has anyone seen this movie? if not.. see it as soon as it comes out.. it's been out in europe for months now, and is one of the most bad ass movies ever seen..
i've been thinking about it.. and it would make a completely awesome mod (atleast parts of it) .. if the zombies were done right, it would be so much fun to play.. (for those who have seen it.. just imagine being in the military mansion.. here the alarms go off.. run down to the balcony to see the floodlights turning on.. man your turret and wait for the zombies to run up the long long lawn.. some hitting mines and flipping.. others getting mowed down by you or your fellow survivors gunfire.. other parts of the mod could include bashing in zombies heads with baseball bats.. or cutting them with machete like knives..
multiplayer could include uninfected vs. infected.. an elimination type map, where the winning team of each round is either the uninfected who effectively kill all the infected with an assortment of weapons, or the infected who effectively infect or kill all of the uninfected.. they would maybe have a red tinted view.. with rage like melee attacks and possibly a blood spitting feature.
other objectives could include normal deathmatch.. or like defense type maps where you and friends have to hold down a bunker against wave after wave of infected.
the possibilities are endless.. please someone make this mod!!!
i've been thinking about it.. and it would make a completely awesome mod (atleast parts of it) .. if the zombies were done right, it would be so much fun to play.. (for those who have seen it.. just imagine being in the military mansion.. here the alarms go off.. run down to the balcony to see the floodlights turning on.. man your turret and wait for the zombies to run up the long long lawn.. some hitting mines and flipping.. others getting mowed down by you or your fellow survivors gunfire.. other parts of the mod could include bashing in zombies heads with baseball bats.. or cutting them with machete like knives..
multiplayer could include uninfected vs. infected.. an elimination type map, where the winning team of each round is either the uninfected who effectively kill all the infected with an assortment of weapons, or the infected who effectively infect or kill all of the uninfected.. they would maybe have a red tinted view.. with rage like melee attacks and possibly a blood spitting feature.
other objectives could include normal deathmatch.. or like defense type maps where you and friends have to hold down a bunker against wave after wave of infected.
the possibilities are endless.. please someone make this mod!!!