Half-life 1/2 are scary games?



My friend can't play half-life 2 because it is just too gore, and i know other people too. Half life 2 is gore and bloody and terrifying and VERY cruel, WHY IS THE WHOLE ORANGE BOX +16 IN HERE?
1: You make no sense.
2: It is actually quite docile, play GTA 4 or Gears of War, ffs.
lol how old is he? the only scary part is ravenholm(the first time)
My friend can't play half-life 2 because it is just too gore, and i know other people too. Half life 2 is gore and bloody and terrifying and VERY cruel, WHY IS THE WHOLE ORANGE BOX +16 IN HERE?

Where's "In here"?

And no, not really. I mean the headcrabs jumpin' at ya can be scary, and the poison headcrabs scare the living daylight out of me, but that's just me. Other than that, it's not that scary. Apart from Ravenholm. And cruel? Where?
I believe Ravenholm is one of the scariest video game levels ever....

According to IGN
Not even close. Did you play STALKER? lol,
everyone posted at the same time. But I WON.\

IGN is not to be trusted.
Ravenholm scared the shit out of me but then so do spider webs, so who am I to judge?
The fact is that Half-Life 2 is a lot scarier than most games because most games aren't scary at all in the least.
The Gman alone scares the living s*** out of me. I used to have nightmares about him aftter finishing HL1.
Ravenholm is only scary if you play it with headphones in a dark room at night.

Halflife scary? Nah. Gory? Nah.
I have a sudden and inexplicable urge to play Guild Wars.
The only remotely scary bit in either game that i can think of is Ravenholm, and that's pushing it. If you're like this with half life then what are you like with games like the silent hill series?
My friend can't play half-life 2 because it is just too gore, and i know other people too. Half life 2 is gore

Lmao, using "gore" as an adjective instead of a noun. :LOL: Brilliant!
Half-Life was scary... when I was 8-10. The icthyosaur terrified the marshmallows out of me.

Wait... isn't that why it's got a "16" rated certificate on it?

I think that your friend is wierd... Everyone I know who plays HL isn't scared at all, but I must admit, the first time I played Ravenholm I was a little freaked, with it being midnight and in an empty house, but now it's my favourite level, I just torture Zombies >.<
The fast zombies did and still do scare the crap out of me, as well as the sound a poison zombie makes before you go up close to it. Apart from that, neither HL game is really 'scary'.
kind of!

Basicallly the scariest part is when you first see a fast zombie... or no just it, wait ther is a secret underwater tunnel in water hazard in this cave you are walking in water then holy shit a zombie pops out.:sniper:
I'll need to remind you all. Remember in HL1, the very first time in your life crawling in the vents and then... the headcrab JUMPS AT YOU?!
Where's "In here"?

And no, not really. I mean the headcrabs jumpin' at ya can be scary, and the poison headcrabs scare the living daylight out of me, but that's just me. Other than that, it's not that scary. Apart from Ravenholm. And cruel? Where?

Yeah i know AJ. The poison headcrabs are scarry. I remember playing EP1 for my comp and i practacally screamed ****Z when i was ambushed by them. Not ot mention all my friends were watching me.
Walking into Nova Prospekt for the first time was totally scary. Apart from that, I can think of some creepy incidents/settings in the games, but none that were particularly "scary."
the only scary part in any half life game was the mod USS DARKSTAR where a security guard is threading water... then an ichthyosaur ATE him. Then you have to go into the water with IT.

i played this when i was 7 - thats why it scared me, still gives me the creeps though :(
Wow... If Half-Life 2 is gory, then Super Mario must be a bloodbath. "DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE JUMPED ON THAT GUY?!"

I want to watch you play DooM 3 or the F.E.A.R. games if you think HL2 is gory, you will lose your mind to those games.

I remember all the disturbingly silent houses in the chapters Highway 17, and Sandtraps, those were the most fun I had in the game to go exploring through. I remember one particular one that I had to set up a table underneath a broken set of stairs to go up. A poison zombie popped out from behind me and scare the holy hell out of me. :p