Black Mesa - Upcoming Mod of the Year!


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
I will make this brief right now, and will make it top quality later, but here goes.[br]The Black Mesa team have won the Best Upcoming Mod of the Year award from ModDB. For this achievement they have been awarded $1000 which will go towards mod-expenses. The team also won a top of the range PC which will be auctioned off, more info is promised soon.[br]In even better news...a Teaser Trailer has been unleashed! Find the ModDB streaming version here and the downloadable version at Rapidshare[br]As ever keep your eyes on the Black Mesa Site[br]Thanks to DigiQ8 for the heads up.[br]Evo
SWEET cant wait to watch this video!

Congrats on the WIN!! YOU DESERVE IT!!
Great job team, nice camera, mapping, lighting and textures.
my god i can not wait for the release.
the team did an amazing job with this. now if only they would give out the release date.
Ok i just watch the trailer and let me just say Unreal Engine 3 HAS GOT SHIT ON THE SOURCE ENGINE!!!

They need to charge for this. Where is the donate page!
Pretty good trailer, well shot. Sound did my nut in though, but I'm sensitive to these things. :p

Asuka, they can't charge anything.
Pretty good trailer, well shot. Sound did my nut in though, but I'm sensitive to these things. :p

Asuka, they can't charge anything.

Yea, can't charge fod mod's nor can they accept 'contributions' or anything

If it was a licensed full game like GMod or RO then yea
that teaser video was sexy :D


No time soon I'm afraid considering the amount of content they have to make.

To be honest I think the ideal solution would be to get some kind of episodic Black Mesa going.

Where they release one chapter at a time.

But even then it would probably be a while until a playable first episode chapter would be out.
Pretty good trailer, well shot. Sound did my nut in though, but I'm sensitive to these things. :p

Asuka, they can't charge anything.

I know im just saying. They deserve more then praise. Hope they all get really good jobs after this.
No time soon I'm afraid considering the amount of content they have to make.

To be honest I think the ideal solution would be to get some kind of episodic Black Mesa going.

Where they release one chapter at a time.

But even then it would probably be a while until a playable first episode chapter would be out.

They have been developing it all at once, if they had gone through chapter by chapter then maybe, but it won't happen
IIRC, they've internally discussed an episodic approach, and came to the conclusion that it isn't viable.
At about 44 seconds in the trailer there's a little white flash and some boxes move, can anyone tell what it is?
Very nicely done although it might've been nice if we'd actually seen anything new :p

I really can't wait for this - it looks like it'll be superb.
Chi what are you doing on here? There is evil afoot... to the Bear-Cave!

Oh and the trailer looks shechsy.
Can't wait for this. I think I want this as much as (if not more than) HL2-EP2. Great work guys. You should be real proud of what you've done.
Really nice. I'd like to know how they moved the camera like that.
Can't wait for this. I think I want this as much as (if not more than) HL2-EP2. Great work guys. You should be real proud of what you've done.
I couldn't agree with you more. When the camera pulled away at the beginning and it was that thingy (whatever caused the resonance cascade), I nearly crapped my pants. With the crazy texturing and specular maps especially on the the claws at the bottom, I would say that it is the most badass thing ever in Half Life, second only to maybe the citadel reactor in EP1. This is seriously amazing, and I wouldn't hesitate to paypal these guys $60 when I download it.

Really nice. I'd like to know how they moved the camera like that.
I'm only guessing that they did it like REALLY slowly and carefully, and then sped it up at the end to go with the music. One way or another, that teaser looks pro as SHIT. This should be officially endorsed by VALVe.

I didn't realize at first that I had the bass cranked on my subwoofer, and the music was so sick that my nose practically started bleeding, my eardrums shattered and it felt like I just got kicked in the nuts.
Incredible. I sence that VALVe is going to hire the BM:S team and take the "mod", which will really turn out to be a true remake of Half-Life (what HL:S should have been), and sell it on Steam.


That was the most pro trailer I've seen for a looong time.
I couldn't agree with you more. When the camera pulled away at the beginning and it was that thingy (whatever caused the resonance cascade), I nearly crapped my pants. With the crazy texturing and specular maps especially on the the claws at the bottom, I would say that it is the most badass thing ever in Half Life, second only to maybe the citadel reactor in EP1. This is seriously amazing, and I wouldn't hesitate to paypal these guys $60 when I download it.

I'm only guessing that they did it like REALLY slowly and carefully, and then sped it up at the end to go with the music. One way or another, that teaser looks pro as SHIT. This should be officially endorsed by VALVe.

I didn't realize at first that I had the bass cranked on my subwoofer, and the music was so sick that my nose practically started bleeding, my eardrums shattered and it felt like I just got kicked in the nuts.
It was so sick I felt like I was mauled by a pitbull and had my face blasted in with quail shot. :D
I'm rather disappointed that the spectrometer pods still float unsupported, but that's just a nitpick. Great trailer!
Looks really good. It has all the details id want black mesa to have. Great job. :thumbs:

As I've said in another thread, absolutely amazing work. Congrats on winning to those involved! It was well deserved.
How is it possible to get a award and not have released anything... here is something that does not addup.
Why is 'The Hidden: Source' so high up in the rankings.

Definitely deserved. Especially with that trailer. Looks amazing.

I'd pay for it if I could. Maybe I'll slip them some money while they're not looking.