Gabe Newell interview on gamescenter


May 29, 2003
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Italian games site gamescenter has interviewed Gabe Newell; VALVe's founder. The interview probes around both the gameplay and technical aspects of the game, but the most interesting (and worrying) part is the answer Gabe gave when asked about the recent delay rumours:

"Can you finally confirm that the release date will be 9/30 to put an end to all the rumors of the last few days?

No comment."

Let's hope it's just nothing. Thanks to nietzche for finding this!
To be honest, I would rather it get delayed so that they bring out the best version possible...I mean imagine if you booted up the game, and it was full of bugs and stuff, that would annoy me, and not what I would expect of Valve, so I doubt it would happen.
no commenst huh? that probably means that the delay is true..
Half Life 3 has already been announced. Are you actually thinking on it?

It has? What's in it?

HAHAHA. You gotta love the way they answer questions.

Anyway... thanks for posting, Abom and thanks for finding, nietzche. :)
I guess stupid PHL is right, it is delayed. Bleh :)
Did you solve the problems with FSAA, especially on GeForce FX cards?

Just to clear things up, the "problem" was that initially HL-2 looked like any other game the uses lightmaps (e.g.. Quake 3, Elite Force II, ...) with anti-aliasing enabled. We have come up with ways around this.

Have we even NOW gotten any screenshots of Q3 games that have this problem? I've still yet to see it (especially since I wont have a card capable of AA until next month)
Have we even NOW gotten any screenshots of Q3 games that have this problem? I've still yet to see it (especially since I wont have a card capable of AA until next month)

I have once played Q3 for a while,haven't seen such kinda problem when enabling AA. BTW,what card are you using now?

No comment means no it doesn't mean anything. If it was delayed, he would have said so. If it wasn't he probably would have said so. So most likely, it's up in the air.
Originally posted by Apos
Have we even NOW gotten any screenshots of Q3 games that have this problem? I've still yet to see it (especially since I wont have a card capable of AA until next month)

It's my belief that the whole AA problem was just blown out of proportion. Everyone went into a tissy when one of the forum members (qckbeam) asked Gary McTaggart why no AA was used in the E3 demo. We don't see the anomalies as Gary does because he's being a "graphics nazi" and he made some comments that were taken out of his own personal context. So Gabe came into the forums to settle us down. I'll use three of Gabe's comments from his post here to show what I'm getting at:

Gary McTaggart brought this up in an email because he is being pretty hardcore about graphics quality right now. This is not a new problem. If you've run a game that uses lightmaps with anti-aliasing turned on, then you've been seeing these artifacts the whole time.

Artifacts may show up more frequently in Half-Life 2 simply because we've eliminated lots of other artifacts, and because we have a lot of variation in scene lighting due to our art direction.

To put this in perspective, not doing tri-linear filtering on mipmaps is a lot worse.