Grigori's and Alyx's guns are usable!


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Simply do these console commands to acquire them

give weapon_annabelle <-- Grigori's shotgun

give weapon_alyxgun <-- self explanitary


The alyx gun has a huuuuge model and once it runs out of ammo, you can't get anymore, even with impulse 101. Alyx's gun can switch modes with the secondary fire button.

Grigori's shotgun has the same model as the SPAS-12 except it is more powerful, has 2 each 'clip' and instantly reloads, holds up to 14 shells overall and ammo is easily accessible. When Impulse 101 is used it shows the magnum ammo symbol, I am not yet sure if uses magnum ammo or shotgun shells

WARNING: The Annabelle replaces the I rifle... If you love the I rifle do not use the annabelle
Nice find! I knew about Alyx's gun, but I didn't know Annabelle is usable.
It is so god damn powerfull! I hit one kill on what I have used it on so far
yeah i was playing with the annabelle on my custom map, (cause you can place it down) a few days ago
I got a screenshot of Alyx's gun...

The big, grey box on the left hand corner is the gun. I don't reccomend using it as your main weapon...


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Danimal said:
I got a screenshot of Alyx's gun...

The big, grey box on the left hand corner is the gun. I don't reccomend using it as your main weapon...

What a weird looking weapon. Great find man, gonna test it out some time.
No, it is a big, big block that shoots... Test it for yourself
i used before the stickylauncher , you shoot red things out and press right click , it explodes.
weird lol
Amazing how I don't visit the board for weeks, and when I come back I find exactly the same topics as before...
Samon said:
Grea find Danimal :D
Wikt said:
Nice find! I knew about Alyx's gun, but I didn't know Annabelle is usable.
Woa, I thought everybody knew this already, or else I would have posted this a LONG time ago! :LOL:
Cheers to you danimal for posting this before me! :p

O yeah, and the alyxgun model is so huge because its detached form you and pointing at you (do thirdperson to check), the annabelle does use magnum ammo, is infinately accurate, and usable by combine soldiers!
Heres a screenshot of the gman getting shot in the nuts to prove it: :E


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Alyx's gun is great for killing Lamarr. :p It completely destroyed the model. Well either it didn't destroy it, it went flying backwards, and I couldn't find it; it didn't destroy it and it fell through the floor into the evilness of the bottomless skybox; or it did destroy it.
use the command "thirdperson" to get a better look at both the guns
DeltaBlast said:
Amazing how I don't visit the board for weeks, and when I come back I find exactly the same topics as before...

Yes... I know ;(
Danimal said:
I got a screenshot of Alyx's gun...

The big, grey box on the left hand corner is the gun. I don't reccomend using it as your main weapon...
I've always thought taht the way the Alyxgun moves when you move resembles guns in Trespasser, the way they sway with physics.