Few questions guys!

  • Thread starter Thread starter FromHell
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I just sow the amazing HL2 graphic! wow!!
but i want you to tell me if my system is good enough to run it in 1024*768 32bit ofcurse....

this are my specs
1.6A ghz
gigabyte sis 655
256*2(512) 333mh on 128bit(DCDDR)
radeon 9500 pro 128mb

is this enough?:dozey:

Well.. according to valve.. it will run.. but then again.. im not real sure.. not alot of info on it.. if its anything like doom3.. no.. it wont run.. get more ram at most.. 512 is the minimal :)

Edit: err yeah.. it will prolly run on low graphics settings.. but it might get a little laggy..
your PC should run it on lowered graphics just fine...
on the lowest setting. damn why did i bought my radeon adn 512ddr ! :o
Lowest Graphics?

Valve said that 2Ghz is recommended, FromHell is only 400Mhz away from that.

His Memory should be fine, providing it's good quality and speedy.

The Graphics Card is pretty good, and with 128mb of Memory for textures..

I'd guess he would be able to run it smoothly on around Medium Graphics?
same here, I would say he could run it on medium graphics just fine. :D
Teach them a lesson, go on, take their Graphics Cards away a day before HL2 is released. :cheese:

Well.. you could run it.. but i would still suggest you get 512 ram.. i have a 9800 pro graph card.. 2.6 gig CPU.. 1037 ram.. and i still lag some in todays games with graphs on high.. unless Valve pulls a fast one with a way to make it so the 4000-5000 Poly models dont lag.. you wont be able to run it past medium on that.. the CPU is prolly fine.. if ya have the extra cash bring it to 2 gigs..
by the way. i got this system i run "enter the matrix" in the 1600*1200 shadows are on and everything even AA and AF the game run around the 50-60 fps.

What would a

512mb 2700pc 333mhz
radeon 9800 pro 128meg

run it like?

It would run fine.. maybe a few lag bursts in High.. but nothing to worry about.. doubt it will be any lag anyway

Edit: and fromhell.. Enter the matrix isnt Half life 2.. lol.
I reckon it would run on High Graphics.

In the Tech Demo, the Valve Dude explained what was capable using a Radion 9800 Pro. Which i'm guessing is high graphics (if you seen the tech video you'd guess that too).

I read somewhere that the processor handles the physics, so if the recommended is 2Ghz, you should be fine.

as I asked someone who put up about 72 pics from E3 which features a pic of a Dell XPS...

Dell XPS

And the big version of it features 3 GHz pIV/512 MB PC3200 with a FSB on 800 MHz (so effectively 2 x 400 MHz RAM) with a Rad9k8Pro.. So that's already feasible hardware. I was really afraid that the demo ran on a cluster of SGI Onyx' or smth :)

Considering the game comes out Sept 30th, above HW should drop in price too, so GET IT ON VALVE! U R0X0R!!!

In the videos Gabe said that the videos were played on a p4 2ghz with a geforce 4.
Re: Fine

Originally posted by Ender
It would run fine.. maybe a few lag bursts in High.. but nothing to worry about.. doubt it will be any lag anyway

Edit: and fromhell.. Enter the matrix isnt Half life 2.. lol.
what so funny? i think you in the comp too much if you think that funny. anyway he saied the games are a little choppy with 1giga ram . i told him that the game run smooth in my comp.
Originally posted by FromHell
all in high?

Well you saw those videos didnt you? They defenetely werent on low mode. They were either in medium or high.

Originally posted by Dave
What Geforce 4 was that?

Probably the 4400 or the 4600 or the 4200. I doubt it was a 64mb card.
They had to have been on high, if they were on medium then, um..
Originally posted by Dave
They had to have been on high, if they were on medium then, um..

Medium still looks probably like mint. High mode might be for the video cards that are out by late septermber of when the game ships.
meidum will be enough for me if the game will run on 32bit and 1024.
Originally posted by dagz
Medium still looks probably like mint. High mode might be for the video cards that are out by late septermber of when the game ships.

I sure as heck know what my Christmas present is this year then!
lol :cool: . i think i will buy a 2.4B cpu. what do you think guys?it will go well in my system?
Getting a 3Ghz in the summer :bounce:

Me' old 1Ghz simply won't be able to handle HL2 :( Poor thing deserves an upgrade :cheese:
i got 1.6ghz i dont think i need to improve. and problay they will fix some bugs that making the game heavier. we will see... when will be an public-beta
Originally posted by FromHell
i got 1.6ghz i dont think i need to improve. and problay they will fix some bugs that making the game heavier. we will see... when will be an public-beta

Public Alpha? There wont even be a demo before the game releases.
Originally posted by dagz
In the videos Gabe said that the videos were played on a p4 2ghz with a geforce 4.

in which one was that then ? I've only heard him talk about a 'hardware platform like Radeon 9800pro'.. ??
Tbh i think we all jumping to conclusions.

