Zombie Master BETA v1.0 Released


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
[br][br]That's right - you can play Zombie Master right now. It's a multiplayer modification that pits human players against one omnipotent "Zombie Master", who is given control of a horde of zombies. RTS and FPS fans alike should rejoice. [br] [br] Click here to download the mod.[br] [br] For information on the mod, or to discuss it on the official forums, click here.
Fixed your link there sui :) and can I get a rousing **** YES?!
I think we both fixed the link, at the same time. HIGHFIVE. I was going to delete and remake at first, but for some strange and stupid reason I can't delete my own posts.

mods released "out of the blue" never feel quite right... but great nonetheless!
This mod sounds like it will keep my sanity until Left 4 Dead. I'll check it out tommorow.
Someone should make a server so we can all play together. :D
That was unexpected... but awesome, finally I can have an excuse to enjoy online gaming again.
It might, it might not. Doesn't interest me enough to click the link.

Well, at least it interested you enough to post a comment that you aren't interested.

Mod is pretty fun, except for the random crashes and not spawning some rounds and the lack of any teamwork. but hopefully that will change soon
not enough servers. I joined one and I had to watch two matches then it crashed. Game looks really fun, even to watch I was laughing. Obviously the models and animations could use some work, performance was very slow when there were lots of zombies up. A few guys got on the posts in the warehouse and were untouchable and had to kill themselves. While in spectator I could see my arms, Chat text was cut off.

The beta severs have passwords on them, why?
I can't even play.

Joined two servers filled with people whining about being stuck in spectator mode.

Joined the only server that was up.
Waiting 10 minutes to start playing.
Game said "round restarting.
Game crashed :(
So.... everyone has downloaded, but nobody has actually played a game... nice.
Nah I played.

It's decent for a first release. Has some game-breaking issues though.

1) Player models turn invisible
2) You can get stuck on ladders and can't get off
3) Many server crashes (haven't had any client crashes so far)

Besides that, it's a bunch of annoying issues including multiple chat bugs, lagginess, zombies acting wierd, etc etc

It has potential, but right now it's sort of a turn off due to the bugs making it not too much fun.
:( I couldnt seem to actually play the game, and I also had teh invisible player model thing

looks really cool, I'll try again tommorow...
The news post failed to mention that this is a beta release, in order for us to catch as many bugs as possible so we can fix them for the main release.

Obviously, we're now aware of the major issues, and they'll be fixed forthwith.
When there's enough players (i.e. two), the server should automatically pick a zombie master. Everyone else should be human.
So you are not able to spawn until the round is over, assuming you join late?
Yeah. Think of it like CS in that regard.
Holy crap, I might actually open up Steam for the first time in yonks.
I can start my own servers, but i sure can't play against others.
is there a time limit on the matches? because in retrospect it might have just been because there was an AFK player in play... But I still waited like 10-15 mins to play
ugh, round based game play
who wants to wait and spectate
who ever came up with round based gameplay should be shot