A Christian group shows up to a Chicago Gay Pride to ..apologise


May 5, 2004
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A Christian group shows up to a Chicago Gay Pride parade holding apologetic signs including "I'm sorry for how the church treated you".

that's pretty goddam awesome


I spent the day at Chicago’s Pride Parade. Some friends and I, with The Marin Foundation, wore shirts with “I’m Sorry” written on it. We had signs that said, “I’m sorry that Christians judge you,” “I’m sorry the way churches have treated you,” “I used to be a bible-banging homophobe, sorry.” We wanted to be an alternative Christian voice from the protestors that were there speaking hate into megaphones.

What I loved most about the day is when people “got it.” I loved watching people’s faces as they saw our shirts, read the signs, and looked back at us. Responses were incredible. Some people blew us kisses, some hugged us, some screamed thank you. A couple ladies walked up and said we were the best thing they had seen all day. I wish I had counted how many people hugged me. One guy in particular softly said, “Well, I forgive you.”

Watching people recognize our apology brought me to tears many times. It was reconciliation personified.

excuse me I have something in my eye
That's pretty heartwarming.

As is you posting a thread which focuses on the positive side of people :3
Did someone hack into Stern's account when I wasn't looking? He didn't even mention skywizards.
This is a fantastic sign that the world is changing in it's regard to accepting homosexuality. As a huge supporter of charities like Stonewall, I am so pleased about this. Chicago is definitely taking a step in the right direction.
This is incredibly awesome and it makes me happy. That's pretty much all I have to say.

[edit] :V
Did someone hack into Stern's account when I wasn't looking? He didn't even mention skywizards.
Sounds as silly, as modern day white people apologizng to modern day black people for slavery.
We don't really have widespread race enslavement anymore.

We still have gay-hating Christians, though. Westboro Baptist Church anyone?
We don't really have widespread race enslavement anymore.

We still have gay-hating Christians, though. Westboro Baptist Church anyone?

Westboro Baptist Church hates pretty much everything and everyone that aren't a part of it.
We don't really have widespread race enslavement anymore.

We still have gay-hating Christians, though. Westboro Baptist Church anyone?

People not directly responsible giving symbolic apologies to people they didn't directly harm is absurd.
People not directly responsible giving symbolic apologies to people they didn't directly harm is absurd.
Not really. If you take into account the fact that a fair amount of people will blame entire branches of religion for what certain members of that religious branch do, you can see why people like these guys might want to come out and show some kindness and support.

It's like, "Hey, there are Christians out there that are dicks but we're not all like that, have some love from us and let us show that our religion isn't all about gay hate."

It's just a common thing that people make sweeping generalisations, especially with religion. I think it's good that these guys have come out and represented for the Christians out there that aren't full of bitterness and hatred. Good on them, really. Plus if their presence has made people in the LGBT community happy and given them a positive boost, I don't see what there is to complain about.
People not directly responsible giving symbolic apologies to people they didn't directly harm is absurd.

come on man it's like you're not even trying. it's right there in the OP:

We had signs that said ... “I used to be a bible-banging homophobe, sorry.”

could we for once just take something at face value and not have to dissect their motives? really this is pretty much unprecedented and I couldnt care less that they dont speak for all christians. me of all people. not caring that it's not ALL christians just SOME christians. that's good enough for me atm
yes that guy was directly apologising for being a former christian bigot.
I have so much to say, but I know once I start, everyone in this thread will attack so I guess I'll just keep me thoughts to meself and let you guys think this is heartwarming.
I mean, yeah, it's great that this small group of Christians is not... being hateful. But it's no great victory when all this hate and folly stems directly from religion they STILL believe in; the religion, which I might add, asserts that being gay is a sin.

It's kind of mind blowing that it is 2012 and we are excited to see a super small group of Christians not-hating a group of people. Like, really... Has it taken THAT long?
I guess my point is that it just seems like a mild treatment of a symptom rather than a fix of a root problem. Religion has always been that way; every twenty years they realize they've done something wrong, and are sorry for it, but never realize the problem is the belief system itself.
It's something to celebrate because it's showing a gradual shift in thinking. Huge changes, especially in religion, do not happen quickly. Yeah, it's 2012, but it's also 2012. It took 400 years for the Catholic church to apologize for ****ing over Galileo's life.
I mean, yeah, it's great that this small group of Christians is not... being hateful. But it's no great victory when all this hate and folly stems directly from religion they STILL believe in; the religion, which I might add, asserts that being gay is a sin.

