Favourite character

Well.. To be honest? Gordon.

But as for a dynamic charectar, would have to be Alyx, with Barney close behind.
Dog. The animation done on it really made you think it was a dog.
I'd have to say Kleiner, Alyx, and Barney. I love Kleiner because he' so innocent and just goofy. Alyx because she's hot and she totally digs me ;) Barney because he's Barney. :thumbs:

Putz said:
Dog. The animation done on it really made you think it was a dog.

Actually he moves and acts more like a Gorilla if you ask me.

I liked Dr. Breen at the start of the game, he sounds very level-headed and forward-thinking, simply a dedicated scientist making the best of a difficult situation. When you actually meet him, though, he changes somewhat. He almost becomes a campy super-villain. I think that's a shame, he would have been more interesting as a character if it were possible for the player to appreciate his viewpoint.

I also thought Dog was more akin to a gorilla.
i love dr. breen's speeches,
i love alyx,
i love g-man's facial expressions

i hate dr. mossman
Probably dog. Wish he was in the game for longer than 2 seconds.
I love the G-Man, so mysterious, interesting looking, interesting manner of speech... and he's the one who really manipulates everything there is.

Loved Alyx, she saved my ass often, looks great, has a nice voice.

However, regarding characters - don't read below if you haven't finished the game, ending spoiler!

If the GMan didn't save Alyx at the end and let her die, I'm going to hate him for that.
Solver said:
If the GMan didn't save Alyx at the end and let her die, I'm going to hate him for that.
Me too. Hope shes in hl3, and dog too
Alyx, Barney;

the other friendlies, including dog and funkeh lamarr.

anyone else want a pet headcrab after hl2? i want one.
Pretty much all the people that have a sense of emothion behind them.

And has anyone noticed that you seem to feel a lot more for the characters this time round? They all seem "real" its probably a combination of good animation and the facial expressions but they all seem more real. And as a result I seem much more attached to them. Its like watching a movie and made what would have been "WOO!" moments to "F*** YEAH!" ones. (Like Barneys, "About that beer I owed you" or his sarcastic "I can see your MIT Education really pays off...")

In fact any part where someone speaks. And of course the big Dr Breen Finale felt like some sort of movie in the way they acted and moved.

As far as favorite characters go, well thats hard. I know there was an element of "What about Alyx?" near the end, and she is hot, but its one of those "Shes Hot"'s that grow on you. I must confess I really didn't think she was that hot to begin with. But now, I'd hit it.

I mean at the end I was also concerned for all the people I met, including Mossman. Probably because she went and did something....

Venmoch said:
Pretty much all the people that have a sense of emothion behind them.

And has anyone noticed that you seem to feel a lot more for the characters this time round? They all seem "real" its probably a combination of good animation and the facial expressions but they all seem more real. And as a result I seem much more attached to them. Its like watching a movie and made what would have been "WOO!" moments to "F*** YEAH!" ones. (Like Barneys, "About that beer I owed you" or his sarcastic "I can see your MIT Education really pays off...")

In fact any part where someone speaks. And of course the big Dr Breen Finale felt like some sort of movie in the way they acted and moved.

As far as favorite characters go, well thats hard. I know there was an element of "What about Alyx?" near the end, and she is hot, but its one of those "Shes Hot"'s that grow on you. I must confess I really didn't think she was that hot to begin with. But now, I'd hit it.

I mean at the end I was also concerned for all the people I met, including Mossman. Probably because she went and did something....


exactly, well said! this is the first time in gaming history that i actually cared about npcs. it makes the experience so much more intense ..

why bah? :)
Dr. Breen, especially at the start, then probably G-man, followed closely by Alyx.
Definitely either Gordon or Alyx, Gordon just because and Alyx, well, she's hot and her pistol is awesome ;)
Can't choose between Barney, Alyx and the G-Man.
Messermeier said:

Because I can't think of a good way to really say why I felt a little bit of respect(?) towards Mossman.

Probably because she saved the day and really likes Eli or something. That and she did look a little remorseful in that final scene.
dog > all, who else can pick up a car and beat the crap outa an combine apc. well besides izzy :)
Mine would have to be G-man just because he is so mysterious in close second would have to be Alyx.
1 father grigory - couldnt stop laughing all the way through ravenholm

2 gman - spooky

3 barney - wise arse comments eg "look out gordon head humpers"

4 alyx - shes hot
i like combine soldier's those from begining
they walk really cool.
they look really nice and so awesome.
i wish i could see gordon model.
should be posible right ?