A bit more info on Starcraft 2 beta...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Ever since its announcment on the Worldwide Invitational in Korea 2007, fans and critics have all been guessing when Starcraft 2 will enter its beta stage when a few lucky players in possession of a beta key will get to play and evaluate the game?s progress on a day to day basis.

Just a few days ago the world took a step closer to that day. A German fan named ?Zimms? posted on a German starcraft fansite information that indicated a Blizzard community manager, Xordiah, had informed him of a beta date at the ESL Finals held on January 9th in Vienna, Austria. He stated that:

- Blizzard already has a set date for the beta, however it is still a well kept secret.
- The multiplayer is finished with just a few details to fix.
- Blizzard will give fans and players several possibilities to aquire beta keys. Throu competitions and similar events.
- In Blizzard?s (current) internal build supposedly include Dark Pylons, which has a cooldown ability: that enables probes, within range, to harvest faster.
- The Command Center also possesing a cooldown ability. It can summon a ?larger SCV? which harvests better.
- And the Terran Supply Depot can be upgraded to add two more supplies.

Xordiah, who is a Protoss fan, which doesn?t come as a big shock since her avatar on the Battle.net forums is a Protoss Archon unit, mentioned that she is very happy regarding Protoss Immortals in the current build, since they are apperently extremely strong.
For all of you who know some German, or know the power of ?babel fish?, be sure to check out the original post here. This is very exciting news for the StarCraft 2 community. Let's hope we see a date very soon for beta testing!

Source: Starcraft2.4players.de

Bet Fileplanet will get it.

God that'd annoy me.

This could well be the biggest release in RTS history whenever it is Blizz go Gold and actually get around to releasing it instead of keeping the wow fanboys happy...oh, wait...
I doubt Fileplanet would get it. It will more than likely be some sort of contest of some sort.
Well, on the SC2 forums, you have to type in a captcha so you can make a post...here is one of the images..


Some reason I read that as 'Beta Lamar'

Beta In Mar?
Come here Lamar, It will be days before I get her out of the vents!
It would be cool to get a key, but I won't really care if I don't get one.
I won't mind about not getting one, either. It will make the game that much more unique.

Then again, I really won't complain about getting one. :E
I don't think I'm gonna try to get a beta key. I want the first time I play it to be as perfect an experience as possible lol. That being said if the beta was loaded on my hard drive it would be awfully hard to resist playing it.
If it will be on fileplanet, I'll get one.
I'll try as hard as I can to get in that beta.

Vespene Laughs! StarCraft II Comic Contest Update

StarCraft II Beta Keys are up for grabs to the funniest, wittiest, able to cause a fun chuckle in your fellow StarCraft fans!

As a FYI, we will be adding (2) StarCraft II Beta Keys to the Vespene Laughs 1st place winner's prize package each month for the StarCraft II Comic Contest. The rules will be updated accordingly for the February round of entries. Additionally, we will also reward previous 1st place winners of the contest as well with the beta keys as well.

This contest will be the first of various contests that will begin offering a chance to get into the StarCraft II Beta. If you know there isn't a funny bone anywhere in ya, don't worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities, just keep checking back with us.

Source: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=14498462482&pageNo=1&sid=3000#0
Having been in the beta does give you an edge online when the retail version hits. At least that was the case for me with CoH. It's not an advantage that lasts long though. But I need it since I am not that proficient at online RTS games. I for one do hope that Fileplanet will get some keys. I suck at making up catchphrases and such.

EDIT And now I see Pitzies new post
***king cockteasers.

They should make it public.

Stop focusing on WoW for once. Like 10million x ?8.99 a month isnt enough. Cant be arsed to work it out. Bed.
If you guys saw the previous winners...yeaaah, you'll join. It was pretty sad. No lulz were had.


Exactly, I'll come up with something funny, and someone with some unfunny shit will win.
No loss, then. Or you could win Beta keys and if you don't want them, I'm sure somebody will buy it....
i'm willing to bet 200$ that there is at least one south korean dude that masturbated on a SC2 screenshot!
***king cockteasers.

They should make it public.

Stop focusing on WoW for once. Like 10million x ?8.99 a month isnt enough. Cant be arsed to work it out. Bed.

I'm hoping it will be made public.

However, they want to give a chance to the Blizzard fanboys first rather than us "normal folk" or really can't be arsed to make comics or anything for a beta :LOL:
I never understood a beta testers mentality. It's such a waste of what would of been a good game.

A bugless game thats retail > playing a bugged version of the game before 'most' other people - everytime.
I never understood a beta testers mentality. It's such a waste of what would of been a good game.

A bugless game thats retail > playing a bugged version of the game before 'most' other people - everytime.

And? some lesbians like to eat shit out of a cup...your point is meaningless
What is it with you and eating turd? -.-
I was excited about this game untill they revelead that each of the three campaigns will be released as a separate game.
I never understood a beta testers mentality. It's such a waste of what would of been a good game.

A bugless game thats retail > playing a bugged version of the game before 'most' other people - everytime.

Without beta testers, I doubt the game will come out at the same time with no bugs. The REASON for beta testing is to find the bugs they didn't spot and fix them before release....THAT is the mentality.

I was excited about this game untill they revelead that each of the three campaigns will be released as a separate game.

Eh, I won't be buying the game for the campaign. Sure, I'll play it and have lots of fun, but I, along with 99% of everybody else, will be buying the game mostly for MP.
I very much doubt we'll be seeing an open beta for SCII, my money says keys are only going to come through competitions and as part of the pack you get when you go to a Blizzard Convention. Same thing happened to WotLK.

Which annoyed me. I wanted an SCII beta key.
I very much doubt we'll be seeing an open beta for SCII, my money says keys are only going to come through competitions and as part of the pack you get when you go to a Blizzard Convention. Same thing happened to WotLK.

Which annoyed me. I wanted an SCII beta key.

Make a funneh drawing!
Without beta testers, I doubt the game will come out at the same time with no bugs. The REASON for beta testing is to find the bugs they didn't spot and fix them before release....THAT is the mentality.

So? Majority of people in this thread still only want a beta key to say they have played it before the next person and im sure their not exactly thriving to get that bug hunting underway

Perhaps next year... When the full version comes out....
First round of contest winners revealed!

I must say...these were better than the original Vaspene Laughs...

Article taken from www.starcraft2forum.org

Blizzard released its list of the month's Vespene Laughs comic winners today. I, personally, think this month's winners are by far the best I've seen so far. Kudos to the winners! Make sure to enter the contest if you think you've got the talent! Don't forget that beta keys are up for grabs!

Also, as an astute forum member has pointed out (TychusFindlay), Blizzard briefly mentioned the StarCraft 2 beta in their Q4 report, saying it was due "in the coming months" and that Blizzard expects a game release (I wonder which one) by the end of 2009. This is certainly exciting news for all StarCraft fans, although we've been hoping this was true for years, and while this tidbit is exciting, it's certainly not confirmation. Thanks to Tychus for the heads up.

Also, according to IGN citing the same article, Blizzard has claimed what amounts to a landslide in PC game sales, releasing information that indicates WoW outsold other games by a large margin, selling 6.8 million copies in 2008. That makes it the best-selling PC game of 2008 and it was only out for two months in 2008. Also, Blizzard stated that 1.8 million WoW accounts were created, bringing the total above 14 million subscribers. Congratulations Blizzard on expanding the empire.

Anyway, here's those comics!


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