Recent content by rd_syringe

  1. R

    Here's wishing there weren't Episodes

    The problem with the structure of an episode is that the self-contained storyline is, well, self-contained. *It's limited by length and can't carry itself across extended sections of the game.* It also means having everything come to an abrupt halt with an annoying cliffhanger, ala Episode One.*...
  2. R

    Here's wishing there weren't Episodes

    The problem there is that when you finally get around to playing all three episodes together, episodes one and two will look very dated because they're recycling assets and technology from HL2 instead of being part of a new, cohesive experience. When I first heard about this trilogy of episodic...
  3. R

    Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source Update Released

    I've noticed the stuttering has always occured in specific places. For instance, I'm thinking of the "pick up the can" area. Or when Dr. Breen begins speaking when you first step out of the train. What is going on in those areas?
  4. R

    Easter Eggs

    Black Mesa is in New Mexico, as stated in the game and in the manual.
  5. R

    Audio Problems with HL2

    I had the same problem; then I realized I still had the tweaks enabled. I removed them, and the patch suddenly took effect for me.
  6. R

    Soooo Half Life 2 is the Reloaded of the game world

    Personally, I adored Xen.
  7. R

    I want Exactly whats happening!

    You really need to beat Half-Life 1.
  8. R

    Forgive my frankness...

    The events of Half-Life 1 have everything to do with Half-Life 2, from causing the Portal Storms and introducing the Xen aliens to Earth to introducing the G-Man and the idea of the Administrator. The resonance cascade in Half-Life 1 is the whole catalyst for this entire storyline. I feel...
  9. R

    How many of you guys DID NOT get stuck anywhere?

    I was briefly stuck in Ravenholm trying to get over the electric fence. A little exploring and I realized I could turn off the fire pit and enter the building.
  10. R

    Soooo Half Life 2 is the Reloaded of the game world

    I've noticed that the story for Half-Life 2 is very subtle. You can piece it together with hints throughout the game, and most of the time you're asking more questions than getting answers. It's done in a weird and mysterious way, like it's all a setup for something big coming in HL3. I...
  11. R

    Just finishing the game. It was too short

    The game was long enough for me. After the audio stuttering patch fixed my issues, I spent three days and nights playing the thing to beat it.
  12. R

    What is the 7 years war? Plus ending dissapointing.

    I'm sure it was done on purpose in order to give Half-Life 3 lots of things to reveal. I like how mysterious and abrupt this ending is. Makes you immediately want HL3.
  13. R

    The reason for G Man waking up Gordon? A possible answer!

    It's rather like the theories that came out after Matrix Reloaded, except that Half-Life 2 didn't suck like the Matrix Reloaded did...
  14. R

    So what happened to Breen? (spoilers)

    I think this is one of the more overlooked points here. I read it, and it makes sense. I have a feeling that in HL3, the G-Man may use Alyx as a bargaining point to keep you following his orders. HL2 had to have ended on a total cliffhanger for a reason. We were warned about this cliffhanger...