Guild Wars 2

That sounds pretty dumb imo. Being a higher level and getting dumbed down in lower levels ruins part of the fun of leveling. I love going back to early places and shamelessly pwning everything just to see how awesome my guy has become.

You won't be the same level as them, you'll be a few levels ahead of the area. It's so you can go and do events that you may have missed, but not ruin it for players of the correct level experiencing them for the first time. It'll also keep the game kinda challenging where ever you go.
Choosing a race and class for this game will be hard. So many neat choices.


A necromancer is a practitioner of the dark arts who summons the dead, wields the power of lost souls, and literally sucks the lifeblood of the enemy. A necromancer feeds on life force, which he can use to cheat death or bring allies back from the brink.

A necromancer feeds on death and decay. Life force is the energy that a necromancer uses to extend his own life. Using specific skills, a necromancer builds up life force by attacking and killing enemies. Rather than going into a downed state when he runs out of health, a necromancer automatically activates the Death Shroud ability. A necromancer can continue fighting in the ghostly Death Shroud form until he either runs out of life force or he gets a kill, rallying back into his own corpse.

Necromancers have a unique set of special skills:

Wells—Wells are persistent spells that allow a necromancer to control the area around him. Created at the necromancer's location, wells affect targets within the skill's range. Well of Blood, for example, applies a regeneration boon to all allies within it. A necromancer can only have one well skill active at any time.

Minions—The necromancer summons undead minions to attack foes and do his bidding. Every minion-summoning spell has an associated secondary spell that appears after the minion has been summoned. This secondary spell destroys the minion while providing a powerful effect to the necromancer. For example, necromancers have a healing skill called Summon Blood Fiend that creates a minion that heals its master while it attacks. After the minion has been summoned, the Summon Blood Fiend skill is replaced by the skill Taste of Death, which allows a necromancer to destroy the minion to gain a larger amount of health.

Marks—Necromancers can also place marks--ground-targeted spells with a variety of potent effects. For instance, Mark of Blood damages enemies while placing a regeneration boon on nearby allies. Marks will trigger after a set period of time, but a necromancer can always trigger their marks on command by hitting the skill again.

Fear—Necromancers use a condition not available to any other profession: fear. A removable condition, fear makes an enemy flee directly away from a necromancer for a short period of time. For example, a necromancer can use Doom to instill fear in a single target.

When outfitting himself for combat, the necromancer can choose from the following weapons. The necromancer weapons are:

Main Hand: Axe, Dagger, Scepter
Off Hand: Dagger, Focus, Warhorn
Two-Handed: Staff
Life Force
Life force is a special type of energy used by a necromancer. Once he reaches a certain life force threshold, a necromancer can activate Death Shroud (see below), entering a spirit form and leaving his body behind. Each of his weapon sets have skills that give a necromancer life force, and he gains an even larger amount of life force for kills that happen nearby. Finally, there are utility skills that build up life force, like Ghost Armor, a skill that improves a necromancer's armor and adds life force every time he takes damage.

Death Shroud
Death Shroud is a special ability--usable by a necromancer at any time--that utilizes his life force as a secondary health bar. Instead of entering a downed state when his health is reduced to zero, a necromancer automatically activates the Death Shroud ability and assumes a spectral form. In Death Shroud, a necromancer has a number of special skills. For example, a necromancer can summon a shadow fiend, a special minion unique to this form. With the ability to tap into Death Shroud, necromancers are certainly one of the most durable professions in Guild Wars 2.
Sucks that transmutation stones are going to cost real money. I was so excited for those.

I guess after thinking about it it wouldn't be too bad if they were to cost only $1. But seeing from their current online store it seems unlikely.

the humanoid has an animal head and the animals have human heads. the setting is Bizarro World?
That humanoid is a large cat that stands on it's hind legs. Runs on all fours.

Those "animals" are just minions made by the Necromancer from corpses or summoned from the ground. They're just random bits of meat and bone put together.
The new Guardian class looks really sweet! The attack animations in the skill videos look slick!

Also, I'm glad that at least the HoM weapons won't need the stones. I'm still hoping that the cost for micro-transations will be reasonable, unlike the current offerings for the GW1 store.
Yeah the game is looking beautiful.

Well if the trans stones are kinda expensive I will probably just buy whatever I need when I reach the top level. I'll probably do it either way, wait until I've seen all the skins and can think of my favourite.
I wish I had more time to game, but this game does look polished if I might say so
PC Gamer posted a 10 minute HD video of combat in different areas. Looks pretty good!

