Recent content by redundant

  1. redundant

    Anyone got a guess on when "spore" is gonna come out?

    It's not until 2007 I don't think...
  2. redundant

    Traversing a LinkedList in Java

    Thanks heaps guys. That was exactly what I was after, VigilanteP. It was for a uni project I'm making that simulates students using a computer lab. The linked list is used as a queue of students waiting for a free computer to become available. I needed to traverse the list so that I can call...
  3. redundant

    Traversing a LinkedList in Java

    Hey, Just wondering if anyone could help me out here. I didn't have much luck over at, so if anyone knows any good forums that have a good response rate that'd help me out heaps too... Anyways, back to the matter at hand. I've got a LinkedList in a Java Class that I'm...
  4. redundant

    Playstation 3 to debute before E3!

    I heard it would be late 2005 - early 2006. I'm pretty sure all of the dates for the PS3 are bogus, anyway. My money is somewhere early 2006, like April.
  5. redundant

    Xbox 2 coming THIS YEAR

    Go go Phantom!
  6. redundant

    Stun stick and Slam in next version of HL2DM

    I would have assumed that because the stunstick is coming in, then it means that the new gametype is ready. If you recall a little while ago, there was talk of the stunstick making an appearance in a new objective-based gametype that they are working on. Here's hoping...
  7. redundant

    Something you ought to know about Steam forums

    What are you going on about FreonStud? All he said was that he didn't want anyone who overclocks their system to complain about the problem in that thread. He'd only ban them if they persisted in posting complaints. Completely reasonable.
  8. redundant

    F.E.A.R. has combine soldiers!

    That guy has goggles. Therefore, that guy = combine.
  9. redundant

    Your favourite 3 forum members?

    There's too much love in this forum, dammit! It sickens me! My heart is made of ice! I love nobody!
  10. redundant

    Stuck on ravenholm PLZE HELP!!!

    Basically, he's sending the basket over to you and you have to wait on the roof fighting off the fast zombies until it gets there.
  11. redundant

    75 Zombies VS 1 Huge Suspended Mace

    It's your CPU, not your graphics card that's making it slow down. It still has to do the insane physics calculations of 75 ragdolls flying around.
  12. redundant

    What did you get for christmas?

    Nokia 7610. Which is nice seeing as how my old phone wouldn't let me talk to people for more than 20 seconds before it runs out of battery.
  13. redundant

    Question For Anyone who can answer

    I don't know about PC games, but if you were to buy an PAL game for an un-modded NTSC PS2, it wouldn't work.
  14. redundant

    Is traptown downloadable?

    Go to and download the HL2DM map pack. In there is a map called "dm_phystown" or something like that, and it's a multiplayer version of traptown. It looks identical, and has all the physics tricks you see in the e3 demo, but no AI or anything.
  15. redundant

    First half-life 2 mod

    I'm looking forward to... They all look excelent.