Eagle Eye - Glados?


Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
Ive just seen the trailer for the new movie Eagle Eye on apples website

Link: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/eagleeye/

Watch trailer 2.

Is it just me or is the female voice from the phone almost identical with glados voice?
also listent in the very end of the trailer she says "we're everywhere" and I would swear
it sounds excatly like Glados. I know it high doubtable that this movie has HL og portal refereance. but still I find it pretty cool
Is tha the Shia Leboof movie? I've seen the trailer several times and I never heard Glados.
I've yet to hear a voice that souns exactly like GLaDOS besides GLaDOS, and this is no exception, but this sounds so close it may as well be.
I don't hear it at all. She just sounds like a human - albeit a human with a creepy voice - talking over a phone.
I know it may not sound like the in-game glados voice. But it sounds ecxatly as the voice actress who are voicing glados. Maybe just me going crazy
voice sounds a bit creepy...but i didnt hear glados...although im interested in the movie...probably gonna go see it on friday..anyone else checking it out?
Doesn't sound like her.

But if Shia laBoeuf gets the Portal Gun, you can all say "I told you so!"
The closest thing I've heard to GLaDOS was the combine dispatcher.

Makes sense, considering they're both voiced by Ellen McLain.
nahh, didn't hear GLaDOS either but looks like a good movie!
While it doesn't sound like GLaDOS, it would be funny if someone made an alternate version of the trailer where they replace the voice on the phone with GLaDOS quotes. I'd do it myself, but I have absolutely no experience with video remixing.
I checked the credits on IMDB and there was no Ellen Mclain - could be she's just not credited, but I don't think that sounds enough like her.
I thought the same thing when I saw the movie.
Shia LaBeouf to play Chell in 2010 movie adaptation of Portal.
I've heard this movie isn't very good, but I haven't seen it myself. The voice doesn't sound as robotic as GLaDOS does, but it is similar.
the movie is really good, i recommend seeing it.

also i immediately thought of portal when i saw this movie.
Glados and Aria are very similar... but Glados makes me laugh-- aria not so much, shes kind of a bitch
I checked the credits on IMDB and there was no Ellen Mclain - could be she's just not credited, but I don't think that sounds enough like her.

The voice actress for Aria is indeed uncredited. It's Julianne Moore, though, not Ellen McLain.