Any sk8ers wanna talk about...



sk8ing, n music like P.O.D and Sum 41 maybe Blink 182 and that Avril woman
I used to skate, not so much now (it's been about 3 months :p), so I can't do that much anymore :(. And on music uh..... do you like NIN? Nirvana?
sk8ing, n music like P.O.D and Sum 41 maybe Blink 182 and that Avril woman u call that MTV crap skate music!?

best bands:
The Ataris
gaaah! DON'T spell it "sk8t"! It's called skate, or skating for gawdsake!
Really, spelling it sk8t is..well, fjortisaktigt! (don't know how to translate it properly into english:p)

And on topic, yes I skate. I've got a Shuvit and a broken :)() Alien Workshop.
Though I can't skate now, because it's snow everywhere outside and skating inside ís frickin expensive =(
WTF your making skating sound really shi* with your first post. All those bands are shi*. Skating cool started doing it last summer but was a bit shit couldnt even go along for about a month and then i got lazy....
I skate but I dont listen to what anyone where would call "sk8 music". I just listen to anything that i like the sound of.

The only place i can skate at the moment is an indoor skate park called bones, but i cant be bothered paying the money to get there and use the place. There isnt really anywhere in my town, other than the car parks, but they arent fantastic.
I know what you mean, my town is a right dump and stupid chavs steal your boards etc...
Majestic XII said:
Bah, skaters piss me off :p

He means sk8ers. Sorry about the mods on this forum, they just don't like calling things by their real names ;)
When I was typing this message I had 999 posts, however now ive finally reached 1000. Yay! :p:p:p
I think its acceptable to have my post of glory, at least i didnt start my own thread up :p
man, ive been wanting to get back into skating. I used to be hardcore, then my most of my frends stopped and now i only skate occasionaly. Theres not many skate spots around here, just some skate parks. And those things are just flooded by fr00t b00ters.

some of the music i listen to while skating:

blink 182
linkin park
anti flag
the ramones
the used
I skated when I was like 10 years old... then I quit. I don't know why.
Tried skating a few years back, found water skiing and regular skiing and snowboarding much more fun, so I quit. Plus I couldn't even do an ollie.
If you're a true skater you don't listen to crap-bands like those on MTV (i.e P.O.D avril etc) you go for true Indie-artists. Same thing with Snowboarders.

Majestic XII said:
You got smart? :)

(Dont kill me)

Oh its too late now, you've already said it.

Its Majestic bashing time (I watched Dude where's my car the other day:D)

I enjoy Snowboarding too Mullinator, but the lack of snow and mountains around my area makes it difficult. I've been to dry slopes a few times, but it just isnt the same.

Whats with this true skater suff? "Oh, you are'nt a true skater because you don't listen to the music....the fact that you are currently rolling down the road on skateboard is irrelevent."
It's an immature opinion held by people who think music makes a person. Hopefully, they'll grow up and die.
i wouldnt be able to keep my balance everything would be spinning :LOL: lol I really should stop talking about ganja ok from now on i will :LOL:
this is wot sk8ing is all about, argueing and threatening to kill each other, im so proud...

(not really)
Draken said:
this is wot sk8ing is all about, argueing and threatening to kill each other, im so proud...

(not really)
it sure as hell isn't about avril and blink-182
he was a sk8r boi she said c u l8r boi

Errr... Tobboganing. Tobboganing rocks.

<Wanders out of thread, scratching head...>
hahaha maj XII is an anti skater... I'll support him with that ;)
...although I used to skate, but never got really good. Now I'm bitter and
get my kicks from making fun of people who are successful at something I couldnt
succeed at :D
In all my life I haven't seen a skater kid perform any trick more impressive than 'bouncing onto the kerb'

Damn thats good.
mrBadger said:
In all my life I haven't seen a skater kid perform any trick more impressive than 'bouncing onto the kerb'

Damn thats good.

lol its like that where i live. All the time you here "scrrrrrup" then "smack" as the kid/skateboard hits the pavement. Not once have i seen them pull anything off. Sad really :(
wouldnt go so far as to call avril a woman. anyone see her highskool pics showin how 'normal' she was till she got a record contract? makes her loose all credability...

"its called a power chrord april!... uh, i mean avril"
The council just built a skatepark in town, I mean away from where I live, so skaters don't bother me anymore :)
the only things that are "impresive" are really hard to do, even doing a kickflip is bloody hard