Recent content by SgtSpamBoy

  1. SgtSpamBoy

    NECA Announce Partnership with Valve to Make Consumer Products

    Finally!! I've been waiting for this for six years! On another note: I haven't posted on here in a year or so... glad to see some things never change - Darkside is still as bitter and negative as always :p
  2. SgtSpamBoy

    Gaming Heads to Release Headcrab Zombie Figure

    I second that! Again, who are these giant, expensive sculptures FOR? Still quite a niche audience if you ask me. I think they would make more money by volume if they sold smaller figures in the $20 range. I would LOVE to have the HL2 or TF2 characters on my desk. These sculptures they're...
  3. SgtSpamBoy

    Halo Reach

    I totally get that being new to Halo multiplayer, I am unaware of this. I did not know the name changed to reflect a specific action - this does seem useful, thanks. My #1 complaint though, is the stoic announcer simply stating "Flag Dropped," and in my head I yell "which flag dropped? Use...
  4. SgtSpamBoy

    Halo Reach

    Halo Reach Interface I've played Valve games a ton over the years, and recently thought I would give Halo a try (mainly to game w/ my friends). I find the interface of Halo multiplayer to be pretty archaic and confusing, and miss the TF2 color-coded style that I find much more refined. For...
  5. SgtSpamBoy

    Left 4 Dead 2 Tank statue by Gaming Heads to be released in 2011

    Exactly. I wish this is what they would do. I would love to have nice figures of Valve characters that were modestly sized and modestly priced. Who are these gargantuan sized/priced statues for? Seems like quite a niche audience IMHO - from most to least, I'd say... people who buy figures...
  6. SgtSpamBoy

    Team Fortress 2 Polycount Pack winners announced.

    I like 'em! ...especially the sniper/croc stuff - fits perfectly!
  7. SgtSpamBoy

    Engineer Update Released (Including New Weapon - The Gunslinger)

    I'm confused... what was the whole Engie comic eluding to with the "life extender machine?" I figured that would be part of the update...
  8. SgtSpamBoy

    Team Fortress 2 for Mac Available Now with 'Training Mode'

    Knut, I like your style and choice of words. Not to go against the gaming community, but being a good gamer simply involves one thing: time. Calling someone a noob basically means that they haven't spent as much time as you have playing games (or, to be more specific, games with similar...
  9. SgtSpamBoy

    Team Fortress 2 for Mac Available Now with 'Training Mode'

    As others mentioned, there are countless hats that don't exactly fit TF2 (link), but I guess I do see a difference in that the earbuds reference a commercial product rather than a cross-over reference like the brain slug (Futurama), Tough Guy's Torque (Firefly), Ze Goggles (Simpsons), bunny ears...
  10. SgtSpamBoy

    Team Fortress 2 for Mac Available Now with 'Training Mode'

    I don't see anywhere saying that they'll go away, only that you have until June 14th to get them. ..and not to add insult to injury, but one cool aspect of the earbuds is that you can see tiny music note particles emanating from them, above the characters' heads.
  11. SgtSpamBoy

    Brown Combine...

    Excellent, thanks! So, I'm not crazy. I'm re-playing through on hard, and those guys are dangerous if they sneak up on you.
  12. SgtSpamBoy

    Brown Combine...

    I'm replaying Half-Life 2 since the recent update and for the life of me, I do not remember the brown, shotgun wielding combine guards... have they been in there since the very beginning (2004)? (I do remember the Nova Prospekt shotguns guards, but not the brown ones...)
  13. SgtSpamBoy

    Team Fortress 2 on Mac

    Just checked Steam and it's available now! I'm going to ignore the Mac/Windows squabble because it is way too tired and the stereotypes are outdated.
  14. SgtSpamBoy

    Portal 2 delayed, E3 Surprise "Portal 2 Themed"

    They get people's hopes up by announcing a "surprise"... then reveal bad news by saying Portal 2 is delayed?! I think something else is in the works here under the surface, hopefully exciting news.
  15. SgtSpamBoy

    Half-life 2 & Episode 1 Updated With Achievements (Steam Play)

    I just want to point out that this update was completely free, so it's all gravy! Don't take for granted Valve's generosity in continually providing regular free content and upgrades to their games.