Halo Reach

Yeah you are as far as I remember, dunno what time that is GMT, I'm usually up and awake from 7AM to 10-11PM GMT+1(I think Eastern is GMT-5 or something?)

yeah we're about 5 hrs apart from eachother....which means when I get home to play it'll be like 4am your time. don't know if you play that late at night but Wed I have off the entire day.
yeah we're about 5 hrs apart from eachother....which means when I get home to play it'll be like 4am your time. don't know if you play that late at night but Wed I have off the entire day.

I don't, I don't have the game yet anyway, might not get it until next week, too tired from whatever infection or shit I have, and can't get someone to pick up the game for me right now.
It looks exactly the same as the last 3 Halo games. No doubt it will be swallowed up by the fan boys once again.
You're hardly one to talk, stemot; you're known for playing some of the most mediocre, derivative junk available, even if I do partially agree with your first point.

I'm looking forward to Reach. Cautiously, anyway. Bungie don't exactly take big steps with their flagship franchise. They just pitter-patter forward ever so slightly with each successive release. It's boring, yeah, but the Halo games are so competently woven together that I'm not inclined to complain too much. I had a great time with the third.
You're hardly one to talk, stemot; you're known for playing some of the most mediocre, derivative junk available.

So I should know that kinda shit when I see it then and Halo is some of the most "mediocre, derivative junk available" :D. Ah Samon, always the troll.
play reach
same ****ing shit as halo 3
new engine looks exactly like the previous game
9 levels
cliche as ****
gameplay same shit
mediocre editor
regarded as second coming of jesus christ by the fanboys

dont mind me, just hatin on yo game bro

You aren't even going to play it, what are you stammering on about
Someone want to explain to me, who can't seem to find out why one halo is better than the next one, why this is the best one thus far?
I love Halo for many reasons, one is the ease of being able to jump into a game really fast and knowing the controls, the other is that even though they haven't changed much the best games stay the same for a reason. COD, HALO, Half-Life, and only a few others come to mind that are the blockbuster FPS, all others seem to be forgotten quickly and played far less, like FEAR, Resistance, Stalker, etc.
Someone want to explain to me, who can't seem to find out why one halo is better than the next one, why this is the best one thus far?
It's not better than Combat Evolved. But it is better compared to any other Halo sequels out there.
Someone want to explain to me, who can't seem to find out why one halo is better than the next one, why this is the best one thus far?

In my opinion, the Halo series has made some of the best advancements in terms of bringing feature rich multiplayer to consoles.

The theatre and forge were introduced in Halo 3, and that was unheard of for a console FPS. ODST brought firefight to the table, which while it wasnt one-of-a-kind, was still something few games have implemented. With Reach, they are STILL trying to go into new territory now with Forge World and the incredible amount of gameplay customization (the later sounds lame on paper, but when you look at all the things you can tweak, its damn impressive). On top of that it has 4 player co-op campaign, splitscreen and system link (not sure about online). How many console games can you list that have all of that?

To me, the new weapons, story, graphics and armour powers are nice and all that, but its the above improvements that make me believe the Halo series is still getting better.

As for complaints about the core combat not changing, why would they try to fix what isnt broken? If people want Bungie to try something new, this new IP will be a good opportunity for them to do so without trashing their fanbase.
completed this with my pal today on heroic, really, really enjoyed every second of it

...though i wasn't too keen on the escort segments of new alexandria in the falcons. a few too many odd and/or convieniently placed turrets on roofs for my liking, but the landing and on ground segments were fun - the ivory tower reimagining is a nice touch.

aside from all that, it was pretty much everything i was expecting from it and it delivered nicely. i'll say this, the ending was one of the best i've seen, considering it's basically a firefight mode of waves of enemies until you eventually fall. recently, far too many games have really disappointed me with their endings, red dead redemption comes to mind as one that really made by blood boil. we all knew the end of the game before it even happens, both from fiction of the planet reach falling and in the opening cinematic we see your helmet discarded, and when the credits started to roll i was a little unenthusiastic about seeing noble six just stare into the sunset but low and behold, post credits, i was thrilled to play one last stand, turret in hand against a horde of blood hungry elites before i eventually fell to a pretty heroic demise. in retrospective, the writers have managed to really tie things up with how the start of halo: ce started whilst also weaving a whole new tale into the last few missions, so i was pretty chuffed with all that.

