

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
I am a coming of age mapper and i have made my first map that i think is one that i think other people would want to play.

The the map is roughly based of my Little town.

The real draw of it, is that i have 8 buildings in my map and 7 of them have full interiors.

This is a nice map and i would not have posted it if it was not.

I only have some Beta pictures but i felt it was not worth it to go and take more pictures when all i did was tune and got rid of some bugs.









If you want to play it. You will be able to download it from csm2.net once they finish uploading it to their site. And if you dont want to wait till then you can go to my home server which it "Followers of <TUA>". This is a server that i am just running until some one pick up my map.

This is a fairly big map at 11MB but i think it is worth the wait.

I really hope you like it. I guess that is all i can say. So see you guys around
very neat. looks more like a DM map and not a CS map though. but if you have 7 buildings with interiors, im sure 11MB will be worth the wait.
It is a DM map lol

I sent it to Csm as a CS map by acident. So I dont know what to do. I could ignore it or i could do some more tweaking and then rename it name it a DM map. I guess i jumped the gun a little bit by everyones great responses. (I have shown it to a few other sites and shown it to the Internet Cafe that the one building is based on. And everyone loves it)

Most likely i will do an update and just rerelease it. And i would like to get it into the single digits. i can try.

I am really glad you like it. why dont you run by my server, it is up now. And check it out for your self.
its not just the renaming you should be concerned with....you are holding a glock....you might have a bigger problem than you think (ignoring it probably wouldnt be the best idea) where do i go to play it....is the server up now?
You can use the filter and have it look for servers that are playing cs_mainstreet and that should get you to my server
not showing up....im running on dmz so firewall aint the problem
Use the IP i sent you in a PM. And if you tried that then use the filter and it might be a bit for it to find my server. I am running it off my home network

I really need to find a real Server to pick up my map.
first of all, that was a network address....you need to give me your internet address. secondly, you need to host an internet game in order for me to join.
Sorry like i said i am a little new. I will host that internet game now
ahh i give up. While i am waiting on CSM to uploadmy map to their server i will just have to email the zipped map to who ever wants it. That is most likely the fastest way for now. So if you want it, just pipe up and i can send it to you
i took a short look through it lookin for bugs or errors. the sidewalk is really high and low and some areas....and some sidewalks just sort of abruptly end here and there. i can tell you have a 3d skybox too. why? because when i jump up and down in the playground area i can see over the fence....and where the skybox starts. make that fence higher. what else....ah. the windows. some windows appear to be split and look like two seperate windows. however, when you shoot one of them, the whole thing breaks. the grass on the inside of your map should have some slight displacements as well...to make it look a little more bumpy. this was after a quick look, but ill try to keep my eye open for more bugs. oh....and change the map to a dm map ASAP....it is best that you dont put it off until later - it will just mean more work for you. that should be number 1 on your priority list.
Ok thanks for the over view. I will try to fix everything you said. But i am a little worried about the grass. In older versions of the map i had the grass bumpy but the map got over the 16 MB limit and in the 20 MB range. And when i took out the bumps the map became a lot smaller like 5 MB smaller. Is this Weird? or normal
well maybe turning it into a displacement caused a leak....normally displacements are super easy to render, however it dont count when you are trying to prevent leaks. try this. lower the grass you al ready have, and put a brush on top of it so it is level with the sidewalk. turn the top face of that brush into a displacement and all the other 5 faces will not render. then, make it bumpy. try not to raise the terrain too close to the sidewalk. speaking of displacements, i noticed the sandbox looked a little odd. i suspect you turned all 6 sides of the brush (sand) into a displacement and not just the one (top) side. i cant tell cause i can see some of the side displacement faces sticking up and out. when making displacements, only the sides that will be visible will need to be turned into a displacement. in this case, that would be the top only. also, displacements need to be rectangular or squared (just lettin you know).
Oh ok that makes alot of sense. I will try that now. I am getting closer to a rerelease if you dont mind i would like to send it to you before i rerelease it.
Like the other guy said, your sidewalks seem unrealistically high.

In the 4th shot (first post) the wall and floor do not touch - you can see grass through the gap. On that same shot, the tree is going through the wall - you can see leaves and branches inside.

In all the outside shots, you can see where the grass meets the skybox. Since you can get on the roof, it would be very difficult to hide this, because the fence would have to be almost as high as the player's eyes when standing on the roofs. Instead of building the fence that high, I'd suggest making a 3D skybox using props and brushes that look like buildings in the distance.

This map looks really open, so I'd also suggest putting areaportals on the windows and doors if you haven't already done so. This should help a lot with performance and compiling, as long as you don't have any leaks.
Well that is a old version. i just finished doing doing all the things war wanted me to do and some other stuff. Unvision if you want a copy PM me your email and i can send it to you. That way you can see what i have done and have not.

Really the more testers the better the game or map gets. So any one feel free to PM me your Email if you want to see it. I want to hold back on posting it onto the CSM site. The nexted map i upload i want everone to feel that it is done.