Faces of War?

Yeah, it does look great, but I got all excited for Soldiers: Heroes of WWII and was pretty seriously disappointed by it. I hope this one holds on and impresses me. It sounds like a ton of fun!
Oh come on, Soldiers was a good, underappreciated game :(
obviously gamespot are a bunch of dumb****s who never heard of heroes of WWII seing as they're praising this game as the second coming and the game changing RTS games, even though heroes of WWII did the exact same stuff. nothing new in this game just building on or ripping-off of HoWWII.
heh, faces of war ..I'd assume it'd look something like this:



Huh? I hope you're not trying to turn this thread political.
Raziaar said:
Oh come on, Soldiers was a good, underappreciated game :(
It was good and it was underappreciated, but it ran like crap. I hope this one really can build and expand upon the same premise and release with a little more polish....

CptStern said:
where's your sense of humour?
It doesn't like to show its face when it comes to joking about the pain that war and strife cause.
CptStern said:
where's your sense of humour?

Probably frolicking somewhere that yours is. The post wasn't funny.
I will prolly get this one. Soldiers was a blast, altho it is one of the hardest games I ever played.
loved the orginal, although the I got decent performance in SP and absolute crap performance in MP, very very very fun thinking game.
It's ok Stern, I think we would all just prefer that you keep the discussion on the game, or atleast accompany your joke with your 2 cents on the game. :)

I'm glad a thread was made, I absolutely love Soldiers, and I can't wait for FoW. I've done a ton of research on this game, and stay up to date. Their biggest improvement is going to be on the AI, which puts a huge smile on my face because it's one of the reasons I was interested in the game, to be able to tell my squad what to do and watch them do it, and yet still be able to control one of them directly!

I still play Soldiers to this day, there are some fantastic mods for it.

And I tell you, FoW will be 10x more popular if they release modding tools along with the game unlike with Soldiers. People literally had to make their own tools :(

Cheers Raziaar!