Diaries of Columbine murderers released

Can't read their handwrinting.
Anything along the lines of 'Marylin Manson told me to kill everyone'?
Could only pick out bits of it, didnt make much sense though.
Page 466 = tons of IP Addresses

edit: The page just below that has a shitload of ICQ #'s.

Anything there that says "Played Doom. Want to kill people now"?
If anything in there vaguely mentions the color red, the Communist Puppets made them do it.
15357 said:
If anything in there vaguely mentions the color red, the Communist Puppets made them do it.
It's mainly nazi-emo. "boohoo people are mean to me"
It's a really sad incident. This incident could have been avoided, though. If the two person weren't being bullied by their own fellow students and resorts to anger and killing.

I should laugh at the psycho christians and politicians who foolishly trying to get themselves involved in this incident to make a fool of themselves by trying to say that video games makes people kill. I am almost becoming a atheist, though.
Double_Blade said:
It's a really sad incident. This incident could have been avoided, though. If the two person weren't being bullied by their own fellow students and resorts to anger and killing.

I should laugh at the psycho christians and politicians who foolishly trying to get themselves involved in this incident to make a fool of themselves by trying to say that video games makes people kill. I am almost becoming a atheist, though.

Well really, it was an immature way to for them to handle their anger.

People need to learn to not take things personally. What these kids did, was assume that everybody hated them (note the word assume), and decided that the best way to go was also the most selfish way to go.

(can somebody quote this pls :( Double_Blade has me on his ignore list)

Double_Blade, if you got my PM, please reply :)
sinkoman said:
Well really, it was an immature way to for them to handle their anger.

People need to learn to not take things personally. What these kids did, was assume that everybody hated them (note the word assume), and decided that the best way to go was also the most selfish way to go.

(can somebody quote this pls :( Double_Blade has me on his ignore list)

Double_Blade, if you got my PM, please reply :)
There you go.
Weird PDF, you can get a glimpse of his way of thinking. Odd he uses terms like HAX0R ... in 1998?
No point helping sinkoman to quote. I myself also can ignore it. So to sinkoman, don't waste your time doing these kind of things.

I feel sorry for those dead victim's families have been suffering through grief during the period of the horrible time. Eric and Dylan=Evil kids. This shows why teens and children needs to be kept up in home so they won't get into trouble outside.
Double_Blade said:
This shows why teens and children needs to be kept up in home so they won't get into trouble outside.

Please - don't ever have children.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Please - don't ever have children.

I don't have one, and I don't even plan to have one. Anyway, can anyone answer my question, who helped supply guns for Eric and Dylan? I forgot who. I know she is a woman senior in the school but I am interested to know the name.
Do you really think leet speak came before the internet?

People sending 1337 letters to each other?
It was probably a secret Nazi code during the war
It was first used in bulletin board systems. The world wide web (which started in the early 90s, not 96) is not the internet, which started much earlier (people will argue about when; but it was sometime between the late 60s and mid 80s).
Double_Blade said:
No point helping sinkoman to quote. I myself also can ignore it. So to sinkoman, don't waste your time doing these kind of things.

I feel sorry for those dead victim's families have been suffering through grief during the period of the horrible time. Eric and Dylan=Evil kids. This shows why teens and children needs to be kept up in home so they won't get into trouble outside.

You win. .

I want the days of military-ordered curfew for teens back. :(

Actually, I agree wiht pi.
I used to frequent bulletin boards in the very early 90s and I have to say I never once saw the term HAX0R ... or any 1337 at all, for that matter. Perhaps I wasn't on the right BBs.
i saw a little bit of the security footage they released when they started killing people.
apparently eric was somewhat of a doom fanboy
Adidajs said:
i saw a little bit of the security footage they released when they started killing people.
it was in bowling for columbine.

also, i've skimmed through a bit of this - just picking random pages out - and there's some creepy shit. One page has "chem homework due" and a rammstein logo drawn on it, like you might see in my notebook (but not rammstein, perhaps nine inch nails instead)... and the next one is a bastardization of the school planner. a page that says "ENTHUSIASM- sieze the opportunity [of] each new [crossed out, 'open shot' written beneath] and you will never need to regret the [crossed out, 'missed ones' written beneath]". Yike.

