Recent content by altceva

  1. altceva

    The Space Core is returning in Skyrim.

    Link. "DRAGONS! No, no, no dragons, just space!" It's a mod for another game, but it comes with Valve's permission, just for fun.
  2. altceva

    A very merry Christmas giveaway!

    I guess I can read an official Portal story, so count me in! Merry Christmas everyone, another year ends without news about Gordon... :(
  3. altceva

    The Fact Core

    Valve at its best. Just listen to the Fact Core's complete dialogue... I simply laugh my ass off.
  4. altceva

    Post- Half Life future hinted at in Portal 2 (SPOILERS!)

    The message is really simple guys: you end up a in wheat field. What harvests wheat? Erm... a COMBINE, maybe?
  5. altceva

    Funny Russian HL2 Mod

    I went over this thing, thought about sharing it with you guys, as it looks kinda funny and stupid. Sorry if it was posted before somewhere else around here, I didn't find it. Half Life 2: Mr. Muscle Mod.
  6. altceva

    Gabe Newell's Interview with G4

    I am hoping I will play Ep.3 in this life...
  7. altceva

    Barneys clothes

    Valve is still undecided. They are trying to figure out which one fits Barney's personality better. Below there are a few versions. 1. Arctic suit. 2. Camo suit. 3. Armour suit. 4. Combine synth suit. 5. Rebel suit. 6. Anti-suppression field awareness campaign suit. 7. Space marine...
  8. altceva

    Baby picture in Gordons locker

    Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.
  9. altceva

    A Speculative Analysis of the Enrichment Center and GLaDOS.

    To begin with, sorry for my English, it's not my native language. The only thing I do know for certain in this game is about the neurotoxine release which is all bluffing from Glados. Yes, she has the gas, she even tries to kill Chell with it, she is aware of the fact that gas kills humans...
  10. altceva

    Where did you first play Half-Life

    I was raised in Bucharest, Romania. I was 19 years old when Half Life was released. In 1998, in Romania were no copyrights for music, movies, videogames and any other types of media, and it was enough for someone to buy Half Life and crack it, the next week the whole country was playing it. Back...
  11. altceva

    The unofficial art contest (discussion)

    There's freedom in drawing even if you have a specific theme. It would be much cooler to see everyone's imagination trying to represent a limited thing. You sir, are getting annoyed too quickly. Relax, it's a hobby for all of us here, and the winner doesn't even get free chocolate. Take a...
  12. altceva

    Dave's HL2 Sketches

    Chili, you're my new hero. I'm raising money for a graphic tablet as well, I just hate to work with the mouse, I feel constrained. Great sketches, great digital images! By any means necessary... DO. NOT. STOP.
  13. altceva

    The unofficial art contest (discussion)

    I hope I'm not too late with my last entry, I found about the contest only a few hours ago... Please notice the girl is scared inside, shocked by the fact her mask is broken and she's instantly contaminated (at least that was the inital idea). I can't wait for another contest with proper...
  14. altceva

    The unofficial art contest (entry)

    I hope it's not too late... Source file here.