looking forward to playing it on my own when i get back to uni, and also to give forge, online firefight, invasion and matchmaking some good few months of seeing to.

speaking of which, me and my friend played a few custom games of firefight - unlimited armour abilities, different loadouts, tweaking and messing around with what amount of enemies appear in waves and how weak or tough they are... it was ****ing awesome fun. the map waterfront (which is the hydro dam from the mission nightfall) is goddamn amazing as enemies drop in from all directions and it's a really a great hold-out situtation. changing the loadouts to cater to how you want to play really spruce the game up a lot. also, generator defense is crazy fun. we played it on lookout which i believe was the network test map in the beta for that gametype and although we lost on the third round, last set to an overwhelming amount of brute chieftans, it was ace.
Guys, I'll probably have the game by Saturday, it would be nice to have some people who want to do the campaign on legendary with me!
I got carded today when I bought this game at lunch, lol. I played the first half hour so far, and it is definitely Halo.
I got carded today when I bought this game at lunch, lol. I played the first half hour so far, and it is definitely Halo.

You should go buy a mustache. Ever since I grew one, I havent been carded for anything, except once when I bought some alcohol while my clearly underaged brother was standing next to me.

I look like I'm like 16-17 without my beard imo, hence why I refuse to shave it even though every female friend I have tells me I should.

Hobobeard ftw.

I look like I'm like 16-17 without my beard imo, hence why I refuse to shave it even though every female friend I have tells me I should.

Hobobeard ftw.

I'm slowly starting to go bald, so that helps a bit but other than that also. if I had a bit more hair up top I'd look like I was 18-20 years old.

played more online tonight though, my team of multi team slayer won a match. jet pack on some levels is awesome. i gave my teammate a lot of assists though. I'm dandan manchild: http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?gameid=9616386&player=Dandan%20Manchild

Heres some pics from Firefight





I have to admit, that looks pretty awesome. But the thought of using a gamepad to play a FPS horrifies me. I've tried it (even beat a few FPS on a console back in the day); it's just awful, in every sense of the word.
Rented it, apparently I'm the first one in there for a copy even though it's been in since yesterday. Guess everyone's just buying it since they know what they're in for. :p

It's a well-made game, but yeah, it's definitely Halo. Still, there's a shitload of content here for the fans, and that's probably all they needed to do.
Haven't played much online, but it only looks like there are 8 maps? Could be wrong but when I went into a custom game there weren't many maps to pick from.
nine maps plus four forge world maps made from the developers, so 13 overall. more will be added once the community mapmakers start rolling them out - there are now hundreds of editor made maps in circulation for halo 3, i cannot even imagine how many awesome maps are going to come out of reach.
there are now hundreds of editor made maps in circulation for halo 3, i cannot even imagine how many awesome maps are going to come out of reach.
And that's the way it's supposed to be. We'll stop playing when we feel like it.

Another reason to say **** Activision and every ****ing thing they touch. What a ****ing horrible publisher. I won't buy a ****ing thing they touch. Ever. :cheers:
You should go buy a mustache. Ever since I grew one, I havent been carded for anything, except once when I bought some alcohol while my clearly underaged brother was standing next to me.

Lol, every time I try that, they look down at the picture of the 6 year old in a fake mustache by the register and see right through my clever ruse.
been playing this all day. i'm about 15% through Legendary on my own, played some online with randoms, then played some firefight with friends and then multiplayer. I have 285pts all ready and they're very easy. favorite game so far was a multiplayer team slayer---snipers on a remade Halo 2 map that is outside

that's pinnicle, the remake of the popular ascension. god, i loved that map in halo 2 so much, but i think mainly for the custom game tower of power, where one team defends the main tower/staircase with shotguns and a turret on top whilst the other, with larger numbers, no shields and i think maybe swords constantly respawns and swarms the tower in waves. basically zombies/infection, really, but damned good fun trying to take or hold that tower.
that's pinnicle, the remake of the popular ascension. god, i loved that map in halo 2 so much, but i think mainly for the custom game tower of power, where one team defends the main tower/staircase with shotguns and a turret on top whilst the other, with larger numbers, no shields and i think maybe swords constantly respawns and swarms the tower in waves. basically zombies/infection, really, but damned good fun trying to take or hold that tower.

