Gabe Newell To Participate In LinuxCon Keynote Line-Up


The Freeman
May 6, 2003
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Gabe Newell, Valve's co-founder and managing director, is to take part in this year's LinuxCon and CloudOpen gathering in New Orleans. The event, taking place in September, will feature a variety of speakers and panels focusing on the future of open source software. Newell will be offering insight into Valve's growing support of the Linux platform and their reasoning for doing so.

Among the other speakers at the event is Eben Upton, co-creator of the Raspberry Pi, a heavily moddable single-board computer originally developed for teaching purposes in the UK. The computer has become extremely popular in the homebrew community, being used to create gadgets ranging from game emulators to 3D printers.

To tie this post up in a neat little bow: Adam Foster, Valve mapper and creator of Minerva: Metastasis, recently used the Raspberry Pi to build himself a time-delayed international radio tuner complete with retro casing.
You heard it first, Valves gonna broadcast HalfLife3 announcement now on radio, and it won't be heard for another year on specially modified Robert radios