A Photo A Day Thread

That second to last one in your previous post, Smoke, is pretty awesome.

In other news, our outdoor cat just had her kittens finally.

aww :3

My cat has had probably 70+ kittens in her lifetime. They're always cute.


And baww at Qonfy. I think I commented it on Flickr a while back.
Yesterday I returned from my two-week mountain hike.
All photos are from Kuznetsky Alatau, Podnebesnye Zubja (the place is marked in my Google album).



I'll try to upload more photos to my Google album soon.
OK so I was bored at this yard sale I had, so I looked up at the sky while sitting in my chair, waiting for shoppers.

We have some really old trees on our property. Very tall.

I was fascinated by the layers of the tree branches while looking up. The color of the sky was the deepest blue. I found the contrast of shade to sunlight beautiful.

These are the best pictures I've taken without a tripod.

there are about 20 of these, so I'll just post a few at a time over the next week or whatever.

that one was spoiled by a telephone line, but it's still good

Some more of my favorites from Saturday.

It doesn't look this nice out today though. It's really foggy out right now.

K, more cat pictures 'cause I'm in a creative slump.


Vignetting is my friend.
Went to a motocross site today and took a few pics. I present you 3 of them.



Nice. Is that a panorama or a single shot?

The colors are great, I'm guessing you've enhanced them?

It's about 8 shots, and the photo is actually unedited, I tried to play with the colors but everything I did looked worse I thought.
Damn, this thread is dying.

Felt like doing something red.

Sigur Ros concerts seem like the kind that you have to go to and get high in order to enjoy it.
Not high, but make sure you bring some caffeine rich drink or something because as awesome as the concert was, some sigur ros songs have the power to put you to sleep.
That's pretty cool. I agree, the 3rd photo is excellent.

Were you in the front row?

Also, KA, I like that last one
I got to the place kind of late so in the beginning I was kind of towards the back, but I started nudging my way towards the front until I got to the stage.
I got to the place kind of late so in the beginning I was kind of towards the back, but I started nudging my way towards the front until I got to the stage.

They probably let you by only because you have a $10,000 camera. They thought you were media. LOL

actually, the photos look almost like cell phone pics... kinda grainy. what's up with that?

The Lighting in the place kind of sucked as opposed to other venues I've been too so I had to ramp up the ISO, thus the grain you're seeing. I don't mind it though its not horribly distracting and I thought it gave some of the shots a nice feel to them.

And so this page has pictures on it, I went to Waterloo Village here in New Jersey and its a really beautiful place:



