Zero Punctuation: The E3 Trailer Park

This one was rather good.


"In the eighties you had games about chefs riding giant stick insects while wielding guns that shoot velociraptors."

I lolled.

Also a lot of truth this one. Especially this:


MGS4 comes to mind.
Anyone else notice Qonfused muffed up Punctuation?


Good job.

EDIT: Whatever dick. You changed it. I was going to quote it, but I figured what the hell.
Greatness. oh and the VATs shit in FO3 is just so stupid.
You know a game is shitty, when even the Corporate HypeBot criticizes it.

On topic: awesome. The segment with him waking the viewer up and Fallout 3 were pure gold. AWESOME.
Agreed with him on just about everything. Except that FFXIII will be crap. I LOVED XII and hope this continues such greatness.
I dunno, I thought the new PoP looks rather good. Otherwise, Yahtzee is bang on the money about everything.
Think he's going to be right about FO3's VATS thing.

It's not remotely going to be the same. VATS isn't like a final fantasy cut scene in terms of how it works. Yatzee half assing on that one. Plus the character they demoed with was all kinds of hacked in terms of stats (using VATS doesn't guarantee hits, or hit's on target, or critical hits), it was pretty much just a means to show the game exists and some of the Arsenal of weapons available.
As much as I detest Yahtzee's opinion of Sigur Ros, the video was up to his usual form and I should probably take solace in the fact it's taken me this long to be offended by anything he says.
The "wake up" part made me laugh really hard.
It's not remotely going to be the same. VATS isn't like a final fantasy cut scene in terms of how it works. Yatzee half assing on that one. Plus the character they demoed with was all kinds of hacked in terms of stats (using VATS doesn't guarantee hits, or hit's on target, or critical hits), it was pretty much just a means to show the game exists and some of the Arsenal of weapons available.

He wasn't rambling about hits, we was rambling about the cutscenes being played every. Single. Time. When VATS was used.
He wasn't rambling about hits, we was rambling about the cutscenes being played every. Single. Time. When VATS was used.

I'm sure they're not stupid enough to do it every. single. time.

And if they are, then there will be mods to fix it.
And if they are, then there will be mods to fix it.

The second reason I'm getting Fallout; so I can let people mod the shit out of it for me.

Hopefully it will be a good enough game to stand on its own, but I'm not banking on it.