CS:Source blurry graphics


Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score

I've just got a new card, the ATi X800Pro, and Ive got Catalyst 6.4 installed. Now when I play CSS I get fuzzy graphics, the lines around models and all are just blurry. I dont have AA or AF enabled, however if I look at models in the preview window of the model/team selection menu then the lines around the models are crisp as can be. I'm also using the native resolution of my monitor.

Is this a known problem?

Thanks in advance.
what resolution?
system specs?
did you put the settings on max?
Along with specs and settings, can you get a screenshot?
Full specs:
AMD 2500+
1gb RAM
Ati X800Pro
1280x1024 (LCD/TFT) native resolution

I put all settings on max, except for AF and AA. Also thought it could be HDR but that wouldn't make sense.. I just turned it off and it still gave blurry graphics.

I'll provide a screenshot in a few minutes.
Hmm, it's gone now. Not sure what I changed. I've turned off Color Correction and it's gone.. could that be it then?
Did CS:S recommend the Color Correction setting or did you turn it on yourself?
I was wondering the same thing, and remeber noticing that it just made it look worse when it was on.
its basically the depth of field feature distant objects or distance in general will be blurry so it seems more realistic
Ooooh ok. Well screw realism, I want crisp and clean graphics!