Citizen of United States of America


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
So now I am American, great, time to get fat and listen to country, watch football on the side.

It’s an interesting experience to say the least. I took the test about two months ago. Test is about American history, designed for retarded illegal Mexicans who don’t speak any English. So no much problem there, however they asked me bunched of weird question to which you can only say NO or you won’t be able to become a citizen. Here are the highlights “Did you ever been in communist party?” No. “Are you a terrorist?” No (however I am middle-eastern looking fellow, so it made me laugh, right into the guys face). “Did you ever commit a felony?” Lists go on, but as I said, you answer no to all of these questions. Great, isn’t?

So after you are done with that, they make appointment where you can take oath. Now that was only a week ago. They put you into big ass auditorium, with thousand other people. For two hours they brainwash you as to why it’s a great honor to become an American citizen, showing cheesy videos in between and saying some words in different languages. It’s all cheesy and embarrassing, but hell, whatever. The best part came, when you have to stand up when they name your country. When they said China, half of the auditorium stood up, when they said Mexico, another half did. Oh well, what can you do, it’s California. Oh yeah, in the end there was a video with Bush, thanking us all. Hurray!


So guys, now I am American and it’s time to kick some ass.
welcome to teh gr8test nation on earf. LOL. :D
gh0st said:
welcome to teh gr8test nation on earf. LOL. :D

What are you doing with that damn flag up there, I thought you were A REAL AMERICAN? HELL NAWH!
Mr.Reak said:
What are you doing with that damn flag up there, I thought you were A REAL AMERICAN? HELL NAWH!
i have dual citizenship. would you like half union jack and half stars and stripes?
Nevermind. I need to learn to read. You said CA... Okay... Where in CA? LOL
Put your penguin with American flag back on!

Also Raziaar, you want my address or something? Because if you still can’t figure out where I am from, well great.

Edit: San Francisco, at least near there.. somewhere.
But what if my moms finds out I was sucking my best friend’s dick over AIM.. OH NO MY MOM THINKS I AM GAY!
Mr.Reak said:
But what if my moms finds out I was sucking my best friend’s dick over AIM.. OH NO MY MOM THINKS I AM GAY!

Uhhh..... nevermind.
Hey, congratulations! Glad to have you as a true blue American.
"Are you a terrorist?"

"Yes, I mean shit, no!"

cyberpitz said:
Sounds like why I was deported from Iraq :(


So you used to live in Iraq but got kicked out?

Or you tried to go there and got refused?
“Did you ever been in communist party?” No.

Wait, why do they ask you that? That's just stupid. THE COLD WAR IS OVER!

Anyway, hope you're happy in America. :E
"Are you a communist?"

"Why yes.. yes I am. But if you tell anyone, I will KILL you. And feed your parts to my russian dogski: StalinPooch."
I belive theres a question that asks you : "If there was a war between the US and [Your original Country name here], which would you fight for?
15357 said:
I belive theres a question that asks you : "If there was a war between the US and [Your original Country name here], which would you fight for?

My south african friend was joining the RAF, he was asked the same kind of question too.
15357 said:
I belive theres a question that asks you : "If there was a war between the US and [Your original Country name here], which would you fight for?

Hmm, I don't remember that question. Of course I will lie to them, so secretly I can spy here and when time comes and Mother Russia rises to take over the world, I will be there.
kirovman said:
My south african friend was joining the RAF, he was asked the same kind of question too.

The Raf also ask if you're a terrorist, sympathise with terrorists, have any connection with terrorists or are trying to undermine the government through peaceful or non-peaceful means.

Why would anyone say yes to any of those questions, lol.
I am pretty sure they ask those questions as an excuse to say that they "screen immigrants to see if they have any relationship to terrorists". They know they won't ever find anything from those questions but it makes other people feel safer when they think immigrants are properly screened.
It might be more a long the lines of a legal obligation so that if any member is suspected of it after joining, they can soon be gotten rid off.
Erm so how exactly did you become a citizen Mr. Reak?

I'm a international student from Venezuela and there's no way for me to get citizenship unless I go through an employer and they sponsor me for a greencard.
Rico said:
Erm so how exactly did you become a citizen Mr. Reak?

I'm a international student from Venezuela and there's no way for me to get citizenship unless I go through an employer and they sponsor me for a greencard.

Moved with my parents to America, got a greengard and so on.
Mr.Reak said:
So now I am American, great, time to get fat and listen to country, watch football on the side.

Hey, I'm skinny, listen to techno, and don't watch football. Or, any TV for that matter. Better watch your words, punk. In America, we kick ass.:bounce:
Mr.Reak said:
Moved with my parents to America, got a greengard and so on.

same as me lol except Im going alone.....:(

no greencard I have a passport due to my US dad^^
Man, I really wish I didn't already live in america... I'd try to get in and answer yes to all the questions the topic starter pointed out just to spite them :D
Mr.Reak said:
Test is about American history, designed for retarded illegal Mexicans who don’t speak any English.

Oh hey, another useless addition to America. Watch your racist comments.
Greatgat said:
Better watch your words, punk. In America, we kick ass.:bounce:
Phew... I was starting to think you were an undercover Canadian spy or something... but everyone knows they're a peaceful people.
The goverment should make laws here that forbids (i.e. executes) anyone from giving up his Great ROK citizenship unless he has done the mandatory military training. And, with like 10 million won fine to give it up.
Oh hey, another useless addition to America. Watch your racist comments.

Except he wasn't being recist or discrimatory against Mexican people: he was being discriminatory against retarded illegal people.
actully, he was.

but to only retarded and illegal Mexican people.
gh0st said:
i have dual citizenship. would you like half union jack and half stars and stripes?
If you want just that I've got a picture of one? hope.JPG
Javes said:
If you want just that I've got a picture of one?View attachment 18122

I think that's the worst thing I've ever seen.

Anyways, grats on being a citizen. Feel free to move over to Massachusetts. No mexicans or chinese here, just a lot of Canadians and Irish.. etc..

Also, when they said "Did you ever been in communist party?"

I would have replied "Did YOU ever been take an english class, pass this test?"

K thnx.
DreadLord1337 said:
I think that's the worst thing I've ever seen.
You make a better half British-Half American flag. Then talk some rubbish.
Did you draw those stars yourself sulk? I liked your kayak better.