America's Action in Iraq

I'll finalise my opinion if/when chemical, biological and/or nuclear weapons are found.
I think it was the right thing to do, people were being tortured and murdered every day, someone had to put a stop to it.

I won't be bothered wether or not we find any WMD.

Dead Iraqi would have Loved Democracy
US forms own UN


I don't like America's Actions in Iraq and while I'm sure Bush will either find WMD's or plant them, it still doesn't make me think the US is justified.
My opinion? I don't want to write that much :p
Summary of my thoughts right now: "What did I say!?"
I think we had moral justification for our actions but no political. Even if WMD's are found we still don't have the right to tell another country what they can and can't do.
In my opinion the war was completly right and justified. Saddam Hussien had enough VX nerve agent to gas the population of the world. This was in 1998.... proved in a film made by the UN. Iraq also had a burgeoning nuclear program. The fact (before anyone states it) that VX deteriorates over time has nothing to do with it... the very fact he was willing to get hold of such materials shows that he has every intention to be a threat to the world.
well, personally, i think that society is even more gullable than ever, and most people believe, more than ever, what the media tells them...
I think North Korea should have been tackled first before Iraq, they pose more of a threat.

"the very fact he was willing to get hold of such materials shows that he has every intention to be a threat to the world"

I'm just wondering about smallpox, thats a threat to the world and the USA has one of only 2 samples (supposedly) in the world of the virus. The whole WMD situation is just a big pile of hypocrisy and double standards

"people were being tortured (1) and murdered every day (2)"

(1) = Camp X-Ray
(2) = Most places in America
Originally posted by mrBadger
In my opinion the war was completly right and justified. Saddam Hussien had enough VX nerve agent to gas the population of the world.
My solution (if I were in charge of some type of organization) would be to hire or train super elite ninjas to assassinate Saddam Hussein, his family, and his look-alikes in the middle of the night. Then, I would let the people elect new dictators and successively assassinate each one until the populace got the clue. A legend would grow about the "Iraqi Ninjas", a group of swift, stealthy superhumans who fight against all dishonor in the land. Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea for a mod...

"End of Tyranny"
coming soon....
I think that our man Bob Sheffer, has a very valid point there actually :P