Champions Online


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, so the closed beta is going on this weekend. I got myself a key, playing right now.

Dear god, the character creator is amazing. You can do so much shit with it. Combat is interesting, maybe if my PC could run it better it'd be more fun.


Mah hero.

Anyone else get in?
I'm really looking' forward to this. I didn't get in the beta of course (I never get in betas), though. Not that I woulda been able to play this weekend anyway. :p
It took some begging on a certain site to get my key.
This game runs like shit on my PC though, I'd have to upgrade before I seriously got into playing it.
My brother is playing open beta.

I made a character. Once I get it installed on my computer I'll post a screenshot. He looks badass. Like a ****ing mutant!
Doesn't even really work for me.
Screen flickers but I always so seem sort of smoke effect on the right of the screen.
Can't see character models in the editor and the game crashes when it loads the game world halfway.

Most likely my specs, hell if it runs like shit for Ace then I don't have a chance in hell until I buy a new computer.
All beta reports I've seen so far have been very positive, I'm going to pre-order/pick it up at launch.
I gotta say that the travel powers are absolutely kick ass.
mother****ingcocksuckerbitch****ass****er!!! I have a beta key but my attempts to get into the game have failed

my brother in law ****ed my computer somehow and now I cant DL from gamespot because it cant connect to their servers. it's also affected a bunch of random shit. I'm mad enough to spit fire. DONT TOUCH MY ****IN STUFF FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Here's some screenshots of my character.

He's called Hypnotoad. He's has a good bit of asymmetry on him and I love it.






The game seems great so far. The character customization is ridiculous.

You can basically make any super hero/villain you'd ever imagine.

The cell shaded graphics look nice as well. Here's my guy, dual wielding specialist :D

I'm havin' fun with it. I'm not really motivated to go very far since it's just open beta, but I've gotten a few guys past level 5. It'll be amazing once it's all cleaned up I think.
The game seems great so far. The character customization is ridiculous.

You can basically make any super hero/villain you'd ever imagine.

There is still lots of room for improvements definitely, but the character customization is pretty good. It has some things city of heroes has like being able to have much more outlandish body shapes(such as super super thin or really really huge), but also has some customizations that city of heroes doesn't. Not enough item diversity.

If they keep adding on customization options it'll be great. Some of the categories seem incredibly sparse right now.

I wish there were some more beastly like chest pieces. Maybe even a skeletal one to match the skeleton head.
Yeah, I'm in the open beta right now, just so I can see if my computer can run the game.
All my specs check out except my processor, it isn't powerful enough.

I get lag but I'm not too sure if it's because there are a lot of people on and it's server lag or it's performance lag.
Is there any other way to get the client than using crapplanet? I've been sitting in this 20min line for 2h. Usually when it gets to 4min it just restarts.
there used to be torrents, but when they get posted, they were removed almost immediately by the admins. Unfortunately, we have to use Failplanet.
One thing I have some issue with... the game areas seem to all be mission zones where you're in an area that has a giant dome around it backed by some sort of story. Like a blizzard swirling around or some other shit.

Do any of you know if there are going to be areas kind of like in City of Heroes where many people gather around in, or is it all just a sequence of mission zones?

Hmm... apparently there are only 5 zones in the game.

I also don't like the fact that there's like a billion instances of the zones with like 10-40 players in each one. WAY TOO FEW. Like what the hell.

Feels like a total lack of community in the game.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to want to play this. Too bad my brother is unable to back out of his preorder.
I continue to like it more... and the zones have "too few" people? Shit, there's people everywhere; it can actually get kind of annoying so I certainly wouldn't want any more. To not see someone else doing the same mission I'm currently on... well, I don't think it's ever happened. The only time I'm ever alone is when I go into one of those private instance events. Plus, I'm up to level 16 and I'm still finding new ways to customize my guy. You can buy stuff with PvP acclaim, you can buy stuff with perk points, and the professions are too intimidating for me to try at this point but it sounds pretty cool.

And I'm awesome at the cage fights. :) Best score so far is 13-0.

