Hello from Dustin Hamilton.



Just posting a hello message.

Looks like a nice board with plenty of good tips :)

Thanks Dustin Hamilton.
Hello from Chase Lol Roflburger Esquire Q. Trouserbarf.

Delighted greeting: Hello Dustin Hamilton please step through this door of a thousand lols and wats.
I, Sir Quentin Fotherington-Smythe of Cowley, welcome you.
[]Please insert $0.25 for buttsecks.

<obligatory welcome>
Welcome to HL2.net

It's safer here.

Surprised it's not been taken already.

As to "nice" people...
Why did we delete the newbie section?

Also, hi. :D
Damian Crowlesworth Squiggsby's the name. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Totally thought this thread title said "Hello From Dustin Diamond"...
Welcome, dear chap! My name is Billingsworth Jennings III. If you need anything, just ring this bell. *Hands Dustin Hamilton a small bell Now remember, if you need to have sex with a dead baby animal, I'm your man!
dont post in the image dump....they put something in it...to make you forget!!! I dont even remember how i got here :bonce:
Beauregard Timothy Huntingworth here, it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance old boy!
Dustin. You should leave. They are coming for you, just as they came for all of us at first. Run quickly, before its to late.

Welcome Dustin! Here at halflife2.net we have our good apples & our bad apples; in other words those that have spoiled and those who are about to be spoiled.
Dustin Hamilton is an anagram for Almond Shit Unit so I think we need to look at the bigger picture here :|
Least I have insurance. I dont think the same can be said for our Almond Shitting Robot here.
Mmm... licking envelopes is awesome.
Jintor Q. Whifflesquire the Third, delighted to make your acquantance old boy. Do have a spot of tea, wot?
Dear Dustin hamilton.
Welcome to Half-Life 2.Net
Yours sincerly
The End.
Well wotcher there, I must say, a rosy lea would be bleedin' noice. I'm quite peckish, as I hae not had any supper today. Jintor, I shall bring some rosie and biscuts.

bloody translators...
We know who you are Mr. Hamilton. We've been expecting you.
Tell me, Mr. Hamilton... what good is making a new thread... if you're unable to type?

I, Sir Quentin Fotherington-Smythe of Cowley, welcome you.

Cornelius Engelbert Lazenby

Damian Crowlesworth Squiggsby's

Billingsworth Jennings III.

Beauregard Timothy Huntingworth

Jintor Q. Whifflesquire the Third


Dustin Hamilton is an anagram for Almond Shit Unit so I think we need to look at the bigger picture here :|

Hello dustinhamilton. Aren't you that young upstart chap from Whenchester that the duchess has been raving about? I understand that you came out into British society lately and were a smashing success. If my speculations are correct, you will be a most welcome member to our prestigious group. If I am mistaken, then you get buttsecks.
This why the Newb section was removed. Too much epic in one place was causing an instability in the space-time fabric.
dont post in the image dump....they put something in it...to make you forget!!! I dont even remember how i got here :bonce:
Damn straight. I don't even know my last name anymore!

Anyways, welcome. You'll have to submit you biometrics to the Combine guard at the front desk before you can become a registered citizen though. They don't want any bots here you know. ;)

Awww Pitzy, did you really have to go and make this page wide screen like that?
Shit, lol recursive loop, pull out chaps!
Lol, run? I just got here. I don't see what the big dea
Welcome. Don't mispronounce my name, as it is spelled lenin...

But pronounced Throat Warbler Man Grove Yacht.