Easy, Medium, and Hard

Taco Wiz

Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
What's the difference between the easy, medium, and hard modes in the first Half-Life game?
It's very complex.

Easy is the easiest difficulty setting.
Medium is harder than easy.
Hard is harder than both medium and easy.
It just adjusts the amount of damage your weapons do, compared to the damage enemy weapons do to you. As far as I can tell.
Don't the female assassins cloak in medium and hard too?
Only in the hard mode.
I thoguht the soldiers were much more conniving with their grenade usage when playing on Hard, personally. I had at least one "Clever girl." *BOOM* moment.
In all games on easy mode you take more damage before dying an enemies take less and the opposite way around for hard mode.

Also in the Half-Life 1 games alien slaves attack faster and assassins can turn invisible on hard mode. I think soldiers might use their grenade launchers more but I'm not sure.

In the Half-Life 2 games there is assisted aiming on easy mode.
I found the difference to be in how much health and suit power you get from pickups and mounted devices, and the time it takes the vortigaunt aliens to charge their attack. These plus that you can take more damage and enemies can not on easy and vice versa for hard difficulty.
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In all games on easy mode you take more damage before dying an enemies take less and the opposite way around for hard mode.

Also in the Half-Life 1 games alien slaves attack faster and assassins can turn invisible on hard mode. I think soldiers might use their grenade launchers more but I'm not sure.

In the Half-Life 2 games there is assisted aiming on easy mode.
doesn't it increase tracking rate on humanoid enemy weapons like SMGs and shit also, making it harder to break line of sight?
If you want the exact full difference list,
download the source code : https://github.com/ValveSoftware/halflife

I have done that quickly, maybe I'm wrong on some point, but here are the differences that I have interpreted from the source code :

Easy :
helicopters fire rockets less often (or not at all ?)
auto-aim a lot
Assassin never cloaked
HECU use grenade launcher at least every 6 seconds

Assassin never cloaked
HECU use grenade laucher at least every 6 seconds

Hard :
- Assassin cloaked at 92% when not moving
- HECU use grenade launcher at least every random 2~5 second
- HECU throw grenade when about to be covered
- vortigaunt throw energy beams more often
- no autoaim