Anyone from/been to bournemouth?


Apr 28, 2004
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I'm trying to organize a work trip down Bournemouth, and am looking at sleeping arrangements.

What I'm after is cheep and cheerful accommodation for roughly 10 blokes and maybe a girlfriend or two. Key features here are cheap, and willing to accept a mostly male large booking (I know some places won't)

Anyone know anywhere good?
Just google some B+B's. Tons of people head down that way for weekends at the beach or even day trips so there is bound to be a ton to choose from.
If not, just get a Premier Inn/some shite like that - they're about £30 a head, so cheap - and they have no problems with large groups of guys.

If it's a works outing just expense the lot anyway, so cost shouldn't be a problem ;)
Thanks guys

I've been googling away, and the tourist board down there are putting my details out to the hotels to see if theres anyone that can cater to us (A nice free service they offer). Just wanted to see if there were any recommendations from first hand knowledge.

Oh, and ComradeBadger. I wish :D
If your going on the weekend, there is a lot of 30 year old douchebags who like to fight.

Im goign down to bmth on friday for a meeting thing at uni.

If your down for a good time, good choice there are so many bars in bournemouth you can't really go wrong!

Depends what you like tbh