Happy 50th Birthday Gabe!

Jesus he's young. I thought he was almost 60 or something.
Happy Birthday to you and your sexy beard! Hope you have an awesome day!
happy birthday you f*cking nerd

Love you sweetheart. <3

how dare some homo edit my post

Lol, can't touch this.

I had no idea about this. I'll drop him a birthday message on his profile page.
We added a few references to the round-up to celebrate his birthday.

If it wasn't for Gabe, we wouldn't have had HL, and then HL2 and Steam and then we would have not been such an awesome community... :O
50 is the new 40. So he has another 10 years to make HL3.

Happy Happy bday GabeN :D
NOW HL3!!! :D

To us elites he's Gabe! I think Gaben is what the plebs of reddit, 4chan etc call him.
reddit paid Gaben a visit and gave him this birthday card:


here's the photos from the event:


apparently they gave Gabe a locked crate made him pay $2.50 for a key and inside was a hat
I think this was taken the same time they gave him the card -

Maybe he told them about HL3 and now he's trying to keep it hush hush :p
That money looks so small in his... giant hands.

They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they?
I knew I recognized it, but couldn't remember where. That whole movie was creepy as shit. Gotta watch it again sometime.

This isn't even the scary part. When the nothing is coming, his face is ****ing scary. Can't find that scene on youtube.
Gabe kinda looks terrible for his age. easily a decade older. the ill fitting shirt and cheap wal-mart jeans arent helping either. he should lose the santa beard
Gabe kinda looks terrible for his age. easily a decade older. the ill fitting shirt and cheap wal-mart jeans arent helping either.

Speak for yourself, old timer.
Yeah it was a pretty crate thing of them to do hahahahshdcd vffghffh asasbabadua oh god I'm choking on so many cocks at once