Edge awards Halo 3 for "Interactive Innovation"


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Now, I've never played Halo 3, so I'm not too familiar with why it deserved the award over the Orange Box or Wii, but apparently Edge seems to think it does:

Edge said:
Ultimately it is the integration and coherence of Halo 3?s online content that makes the game stand apart. From its Theater mode to Forge, and the way a party playing through Live can seamlessly manoeuvre between them, here is an experience that demonstrates an unparalleled understanding of the potential for console online play.
Epic debate commence!

Wait, do we still have Halo fans on here? It's been too long for me.
No, I think we purged all of them.
Wait, an innovation award? Really?


Granted, the online content and shit sounds pretty cool as far as that goes, I don't know much about it, but I'd definitely say online content when not just focusing on consoles is something Valve has down pat long before Halo 3.
Wait, an innovation award? Really?

Halo 3 does things that no other FPS has done yet, just look at........wait, hehe, just kidding, Halo 3 has never had an original thought let alone feature. The game basically sucks.

Also, yeah, Halo isn't that bad. It's quite funny that Half Life fanboys and Halo fanboys are so hateful of each other.
Innovation on the consoles, maybe... but we PC users have seen it all.
hey halo was really innovative for it's time and still stands the test of time as one of the best fps out there......oh wait this is halo 3? Ah forget it then :p
Halo 3 does things that no other FPS has done yet, just look at........wait, hehe, just kidding, Halo 3 has never had an original thought let alone feature. The game basically sucks.

That is such a ridiculous statement. I don't even want to get into a debate about it because you're obviously way too ignorant to even look up what the Forge and Theater mode is so I'm not going to bother.

Halo 3 is probably my favourite online game to be honest. I can't think of much more thats had the same amount of polish applied than Bungie have put into their online experience. I can understanf hate for Halo's singleplayer acclaim as the SP isn't as great as reviewers have made it out to be, but it's MP is leages ahead of most.
I haven't really played online, so whatever. The Halo 3 singleplayer is fun - certainly better than a lot of trash, but I could never see it gaining an "interactive innovation" award. Not now, not ever.

Innovation on the consoles, maybe... but we PC users have seen it all.

You might be surprised by what you haven't seen.
Tbh, I have only played the Halo 2 multiplayer with mates and its ok for a laugh but nothing I could sit down and play for a good few sessions. The Halo 3 multiplayer I have never played so I cant really comment but unless its miles ahead of the H2 multiplayer then I would take Edge's response with a pinch of salt.
Well, Halo 3 definitely has one of the best matchmaking systems on Live right now, but yeah I dont know if that exactly warrants an innovation award.
EDIT: Too lazy to quote, meant to be in tandem to Samons post: I agree. I couldn't stomach Halo winning an innovation award on the behalf of it's singleplayer at all, not whilst the Orange Box is floating around. But for it's MP and features I'm all for it and it seems that from the closing comments thats where Edge was going with it, so cool.
Have to agree with the part about the online stuff, it's pretty well done.
Yeah, if you separate Halo's online technical achievements from personal opinions on the quality of the gameplay, it's got some very impressive stuff. It's 4-player online co-op is the thing to beat in the FPS market right now, and the ability to form a party, play some co-op, jump into multiplayer, then review the best moments of the round in theater, then all jump into forge and tweak the map together is amazing. I'm not a fan of the actual multiplayer, but I've got to give it credit for doing some amazing stuff.
Seems like they gave it for innovation in the console Multiplayer space, so I see little reason to complain. HL2 wasn't even in contention for the award so it's no big deal. Portal was up there, but that's probably won enough awards by now.
Tbh, I have only played the Halo 2 multiplayer with mates and its ok for a laugh but nothing I could sit down and play for a good few sessions. The Halo 3 multiplayer I have never played so I cant really comment but unless its miles ahead of the H2 multiplayer then I would take Edge's response with a pinch of salt.

Ditto, except I bought Halo 1 and tried to play online for a good while...and I got so bored I about dug out my own eyes. I was really hoping to like the game, too.
Halo 3 is the peak of game innovation. i mean, YOU CAN USE A PLASMA SWORD OMG
I guess the multiplayer stuff must be pretty good then. I haven't even seen a 360 IRL outside of the shops so I can't possibly comment, but man, whatever.
Eh. The multiplayer was... good... I guess. It's just weird that they're offering an award for innovation in everything but gameplay. It's all the external stuff that made it great, really. The core game was still more or less identical, just wish another coat of polish.

I'll tell you what did deserve an award for innovation, though - the mute feature. New to gaming? No. New to Halo? Yes. And that's enough.
Eh... It's a tough call.

I mean, Bungie does have a kick ass matchmaking and party system, they have Forge which allows players to creatively remix all of the maps and essentially create entire new games (everything from Resident Evil to Splinter Cell) and then the video and screenshots and sharing everything online.

Sure, the core gameplay isn't exactly innovative, but the game as a whole has quite a lot of innovative features within it, especially in the online component.

Portal, while it is a really kick ass game, it's merely done one thing right, which is the portals. Granted thats what they wanted to do, and like I said they did a damn fine job of it. However, Halo3 does have a lot of new and innovative features, especially for a console game (and as you can tell the gaming world is turning very console-centric).

But still... Eh. Tough call. I think personally I would have gone with Portal for creating an entirely innovative and polished game.
What happened Edge, you used to be cool.
The online gaming is fun, if only there weren't so many complete shitforbrains making up the community.
Ultimately it is the integration and coherence of Halo 3?s online content that makes the game stand apart. From its Theater mode to Forge, and the way a party playing through Live can seamlessly manoeuvre between them, here is an experience that demonstrates an unparalleled understanding of the potential for console online play.

the online community for this game is what makes it so shit.

i think the actual mp has loads of potential for fun, but i would rather not play with 6-year old asshats.
I'll tell you what did deserve an award for innovation, though - the mute feature.

the online community for this game is what makes it so shit.

i think the actual mp has loads of potential for fun, but i would rather not play with 6-year old asshats.

This, i thank valve for finally adding that feature as well.