Further STEAM Investigation!


May 16, 2003
Reaction score

// quick file that maps steam app id to game info
// steam app id's
// half-life
"gamedir" "valve"
"icon" "resource/games/icon_hl"
// counter-strike
"gamedir" "cstrike"
"icon" "resource/games/icon_cs"
// Team Fortress Classic
"gamedir" "tfc"
"icon" "resource/games/icon_tfc"

... etc. etc.

// Half-Life Dedicated Server
"gamedir" "valve"
"icon" "resource/games/icon_dedicated"
"NoServers" "1" // this is not a game that shows up in the server browser you don't play dedicated server, you join them
// Half-Life 2 Media
"gamedir" "hl2"
"icon" "resource/games/icon_hl2_media"
"NoServers" "1" // this product is only for hl2 media, there is no game to launch yet

Changing "11" into "8" produces an entry in the "games" tab named "platform", double clicking gives me... OMG OMG OGM

"This product is not yet available"


Im holding to see a /hl2 folder on my comp :>
Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there, I am impressed...
it's not long until valve starts sending us encrypted messages in comments of steam files :F
dont worry boyz, this should all be coming very very very soon ( i hope in da next 24hrs)
wow! nice detective work!, anyone able to get the http adress of the update tab in properties?+-
of the "platform". Right click on it and select properties, then the update tab, and a webpage fails to load.
Steam is really buggy. Only TFC, Dedicated Server, and Counter-strike really work now. I think Half-Life does too. Check the Steam Forums on http://www.steampowered.com if you have any questions as to why it doesn't work, etc.

Btw for those who don't know, the riot shield blocks AWP shots. It's so funny to see an awp'er get a direct hit and just hear a *ting*.
eh, changing that string from 11 to 8 and looking at its properties ---> it says 12mb , maybe its a load of screenies :)
well 12mb....sounds like that teaser trailer........... :( but then again lets hope its some new video cuz to fit 25 minute footage into 12 is kinda hard...
So guys, Steam will be the only way to get new media?
Only way to get it when it first comes out - it will be put on the net within an hour of it coming out probably
well if you want it immideately, im guessing yes and if its streaming.

Otherwise peopel will mirror the file pretty soon after it comes out.
That 12 megs are just the data every game has in steam. So don't get tooo excited.
the cahce? when i dled cs it first created a 400mb or so cahce file, that was empty.
Originally posted by Gojin
Steam is really buggy. Only TFC, Dedicated Server, and Counter-strike really work now. I think Half-Life does too. Check the Steam Forums on http://www.steampowered.com if you have any questions as to why it doesn't work, etc.

Btw for those who don't know, the riot shield blocks AWP shots. It's so funny to see an awp'er get a direct hit and just hear a *ting*.

ot: I thought it was only supposed to fully block lower caliber weapons...and partially block larger cal.???
I don't know exactly, but that was created because steam thinks that 'platform is a game, and prepares the directory and some essential files without any game content
Nooooope. If you have a 2 player game, you select shield, your friend get awp. He stands 2 feet away from you, shoots directly at you, nothing happens.
lol...I'm gonna love the shield then...'cause my primary cause of death in Cs is AWP whores...

eh? can you shoot thru the peep-hole in the shield?
Also, even though this isn't the place to talk about it, smoke nades work instantly, and if you have a custom map, you can have the built in bots analyze the map (yes CS 1.6 has built in bots which are freakin' smart sometimes - Good way to practice)
yeah I know...srry for going of topic....btw I couldn't care less about steam...it makes no sense IMO.

ps. rock on PEARL JAM! :afro:
Yesss, I saw them in Uninodale this year. Btw, Steam is such an amazing idea once the bugs are fixed. That's why I'm guessing it'll prob go out of beta before hL2 comes out, cause of the magnitutde of HL2 they wouldn't want a buggy program debuting (sp????) it
still want the physical box, game and manual....don't care if valve gets more dough, doubt they'll have any problems after the release of HL2 :p
yeah...lets hope the've straightened out the bugs before the release of HL2 thru steam...otherwise there'll be a lot of crap from paying customers(with good reason)
The 12 MB it tells you is not any size of HL2 Media.
The Problem is that it isn't available yet, so the title is also wrong. It says "Platform" and that are the Steam files. Which means, the size shown is just the size of the main Steam engine files.

I also think that there will be more on July, 1st ;D
Gabe Newell

"HL2 video footage will be available via steam within the next few days"
Well June 1st is in the next few days, and what better way to start off a new month than with some Half-Life 2 info :D

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 152
Gabe Newell

"HL2 video footage will be available via steam within the next few days

Were was this posted m8 .?

also ive got steam and its on constantley if a vid comes through over the next couple of days how will i know and what icon do i click .?

Is i through the Steam moniter i want to be looking at .?
thanx for that m8 i just found the icon and have to it set for 1 min updates :)

wonder were it willo show up though // monitering..games.?
will be intresting :)
thanx again for the link.
Aye, the steamcache/username/Platform/gcache.gcf is 12MB's.

And I'm not pro rnough to sniff where the Update tab gets to... they blocked all IE keyboard shortcuts...

I'm expecting alredy to wake up with a dead headcrab in my bed :eek: