Recent content by Dr_Crowbar

  1. Dr_Crowbar

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    Through my inside contact at Valve's office, i have acquired the following shocking information! 1. Ricochet 2 (obviously, i mean, who couldn't see this coming?!) 2. Half Life 2: Opposing Force, the return of Adrian Shephard (freaking finally!) 3. Team Hat Fortress (you play as a hat, but you...
  2. Dr_Crowbar

    Team Fortress 2 Polycount Pack winners announced.

    Every update, same thing... "No, this is stupid, im quitting TF2" "No, stupid items, im not playing with them" "Oh you're using them, but they're so overpowered and not fair!" "Oh well, since I got a drop, i might as well try it" "Oh sweet, Im getting kills with the new stuff" "Cool items...
  3. Dr_Crowbar

    Engineer Update Day 3: Community Wrench and New Map

    Oh snap! Update is LIVE!
  4. Dr_Crowbar

    Engineer Update Day 2: The Wrangler and Achievements

    Judging by the achievement pics, looks like engy's melee unlock is a guitar. Although that makes me wonder how on earth do you upgrade your stuff then.
  5. Dr_Crowbar

    Surprise! Portal 2 Coming to Playstation 3

    I'm betting my bottom dollar its gonna get delayed a few months before the release date, in a typical Valve fashion, obviously. Don't even care anymore. I'm so gonna start torrenting Valve games at some point just out of spite.
  6. Dr_Crowbar

    Portal 2 delayed, E3 Surprise "Portal 2 Themed"

    *sigh* Gabe needs to be slapped. :| Come on, give us SOMETHING to speculate about. Some sketches, artwork, even general ideas on future of Half Life saga, anything. Zero of new information feels like they just enjoy being cruel to the fans... Naaaah, who am I kidding, all they're gonna do...
  7. Dr_Crowbar

    Next Half-life to Scare and 'Broaden Emotional Palette'

    Soooo... are we to expect Half Life 3 to start with a middle-aged, HEV-less Gordon getting his kids kidnapped by G-Man? I jest, i jest... Although I do wanna see how well Gordon would do without those convenient morphine injections. Mmmmm... morphine.
  8. Dr_Crowbar

    Team Fortress 2 Community Contribute Items Added

    Oh man, Hustler's Hallmark is sweeeet... Still no pirate hat, though.
  9. Dr_Crowbar

    Soldier or Demo

    Maggots are not welcome in my world.
  10. Dr_Crowbar

    Team Fortress 2 Weekend Update: Arts and Craft

    I bet the medic is gonna get a "Novelty Defibrillator" that can revive fallen teammates aka BF2.
  11. Dr_Crowbar

    Steamcast Interview with Gabe Newell

    Well, good thing Black Mesa: Source(well, not "Source" but everyone calls it like that anyway) gonna be released by the end of the year... uhhh... hopefully. So we'll have something to play while we wait for Ep 3.
  12. Dr_Crowbar

    Black Mesa Official Trailer Released

    I came.