yeah easily one of my top 5 halo maps ever. zombies was a really fun game type, I hope they make a mode like that standard
Finished the campaign. Gotta say it was probably the weakest one, in my eyes. The maps all had an overwhelming sense of "been there, done that," even more so than the first 3 which at least managed some semblance of variety. Even within the same campaign, I felt like I was retreading familiar ground in a couple later levels - that bit where you have to disable the AA cannons seems bloody identical to the earlier one where you do the same thing. Story is vague and overly terse, and the delivery is completely bereft of feeling. All of the drama is drowned out by bullshit military machismo to the point where you really couldn't give less of a shit about anyone involved. On multiple occasions I found myself asking "what am I doing here again?" Oh yeah, I'm delivering a bomb to a covenant ship. Like that's never happened before in a Halo game. And OH GOD, the cliches. The bit where the guy has to stay behind to manually arm the bomb? Give a ****ing break. Then someone gets randomly shot in the face because WHOOPS not enough forced tragedy, lol energy shields wut r those? And that one guy with the skull carved into his visor (HOW DOES HE SEE) who talks only in smart-ass remarks? Ugh. This shit is getting so contrived, it feels less like a send-off and more like a burial.

Oh well, multiplayer seems good at least. Too bad I still suck at it lol.

And that's the way it's supposed to be. We'll stop playing when we feel like it.

Another reason to say **** Activision and every ****ing thing they touch. What a ****ing horrible publisher. I won't buy a ****ing thing they touch. Ever. :cheers:
>your face when Bungie's next game is with Activision
I never thought the Halo campaigns stood out as amazing for too long. I'm always fascinated by the ever changing combat and challenges they are adding weekly. plus there is the urge to do the challenges all in one day for completion on top of newer maps being able to download easily, new modes, firefight, and the pick up and play atmosphere. everything about this game screams co-op which is where the meat of the game is this time around.
>your face when Bungie's next game is with Activision
Oh, shit. And it's not even a wild "what if". It's actually happening. :LOL:

I don't care because I don't play halo - but I'm just saying, that's the way it's supposed to be, so **** Activision.

When Bungie is published by Activision and Halo no longer has custom maps (or whatever evil plan they have to eliminate free map packs), **** Activision still. This is a constant.
Halo Reach: i just finished it, enjoyable and yes it is just more halo for better or worse. There is a lot of content and variety in this package as people know but that is mostly in terms of the MP but in terms of the campaign 1 and odst still beat it and i'd say its tied with halo 3 :|

after all the hype i just expect something shall we say 'epic' to happen each level but while some where a good welcome change of pace (e.g. the space battle level) others did have the feeling of been there done that before long.

The ending was a bit disappointing. The bit after the credits was a real nice touch but the first half of it?

the autumn launches and then 2 lines of dialogue from the first halo are repeated? Is that it? Hell not even any music for the credits? :| I even expected a master chief cameo but apparently theres no legendary ending either

In terms of the plot I would think that if you're going to make a prequel then there should be a good reason in the plot to do so, like some new information that totally makes you look at something from the other games differently and gives a different context to them (e.g. MGS 3) but there are no revelations here: NONE! :|

At a stretch you can say
we now know where cortana found out where halo was instead finding it by accident?
but is that all you can bring to the table as a prequel? :|
But what about Noble team! They were the real heroes all along, and will be totally remembered for their sacrifice! Keyes says so himself!

... Which is why they're never mentioned ever again.

Also, what happened to Jun and the scientist woman? They fly off in that other transport and then... fall into a plothole I guess? LOL.

i think the books say halsey survived but then again taking canon from books is always dodgy. As for Jun? **** knows >_>
Regarding the after credits bit.

That f*cking music. The hopelessness. Manly death. Manly tears.
Also R.E after credits bit. Don't spoil it for yourself, kiddies!
I know. It's the closest I've ever come to crying in a computer game. However, it does mean that Halo first-person death scenes>Modern Warfare first-person death scenes.

An a less-spoilery note, some slightly slow bits in the campaign, but these are balanced out by a brilliant credits system, some good level concepts and epic moments and the best multiplayer I have ever witnessed.
Wonder how many weeks it will be before my repaired 360 gets here and I have another weekend to run through the game. God it needs to be a long weekend too.
If it takes more than a week then something is up. I got mine back in just a few days.
Mine took 2 weeks, but maybe you guys get it quicker, being septics and all.

Anyone wanna play some co-op?

GT: BazKurger