Can others see the G-Man?

Jun 19, 2008
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I suppose they can only if he want's them to, but i've never really seen someone (who would most likely be Alyx) stop, point, and say "Hey, who's that?" You'd think they'd find some interest in what your squinting to look at half a mile away.
Yes, they can. We see Odessa talk with him. Also, I'm not sure you're ever in a position where Alyx, or any other character for that matter, would notice you looking at him.
The grunts in Half life 1, and the scientist in Black Mesa saw him. But it really seems that he is only visible to whom he wants.
The grunts in Half life 1, and the scientist in Black Mesa saw him. But it really seems that he is only visible to whom he wants.

I totally agree with this.
Because it makes sense.
Like in Nova Prospekt when you change the cameras viewing, and then the scene starts where the turrets are shooting at the antlions, then he appears on the window and he turns right, the turrets weren't shooting at him.
I want to know how he reached earth in the first place to be able to show himself to people, if we're all in agreement that he isn't human.
When he appears on monitors no one else seems to notice him. At least once in HL he walks into a room and when you follow it turns out to be full of monsters.
As lame as it sounds, he might be moderately psychic or telepathic, thus turning peoples heads either toward him or away from him.
This is actually one of the few things I think Valve will put in to the "Major Half Life Spoiler" section. Along with the "who is G-Man" and "Do people see him".
Well. anyone that plays Half Life can see the G-Man.
I just wonder why did he choose blackmesa?

Because there were only two top secret research facilities testing out super advanced portal technology at the time and he liked the name more than 'Aperture Science' perhaps.
They must not of been that top secret if G-Man is there?
Well, G-Man doesn't look like an average tourist, he must have had information about the existence of forementioned facilities.
from episode 2, we gathered that the gman provided the sample for the test. So somehow breen, eli and others high ranking members from black mesa and the government contacted him\it for his\its services.

Maybe eli and others "purchased" the services of gordon freeman in hl2 by contacting him. Afterall the gman mentions in the end speeches that he received "interesting offers" for him. And considering eli knew about the gman....

As for how they came to know of the existance of the gman in the first place, well, maybe during the earlier xen explorations mentioned in the "lambda reactor" chapter from hl1 they stumbled into him. Or maybe he is human afterall, representing some very, very secret and powerful human organization. Who knows.

Or maybe he is just the devil
i think they can, but they havent yet because whenever he's around its just where gordon is or in that pocket of space-time he uses to get places.
In Half-Life 1 no

I got a Barney and a scientist and I saw the G-man in Office Complex on the other side of a locked red door but my buddies didn't care.