least, but it allows me to live on my own comfortably and without much issue.
Electronics Clerk

$12.50/hr = $30k a year

just enough to live on but not much to work with
Student studying forensic science. Worked in security recruitment before for 2 years (gah...) and working in a forensic lab over summer doing crime scene finger printing.
Electronics Clerk

$12.50/hr = $30k a year

just enough to live on but not much to work with

Ugh, you're cost of living must be giant.

I make $15/hr and I'm able to happily afford a sports car, buying random electornics, buy booze daily and still have enough for rent and shit.

My 2 bedroom 1 bath house I'm renting is only 425 a month. I'm assuming that's "WTF CHEAP" to you?
Ugh, you're cost of living must be giant.

I make $15/hr and I'm able to happily afford a sports car, buying random electornics, buy booze daily and still have enough for rent and shit.

My 2 bedroom 1 bath house I'm renting is only 425 a month. I'm assuming that's "WTF CHEAP" to you?

He spends it all on the ladies.
I get something like $23,000/yr as a grad student (I'm only paid for 20 hrs per week but I actually work something like 50 hrs/week). I still manage to pay for my own rent and everything though. Somehow I only spend ~$150-$200/month on food, $30-$50 on electric, and $50 on internet. Rent is ridiculously high but manageable. I think I'm one of the few people actually saving up money by being a grad student.
holy crap, it's almost as if the cost of living varies by the location in which one lives!

also, I write code for a living
holy crap, it's almost as if the cost of living varies by the location in which one lives!

Thanks for reiterating what I was talking about?

Oh, you were being sarcastic. Bravo.
Ugh, you're cost of living must be giant.

I make $15/hr and I'm able to happily afford a sports car, buying random electornics, buy booze daily and still have enough for rent and shit.

My 2 bedroom 1 bath house I'm renting is only 425 a month. I'm assuming that's "WTF CHEAP" to you?

Yeah, thats pretty freaking cheap.

My 2b/1bath apartment in florida was 800/mo three years ago, my cousin's crappy place back home in Connecticut is over a grand for 1b/1bath. My place now is a 2b/1bath duplex which is only 475 though. And I was making 35k and living niiiice.
I get paid to sell pastries and fine chocolate and cakes and to make coffee and listen to The Field and Boards of Canada and DJ Shadow loudly.

I also theoretically maintain a website's product catalogue.

I am also a student, second year Bachelor of Arts. (yesss)

But most of my income is from moderating this sorry excuse for a forum.