Eclipses needs help


Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Name Of mod: ECLIPSES

URL to mod:

Bio of mod: It's about a total conversion Single Player in a SCi-Fi environment; I had this game idea years ago but at that time started only with concepts and some movies; this was not a bad move as most of the assets are now pretty clear and some of them already put into Hammer as a level, props, characters... now we have to make all these work together and this is our weak point because programming & scripting is not exactly our major strenght, so I'm looking for help with some punctual issues or even an extended collaboration with a HL2 programmer...

Promo images of mod: or the above link.

What you need help with: Hi all and thanx for reading this; for now we're stuck with this problem: I am making a custom character model with 3ds max 2010 using Biped. I export required files for reference, physics, animations, and I am able to see everything working fine in Model Viewer and in Face Poser. I export a male character replacing NPC_Kleiner.

I setup a simple scene where my custom character model should find me using the info_nodes. My model doesn't react to info_nodes, he stays in idle animation. The scene works fine with the default model for NPC_Kleiner.

My custom NPC_Kleiner has no problem executing animations through a logic_choreographed_scene.

Does anyone have any idea about what's going on ?