A decade has gone by since 9/11/01

...and none of these wars started because of 9/11, but it certainly helped garner public, special interest and political favor for them.
You have a different definition of the word "because" then. By your logic the attack on Pearl Harbor isn't what lead us to declare war on Japan then, it just helped garner public, special interest, and political favor for it.

The War on Terror was "declared" as a response to 9/11 and both Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom were parts of this war.

George Bush on Sept.20 2001 said:
Our 'war on terror' begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.
I came back home after school and sat down to see what was on TV. For fifteen minutes or so I remained under the impression that I was watching a very realistic false documentary movie, and viewed with interest until I realised it was actually happening.
I remnber I didnt understood the war on iraq when it was launched,it felt like,since they didnt catched bin laden they went for the nearest enemy of the usa they could get
I saw it on the news after coming home from school. Late, because there was a bomb reported at a bar just next to the school gate I usually use. Still /facepalm over the typical yank [over]reaction.
I was 8, my Dad use to fetch me from school and as we walked home, he was talking to one of his friends who were happening to walk with us. My dad was like, "I thought it was a movie!" but I didn't know what he meant. I got home and turned on the TV and then what he had been talking about became clear.
Personally I think the biggest "**** you" to the terrorists would've been if they immediately cleaned up ground zero and rebuilt the towers exactly as they were, but only with a stronger superstructure.
Personally I think the biggest "**** you" to the terrorists would've been if they immediately cleaned up ground zero and rebuilt the towers exactly as they were, but only with a stronger superstructure.

Yeah, and people would totally be getting in line to work in those buildings.
Yeah, and people would totally be getting in line to work in those buildings.

Yeah, and people would totally be getting in line to work in the Freedom Tower/One World Trade Center.
I was 8 at the time in 3rd grade. No teachers or faculty told us what had happened and it was an ordinary day (though I can't blame them, we were 8 at the time.) I didn't even know what had happened till I got home and my parents told me what had occurred. At the the time, I just thought it was one of those small single engine Cessna planes my dad used to fly until I watched the footage later that day and realized what had happened.

When we invaded Afghanistan my dad and I were looking at boats and someone said we had started bombing Afghanistan and my dad got worried because my mom was on the other end of the country in Detroit at the time and he was worried on whether or not she'd be able to make it back.
Long time ago. I was sitting in my living room after waking up for the day. I wasn't in school, didn't have a job or anything so I was at home just watching television and it was the only thing on TV. I just kind of sat stupefied... didn't really have a community I belonged to like this one I could really discuss it with anybody.
The UK's current reaction is shockingly mixed.

Some think it's atrocious yet see why it happened. Some don't care. A vast amount got bored and annoyed at the almost non-stop 9/11 stories on the news and in programs throughout the day. A lot now say ''it's been 10 years, get over it.'' Then there's the conspiracy theorists suddenly coming out of their caves like frigging flying ants at the end of summer.

And a vast majority share this opinion; nobody seemed to care when London got hit.

I mean I can't speak for the US's coverage as I, obviously, never really saw it, but it shocked London to a halt, and I can imagine it was added onto the end of CNN coverage like ''And finally, we got a clip from Ing-land.''

Then again, that's what Britain is good for; complaining without action.
I mean I can't speak for the US's coverage as I, obviously, never really saw it, but it shocked London to a halt, and I can imagine it was added onto the end of CNN coverage like ''And finally, we got a clip from Ing-land.''

Then again, that's what Britain is good for; complaining without action.

So people are annoyed that a bombing that killed 52 people didn't get as much attention as one that killed 3000 people and spawned two wars? Yep, sounds like Britain.
So people are annoyed that a bombing that killed 52 people didn't get as much attention as one that killed 3000 people and spawned two wars? Yep, sounds like Britain.

I don't get it either. There was plenty of coverage on the 7/7 bombings across the world. For what it's worth, I remember London very quickly returning to normal apart from the buses being overcrowded as hell.
Goddamn it. Comparison of tragic events is stupid and annoying. 7/7 will be remembered on 7/7 and 9/11 on 11/9 (screw your backwards calendar writing!) and that's that.

What's the point in quarrelling over how much attention each received? They were both horrible events, people died, they both have families who lost relatives, friends who lost friends and lovers who lost lovers.

To those people affected by each, that event undoubtedly matters more to them. Who cares which got the most media attention? It's not like 7/7 has been erased from peoples' memories. Certainly not mine, it's the day after my fricking birthday.

One event definitely doesn't deserve more coverage than the other but to argue over it is pretty much missing the point of remembering a tragic event. It's not a competition. 7/7 WAS covered.

Anyway, September 11th - I remember watching it on the news. I was 11 when it happened. I remember the media playing the first footage (I think from a bridge quite far away?) over and over again until more eye witness stuff came in. Pretty horrific when you watch the camera phone footage from the people who were pretty much right under the towers before they fell.

Then the iconic shot in all the papers of the one man (of a few) who threw himself from the building and was snapped mid-fall...
I woke up, went into the living room to watch CheezeTV, found Mum and Dad listening to radio and insisting I go back to bed. The next day I saw it all over the news, it's funny how I couldn't comprehend human beings inflicting that kind of violence on other human beings - I literally thought the pilot had just accidentally crashed into the building.