I remeber reading somewhere Gabe said from CS and HL they notice alot people still have old machines so HL2 could run lowest of all lowest in a 700mhz with a tnt or some shit card lets say gf 1....

He said for high its a 2ghz with a state of art graphics card.
I.E anything with or above of a gf4 4200 and/or radeon 8500.

Now.. I think before everyone splashes money like a rich man wiat a while longer to see what happens.
Tbh I am gonna keep my rig for another year or more:
Crucial 512mb ddr 2700pc 333mhz ram
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro 128meg
Maxtor 40 gig ata66
Maxtor diamond plus 9 ata133 40 gig

I will keep this and I am hoping to run HL2 all maxed with 4x AA and 4x FSAA. I think my machine would do it.. I am not 100% sure but what gabe says on my videos with me cutting out the game sound my pc should piss it.

I think if anyone can run BF1942 full whack with 4X aa and 4x FSAA then they should handle anything out this year piss easy as BF is probley the most demanding game wise...
I would say UT2k3 but thats just shitty programming and deals with INTEl that make it run shite :)

I know valve, they crack this buet to run like a charm....... They fore see that if A) they can make it the bollocks and need a 3ghz to run.. resulting probley on pooerer sales or b) they can make it less graphical than DOOM (like they have said they have) and allow it to run on perhaps a 1ghz, 256ram, gf4 4200 in meduim and have alot more sales as thats the average of PCS peeps have.. or say I say the CSers :)

anyway I just chat shit so thats my 2 cents.
im almost posstive when the game will gold they will realease
the real specs. cant be its so high when most of the gamers have a 1.7ghz machine with an GF mx video card and 256-512 ddr. 80% of the gamers got mx cards. you telling me that 80% cannot play this game? (lucky for me i got radeon 9500 to save my 1.6A ghz)
Im glad im getting a new rig in Sept my current is already over the reccomented specs but Im not taking to uni proll be a 3GHz+ and the best GF card out at the time i buy it plus 1 gig of ram

So ill be popping my eyes out :cheers:

Err im back.. and fromhell.. im laughing because if you cant see the major graphical differance between enter the matrix and half life 2.. your gonna need some glasses to start off with.
Originally posted by lsemtex
in which one was that then ? I've only heard him talk about a 'hardware platform like Radeon 9800pro'.. ??

Gamespot 500mb interview for 40min. Since im a gamespot subscriber im guessing not a lot of people saw it except me.
Originally posted by WazMeister
Tbh i think we all jumping to conclusions.

I remeber reading somewhere Gabe said from CS and HL they notice alot people still have old machines so HL2 could run lowest of all lowest in a 700mhz with a tnt or some shit card lets say gf 1....

He said for high its a 2ghz with a state of art graphics card.
I.E anything with or above of a gf4 4200 and/or radeon 8500.

Now.. I think before everyone splashes money like a rich man wiat a while longer to see what happens.
Tbh I am gonna keep my rig for another year or more:
Crucial 512mb ddr 2700pc 333mhz ram
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro 128meg
Maxtor 40 gig ata66
Maxtor diamond plus 9 ata133 40 gig

I will keep this and I am hoping to run HL2 all maxed with 4x AA and 4x FSAA. I think my machine would do it.. I am not 100% sure but what gabe says on my videos with me cutting out the game sound my pc should piss it.

I think if anyone can run BF1942 full whack with 4X aa and 4x FSAA then they should handle anything out this year piss easy as BF is probley the most demanding game wise...
I would say UT2k3 but thats just shitty programming and deals with INTEl that make it run shite :)

I know valve, they crack this buet to run like a charm....... They fore see that if A) they can make it the bollocks and need a 3ghz to run.. resulting probley on pooerer sales or b) they can make it less graphical than DOOM (like they have said they have) and allow it to run on perhaps a 1ghz, 256ram, gf4 4200 in meduim and have alot more sales as thats the average of PCS peeps have.. or say I say the CSers :)

anyway I just chat shit so thats my 2 cents.

Handle even doom3 on high?
Re: Err

Originally posted by Ender
Err im back.. and fromhell.. im laughing because if you cant see the major graphical differance between enter the matrix and half life 2.. your gonna need some glasses to start off with.

omg....read my massge agian . its got nothing to do with Hl2 as i told you! he saied he got 1 GIGA RAM and games are runnig choppy . i told him i have 512 and all games run smooth smooth.!
Re: Re: Err

Originally posted by FromHell
omg....read my massge agian . its got nothing to do with Hl2 as i told you! he saied he got 1 GIGA RAM and games are runnig choppy . i told him i have 512 and all games run smooth smooth.!

Matters on which type of ram too :cheese:

Yeah.. but then again.. do they run so smooth on high? with AA on??