I'm really looking forward to this next week.

Anet will be showing off a new profession, their revamped attribute system, and revealing their crafting system for the game.
And at the end of the week PAX East kicks off and there's going to be a ton of videos coming from that from people getting to demo the latest build of GW2 with the Norn starter area and the new classes.
PC Gamer posted a 10 minute HD video of combat in different areas. Looks pretty good!

I'm really looking forward to this next week.

Anet will be showing off a new profession, their revamped attribute system, and revealing their crafting system for the game.
And at the end of the week PAX East kicks off and there's going to be a ton of videos coming from that from people getting to demo the latest build of GW2 with the Norn starter area and the new classes.

great footage, although it's hard to appreciate what's really going on since it's just a floating cam
but the dev walkthrough at GDC was exciting
can't wait to see more at PAX east!
I don't think there was any sort of leak... the did a public walkthrough of the guardian and thief classes at GDC
maybe they're revealing the last one at PAX
Gametrailers leaked it early, so it got took down, but since so many people saw it ArenaNet decided to just release it. I think the Thief was meant to be saved for PAX and GDC was meant to be a private viewing. Not sure. But there are only 2 classes left to see now!

I'm looking forward to seeing the Sylvari again, they've had a redesign and we haven't seen anything on the new design yet.
I never understood what kind of game guild wars was.

I know it doesn't have a subscription fee, but how does the online work? how many players can you play with together, etc?
It's a fully persistent world. You can go out into the wild and meet any other players there who are also on the same world (server).

It's an MMO like WoW and any other MMO, but it doesn't have traditional quests (i.e. go talk to bob and kill 10 rats for him). Everything happens in real time in the world. For example a band of bandits may try to steal pigs from a farmer. If nobody stops them they get away with the pigs and the farmer may not be able to sell you his products. If you (or anyone else) stop the bandits the farmer may give you a reward, access to his products and maybe even discounts.

You don't need to do anything to join the event, just run over and start killing bandits and the game will recognise you're part of the event.

It encourages team play a lot. If you're killing something for example and somebody comes over and helps, you will both get a drop from that enemy. So nobody will get angry at somebody for stealing their kill or whatever, everybody wins.

Hope that helps a bit :)
Hmm. Color me interested, but I've been unfazed by most MMO developments over the past while because they've not been very innovative.

I don't understand though, how can they have MMO servers with thousands of active players at once if there's no subscription fee. Surely the MMO capacity is far lower than conventional MMORPGS.

Also is there a set release date? I can't find one, only 2011. Could have sworn earlier in this thread I read it was soon.
Well they say there are no need for the fee's. Servers will hold thousands of players if I remember correctly.

How many people are there going to be in one world/server/instance?
Each world will host "many thousands" at a time. There is a limit per map in the world, the exact number hasn't been given but it is "high enough that we expect it to be rarely if ever reached".[11]

They'll make money via the in-game store when you can buy items for your account. All items will be purely cosmetic and not give players an advantage. So it's up to you if you pay really.

No release date yet, simply "when it's done." I'm guessing it'll be late summer 2011 at the earliest.
Just for clarification, when Ren said it was a fully persistent world he's talking about GuildWars2 of course.
GW1 is persistent in towns but instanced in explorable areas and dungeons.

Also with the store they are talking about having different things, like dungeons or new areas. Depending on what the community wants.
So instead of just paying for a subscription and the devs deciding if they want to make new content in an update or not you play for free and if there is new content that can be purchased in the store you can get it if you like. I think it's a great idea and will definitely make for better content as the devs will need to make content that is worth the money people are paying for.
Reading these previews it sounds like they've remedied the rather shallow gameplay depth of the first series of games. If this is true, I'm sold. The animation, art and basic combat was actually an absolute blast in the first GW - it just lacked the depth and character development to keep me going past a month. Just wasn't my thing.

I'll wait for reviews but GW2 certainly looks amazing in motion. Their art/tech and animation team is so godly.
Ahh yeah I've seen that one. It's nice how each piece of armour has 3 dye slots. Should help with making most people look unique enough :)
It got me.

That's a lot of effort put into that one! Impressive.
Engineer profession revealed.

Masters of mechanical mayhem, engineers tinker with explosives, gadgets, elixirs, and all manner of deployable devices. They can take control of an area by placing turrets, support their allies with alchemic weaponry, or lay waste to foes with a wide array of mines, bombs, and grenades.

Sounds interesting but don't think it's a class for me.