You just gotta realize the open beta is gonna be wonky... I mean even the crapfest Warhammer improved quite a bit from open beta to a couple weeks into release.
Patching the client now. Certainly looks good from the footage.
It's a bit of a step up from City of Heroes. Well,in certain areas. Costume Creator is a lot more versatile and there are more powers in this game. More travel powers, anyway. That's about it though.

Visually, it's a turn off for many. It looks more like a Sunday morning cartoon than a comic book.
I can overlook the visuals if the Gameplay is fun. I can't in this case. It's repetitive and tiring. You have one endurance building power and you have to constantly spam it. It starts to feel very grindy after a short while.
The fact that there are multiple instances and the fact that they have removed a big chunk of in game items as well as restricted the powers framework eventually turned me off. Micro transactions for in game items is nothing more than a rip off. It's why i stopped playing CoX. Groups/Teams are a rare thing. I have only teamed up twice during the entire beta and i started testing it last October. I play MMO's not because i am a soloing loner and an anti social degenerate but because i enjoy teamwork and socializing with people all over the world. Games such as this and Age of Conan seem to discourage that.
Honestly, it was much more enjoyable when the beta initially started. It had potential but the developers ignored most of the popular suggestions. Just like in City of Heroes, you feel more like a Grunt following orders from a mind numbingly linear quest system instead of being a Hero/Vigilante with a free will and free form missions system (bank robberies, burning buildings, etc.) Players wanted each zone to be suitable for every level instead you have to go through zones that are neither suitable for your characters background nor are they enjoyable in any form.

I may give it another whirl 6 months from now but with Bill Roper on the team (Remember Hellgate: London?), i don't have much hope for it.
I'm going to give it two months with friends.
screw this, I'm gonna cancel my preorder and preorder Guild Wars 2.
The game keeps lagging, even in low peak times, so it's probably performance lag :(
I am honestly in love with the character creator. Dunno about the rest of the game though.
One thing I have some issue with... the game areas seem to all be mission zones where you're in an area that has a giant dome around it backed by some sort of story. Like a blizzard swirling around or some other shit.

I played a bit more, that's only true for the first two/three zones. Once you get out of there it's all City of Heroes-ish - big main zone, instances branching off, public quests etc.
I played a bit more, that's only true for the first two/three zones. Once you get out of there it's all City of Heroes-ish - big main zone, instances branching off, public quests etc.

Hmm... interesting. I had heard on the forums that there were only 5 zones of the ones like Canada and the Desert.
Monster Island and Millennium City

They are all instanced like the Tutorial and Crisis Zones but with just a bigger number of players in them.
I enjoyed CoX more. Although I will say that the character creator and some of the powers were awesome. I was playing Power Armor, and taking those powers + force was great; using force eruption to throw mobs back and then slamming them with micro munitions.

But I don't think I'll be playing this one. The beta was probably the end of it for me.
Oh yeah, Giant Robots and Free Level 40 for end of beta.
The levels aren't going to stick of course. Just a temporary thing. And helping fight those robots your account will have a special bonus on it. From what I saw at least it's a little mega destroyer robot action figure thing.

I've been playing the game today... got Hypnotoad up to level 16, almost 17. People who preordered I think get early access to it, started today. Game is actually released on the 1st.

Having played significantly more of the game, I'm quite liking it more. I can't tell about end game, but thus far I've had fun.
Has anybody else bought this and is playing it?

I'm level 30 right now.
I'm level 30. :p Hippins is my global name.

Server's down atm. ;(
I'm level 30. :p Hippins is my global name.

Server's down atm. ;(

Nah, it came up recently.

Letting my brother play on my computer right now though, while I watch some battlestar galactica on his computer.

I'll have to look you up sometime. My character name is Hypnotoad@Arahkein

My brother's account.
Welp. I hit level 40 already.

I was going to wait a few months before purchasing it. I found a great deal browsing Ebay though.
I just couldn't resist getting it. Got even all the Gamespot pre order bonuses.
Anyway, my main toon is Beelze Bob@TwwIX.