Zombie Master Beta update patch & linux server build released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Since Zombie Master's Beta release last week, the response has been staggering. The number of people playing and supporting the mod has been incredible, and is certainly one of (if not the best) playable mods out there.

The guys over at Zombie Master have fixed some of the most pressing bugs with the initial beta release, alongside providing a linux dedicated server pack. Change list includes:
  • Created a moving banshee cap
  • Fixed the spawnkilling problems
  • Temporarily fixed the invisible lawyer model
  • Fixed blood effects for zombies
  • Created a Linux build
  • Numerous gameplay changes made to dotd
Check this link from the ZM forums for download links and further information. Don't get left behind and miss the promise this mod has.
Alright! Good to see some quick action with these patches.
If it fixes the spawning bug, I'll be a happy panda.
So far so good. I played on a server for a good hour earlier today under the name 'RetroEvolute' if any of you guys were there for that. Went well, I'd say.

Just a few lag issues and then it's tweaking animations and more level creation and what not 'til completion from my pov.
Glad you're all enjoying it so far. There's more to come...
Great mod! Can't wait for more content. :D

Keep it up.
Really fun mod, best when things get desperate on the human side :)
Really fun mod, best when things get desperate on the human side :)

Yep! I really need to download this beta and try it out, tis been awhile since I tested the game, need more time in the day. :(
I downloaded the mod and patch yesterday but the game crashed as soon as I got into a server. Bummer :( sounded fun
Really good fun being ZM too, I kicked ass against 15 players today, was really good fun.
I happened to go ZM one round, had no clue what I was doing and within seconds people started calling me a nub. Lol. And its been out for literally days. Here is my suggestion. Implement a system where upon joining the server, players can decide whether to be placed in the ZM Cue. You could make turns as ZM random or systematical IE(first come first serve). should make it so people have the choice whether to be ZM or not. Not everyone enjoys being ZM, even if they know how too. Just how not everyone can take the command chair in Natural Selection. But other than that I can't wait to play some more.

Also because I'm a visual learner, a manual with images would be nice at some point.
Here is my suggestion. Implement a system where upon joining the server, players can decide whether to be placed in the ZM Cue. You could make turns as ZM random or systematical IE(first come first serve). should make it so people have the choice whether to be ZM or not. Not everyone enjoys being ZM, even if they know how too. Just how not everyone can take the command chair in Natural Selection. But other than that I can't wait to play some more.

If you press Esc and go to the main menu, there's an option called "Zombie Master Game Information". In there you can see the weights for players to become ZM, as well as opt out of becoming ZM.
Congrats on the release guys! Played it with a couple of guys the other day, has some hilarious moments in it. Love the crane which drops the huge cargo-container on Zombies XD

What I didn't like was the CS-style respawn system :/ kinda pulled out the arcade-style it would otherwise have (and fits zombie-battling better imo).
Especially since "rounds" would take up to 20 mins sometimes, and if you "accidentally" die you have to wait that long to play :/

I understand the "survivor"-mentality though, so maybe I should just play it more and it will grow on me. All in all congrats and the HL2 modding scene is enriched with another awesome mod :D

ps, any chance we'd get body dismemberment? Perhaps like in Soldier of Fortune or in House of the Dead. That would make zombie-killing even more cooler.
Also, you guys planning on making an Evil-Dead like Cottage-map in a forest? :p
Every time anyone mentions zombie dismemberment, theGreenBunny develops this kind of twitch and starts shouting at everyone. So I don't know about that.

Map-wise, there's no current plan for an Evil Dead-esque map. I've got 4 currently lined up, and none of them are like that :)
theGreenBunny develops this kind of twitch and starts shouting at everyone. So I don't know about that.

I thought tGB twitching was good???

Glad to see a lot of people like it. Quite funny to play with if you are playing with friends.
The Banshees need optimizing a bit, they seem to lag/twitch about, not very clean animation. The other zombies are find though.
Kronos thanks for the tip! ABout the CS style re spawn. Personally I like it how it is. It kind of annoys me that in todays games everyone needs gameplay to be fast and furious in order to have fun. Gamers should treat death like a penalty, not just a temporary annoyance. Its simple, if you die it means you simply need to get better skilled. Personally I dislike when games/mods implement handicaps for unskilled players. Cough( Natural Selection)Cough.. Learn to play better and die less and you wont have to sit 20 minutes for a round to end.

One idea which someone jokingly brought up last night on a server was in betting. When a player dies to keep them occupied until the rounds end, there could be a betting system on which players can pick who they think will survive the round. But rather than prize $ you could be betting to win items for the next round such as a shotguns or extra ammo or something clever.
Or give dead players the ability to revive one or two zombies:D just after they've been killed. These are just examples but they help keep the gameplay interesting even when you are dead.

Having said that, honestly the waiting after death doesn't really bother me too much.
Also a funny story. I was in the tower last night and I wedged myself up in the window while firing down on the zombies below. A banshee comes up the ladder and into the tower. It walks around confused and close enough for me to punch it in the face without it harming me.Just when I think I am completely safe and unreachable by the AI the banshee makes a leap at the window, nocking me from the tower and I fly all the way literally across half the map to my death 100 or so feet below. Lol.