Anyone know much about Radiation Poisoning?

Apr 29, 2005
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I read about it on Wiki, it had some good stuff, I googled it, and got a fair bit, but I was wondering if you guys know anything about it in refrence to non-lethal doses and any hereditary genetic affects it has. Thanks in advance.
What a suspiciously curious topic to read-up on.
Radiation is particles flying out really fast that hit you, then you die.

Like tiny bullets!

*dies from ignorance*
well, stalker taught us that vodka helps reduce its effects
Radiation is the number two cause of alien cancer, second only to Dalamari's face.
Planning on taking a trip to Chernobyl?
Depends on the type of radiation.

Radiation is a very broad term
Well I have some radiation but we all do I think. I just may have more idk. There is a welding process called "TIG" welding. Well anyways you use a little metallic rod made of 100% tungsten to heat up the metal using the tungsten. Tungsten is what lights up light bulbs obviously but it's like 1/16" thick rods. Well anyways what they do is to make the tungesten survive in super hot environments is put thorium particles in the tungsten. Thorium is radioactive so when you grind it, to create a tip on it, you create a radioactive cloud! :LOL: The doses are really low and you get exposed to it while welding too. Not really much of a hazard though but it's non-lethal you could say!
Accute radiation poisioning happens when radiation causes particles in your body to decay into other, sometimes toxic ones. But this applies to very high doses. A longer term effect is ofcourse cancer, that requires a far smaller dose.

What greatly differs is the way you are radiated, standing close to a source might be safe, but swallowing part of that source may cause a quick death (like that russian guy in london).

Anyway, I try to stay away as far as possible from radioactivity. Unfortunately my job involves working with radionuclids. In a research project we deposit a radioactive isotope (lanthanium) on wafers and bombard them with nuclei using a particle accelerator. I try to let the students handle them as much as possible while I stand at a distance ^_^

Edit: Geez I sound like an egghead :|
I read about it on Wiki, it had some good stuff, I googled it, and got a fair bit, but I was wondering if you guys know anything about it in refrence to non-lethal doses and any hereditary genetic affects it has. Thanks in advance.


you will not get superpowers

so forget it
RJMC's scalpel wit strikes again. :D

I can't believe nobody made that joke already!

Anyway, signs of radiation poisoning:

- headache
- metallic taste in mouth
- hair loss
- acute death
RJMC actually made me laugh that time.

I dunno why. >>