It actually doesn't. Paul (I think it was him) declared homosexuality to be an abomination. Thing is, a LOT of Christians misinterpret that into something that God said. In fact, God never once denounces homosexuality in the Bible.
It actually doesn't. Paul (I think it was him) declared homosexuality to be an abomination. Thing is, a LOT of Christians misinterpret that into something that God said. In fact, God never once denounces homosexuality in the Bible.

Actually, God specifically tells Moses in Leviticus that no man should lay with another man as they do with a woman.

‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.'
--Leviticus 18: 22

Then again, to be fair, those are laws, and when Jesus came, we are supposed to follow Him instead of the laws. The laws are meant as guidelines to us now instead of strict laws we need to completely follow. There's only one way to Heaven and that's through believing that Jesus came as God/man and died and rose again.
Then again, to be fair, those are laws, and when Jesus came, we are supposed to follow Him instead of the laws. The laws are meant as guidelines to us now instead of strict laws we need to completely follow.

No, this is just what diluted Christians claim in order to make Jesus seem cool and Bob Marley.
Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament, not to tweak it, he says so a number of times. Jesus was a dick. But most of all the bible is a giant contradiction, so it's hardly worth getting into.

I'll just leave this Jesus Dick quote here-

Matthew5:17 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.

It's something to celebrate because it's showing a gradual shift in thinking. Huge changes, especially in religion, do not happen quickly.

But shifts in thinking been happening forever. And the shifts in religion are embarrassingly slow.

Seriously, Religion is like a big bully in grade school, and every two years he stops beating up one student; and then everyone pats him on the shoulder "Great Job Religion, you're making progress!" as he continues to punch everyone else in the face.
No, this is just what diluted Christians claim in order to make Jesus seem cool and Bob Marley.
Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament, not to tweak it, he says so a number of times. Jesus was a dick. But most of all the bible is a giant contradiction, so it's hardly worth getting into.

I'll just leave this Jesus Dick quote here-

Yes, he came to fulfill it. He also came to be the only way to get into Heaven which in turn ended the laws as you can read in these 3 separate verses.

'For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.'
-- Romans 10:4

'Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian'
-- Galations 3:23-25

'For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.'
-- Ephesians 2:14-16


Just found this on the web after doing a bit of searching. http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-law.html
I follow Gandhi: I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Christ advocated a lot of things I do, but the way he is used to serve agendas now is disturbing in the extreme.
I follow Gandhi
Christ advocated a lot of things I do, but the way he is used to serve agendas now is disturbing in the extreme.

Hate to break it to ya, but Gandhi was the same. He was a total racist (hated blacks) and also molested young women and underage girls and justified it as a "spiritual practice".

One thing you should never do is "follow" anyone. Gather some ideas from various people and take what's good, but don't go making them your light. After all, they are just men.
Hate to break it to ya, but Gandhi was the same. He was a total racist (hated blacks) and also molested young women and underage girls and justified it as a "spiritual practice".

One thing you should never do is "follow" anyone. Gather some ideas from various people and take what's good, but don't go making them your light. After all, they are just men.

I don't mean I actually follow Gandhi. I meant I agree with him on the subject of religious figures. The problem is that they are oft misused to further an agenda, instead of being used as guides to becoming a better person.
Hate to break it to ya, but Gandhi was the same. He was a total racist (hated blacks) and also molested young women and underage girls and justified it as a "spiritual practice".

One thing you should never do is "follow" anyone. Gather some ideas from various people and take what's good, but don't go making them your light. After all, they are just men.

ZT, do you have actual factual proof for the molestation? I am well aware that he would share a bunk with young women/girls, but I have yet to find any actual proof of the molestation or him engaging in any sexual activity with them.

This webpage summarizes what I've learned of this area of Gandhi's character, http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2521/did-mahatma-gandhi-sleep-with-virgins. Of course, I am totally open to my being wrong, but the only people I have seen level the sexual molestation accusations have been without any actual proof aside from the simple fact that he shared a bed with them naked. Whilst that in itself is certainly disturbing, it is not sexual molestation if there is no sexual interaction (fondling and such.)