See page 159 for that. Teh creepah.
Hazar said:
apparently eric was somewhat of a doom fanboy
As was I, and a few million / billion other kids from the 93 to 98 period ...
he was quite obsessive though

not saying that caused the whole thing at all, if anything, it probably delayed it.
Strange that so much would be recorded. I've never considered keeping a diary--too unsafe.

I feel like I'm looking at a glamourous treasure through dark, murky glass.
Zeus said:

Oh thanks Zeus... I really appreciate it. I hope the families and the victim's brothers and sisters are coping well now.

The news of gamepolitics have been out.

Columbine Diaries Contain Video Game References

Just-released diaries and assorted papers of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold contain a handful of video game references among the 946 pages made public today by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.

Of the planned massacre, Harris wrote, "It'll be like the LA riots, the Oklahoma bombing, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together. ... I want to leave a lasting impression on the world."

id Software's Doom series is well-known as a favorite of Harris and Klebold. The "Duke" reference refers to Duke Nukem 3D, a bawdy, 1996 first-person shooter from developer 3D Realms.

Note the hand-drawn Doom logo in Harris' diary at left. The complete diaries are available on the website of the Denver Post. A reference in Harris' diary written about a year before the Columbine shootings reads:

"...everyone should be put to a test. an Ultimate Doom test. see who (unreadable) an environment using only smarts and military skills... Put them in a Doom world, no authority, no refuge, no BS copout excuses. If you can't figure out the area of a triangle or what (unreadable) means, you die! If you can't take down a demon w/a chainsaw or a hell prince w/a shotgun, you die!"

In August, 1998 Harris wrote out a list of "25 Things that make me different." Number one was:

"My love for a computer game called Doom. Doom is such a big part of my life and no one I know can recreate environments in Doom as good as me. I know almost anything there is to know about that game, so I believe that separates me from the rest of the world... Doom is so burned into my head my thoughts usually have something to do with the game... the fact is I love that game and if others tell me, "hey it's just a game" I say "hey, I don't care"

Ironically, the last item on Harris' list is "My memories of the past and my hopes for the future."

Harris also wrote a fan letter to id which can be seen here.

Although it's clear that Eric Harris was a devotee of Doom, the material released today in large part reinforces what was already known about the Columbine shooter: that he was an angry young man, full of hatred and contempt for many of those he knew. He also appears to have been very interested in guns and Nazi imagery.

There is far less material pertaining to Klebold. The only game-related items contained among his papers are handwritten links to what appear to be file download sites for Doom and Quake add-ons.

And the fan-letter? Here you go,


Yes, his wishes were all come true, there is Doom III that has new engine and has a Doom Movie starring The Rock.
After reading more of this, I don't think he should of been playing Doom at all tbh.
theSteven said:
After reading more of this, I don't think he should of been playing Doom at all tbh.

People like the 2 teens (I used the term "teens" loosely) needs some psychological help.
if only id had hired him...ok, unlikely, but reading that letter, it seems like he enjoyed Doom for its own sake. the game is a fantasy, killing demons and monsters. It's not a game about killing classmates or even real people. I never saw how this game was to blame for the Columbine horrors.

it's sad, but that letter doesn't sound like one from a killer. hell, anyone of us could have written that letter.
Double_Blade said:
People like the 2 teens (I used the term "teens" loosely) needs some psychological help.
Why exactly do you use the term 'teens' loosely? Psychopathy doesn't affect their age.

Raeven0, what's unsafe about keeping a diary?
Raeven0, what's unsafe about keeping a diary?

Perhaps its because other people can read it. So, from time to time, I read my diary a bit and then I censor bits of my diary entries with a black marker.
I beleive he was already a psychopath, and this is why he latched on to doom so obsessively. He was obsessed with violence and hatred, and that's why he tried to take it out in a video game, but the video game was not enough for him.
theotherguy said:
I beleive he was already a psychopath, and this is why he latched on to doom so obsessively. He was obsessed with violence and hatred, and that's why he tried to take it out in a video game, but the video game was not enough for him.
OT: LOL at Beerdude's sig. Lol @

theotherguy said:
I beleive he was already a psychopath, and this is why he latched on to doom so obsessively. He was obsessed with violence and hatred, and that's why he tried to take it out in a video game, but the video game was not enough for him.

In fact, you're right. That's why games like this are intended for adults.

And in any way or other, read this article.

The New Demons: Ordinary Teens

Although this article is old, I find this article useful because it educates us the dangers of teenagers. Two thumbs up for Ron Powers who is alert and careful.