HL2/HL3 wishlist


May 25, 2003
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Post your list of things that you havent seen in HL2 yet and you want to see in the final HL2 retail game or eventually in HL3.

-Ill start off the list with something i dont beleive will be in HL2 retail but more likely in HL3. A cloth system added to a charachter that moves with the charachter. Cloth can also be put on tables.

-A global lightning system with real time shadows. This, as far as i know, will not be implemented in HL2. If you look carefully in the movies on the City 17 level when gordon comes in and follows some people, then they come out screaming...notice the shadows they cast, you can still see the shadow they cast but the building is already casting a shadow on them so you are only supposed to see the building shadow. This little problem may be fixed in retail HL2.

I will let you continue the list.......
-Jackie Chan style combat moves while using the crowbar
-Geo-modable terrain (ala RedFaction, but done better)
yeah it would be sweet if you can like dig a tunnel in multiplayer and go CTF or something.

Keep the ideas coming plz....
liquids...that pour/leak/spray...no conveyor-belt streams

ability to crawl on one's stomach, walk sideways to fit into smaller spaces
(reducing min space requirements when mapping)
I like the cloth system idea.

- It would be great to see a melting system, where of course... objects could melt if exposed to heat.

- A weather system! Not the typical rain type thing though. But actual rain where you'd see water dripping off of ojects and maybe cloth actually getting wet. Wind physics would be l33t, there would be dirt, leaves, trash, etc,... getting blown by the wind and it would also effect your walking speed depending if you're walking against or with the wind.

Basically, I would just like to see more physics stuff added.
Cloth system like the soft body tech in Splinter Cell? I love that stuff :)

Water would be so hard to simulate properly in real time, but it would be the best thing ever if proper liquid dynamics made it into a game.

I would also love to see everything as destructible as it is in real life and relative strengths applied, and make it so it breaks as it would in real life - kick a sheet of metal and it will get a dent in it, kick a thick pane of glass and it will crack. {EDIT} make it all per pixel, so no more "i'll smash this tile in the top left hand corner and watch as damage appears in the bottom right"

And loads of animatios for the same action would be cool, like 25 different ones for reloading a gun - it would make it more realistic
accumulating snow in multiplayer levels.

tactics change the longer it takes you to play.
yeah i love putting cloth on tables and...... wait a minute, no i don't!
I really hope someone finds a way to make random multiplayer levels that are interesting to play on. I think it would be cool to play a game like CS (by that I mean a teamplay round type game) where no one knew the level at all. Everyone knows all the likely enemy positions in any given map and it would be twice as much fun if they didn't IMO. Previews have refered to giant "prefab factories" with whole buildings in them and I'm hopeing Valve has managed to finally pull off random maps well.

Originally posted by Murray_H
I would also love to see everything as destructible as it is in real life and relative strengths applied, and make it so it breaks as it would in real life - kick a sheet of metal and it will get a dent in it, kick a thick pane of glass and it will crack.

ya that would be sweet, except I don't think that will happen unless HL3 comes out with a new engine different from Source and with a release date of like 2010 or something.

EDIT: But theres always hope. :bounce:
well randomized levels could be coded to some extent....

ie code a spawn radius for a shrub so it will appear withen a certian spot....
Snows levels where it leaves imprints of your feet on the snow. Also if you walk in dirt or blood it shwos on the snow. Kinda like in some Metal Gear Solid games.
Metal objects that don't break when you shoot them.

in the table video the combines shoot the metal thingies and they brake, in real life it would only get bullet holes in it
Isn't that cloth system a part of the Havok 2 engine? (i.e. its already in HL2)
Originally posted by Bennus
Isn't that cloth system a part of the Havok 2 engine? (i.e. its already in HL2)

Yeah, I think it is. If you look at the Mattress in the demo level, it has "cloth-like" properties

I think that the liquid idea is the best so far, image a mod set under water (aka challenger deep) and it starts to leak and you have to quickly make it to the surface :D
Haha. that would be fun.. I try to immagine what would happen if you would rocketlaunch a big hole into a with water filled water tower.
he he, that would be cool, seeing the water flowing down the streets and having Ant-Lions and Combine slipping on it.
One thing I hope is that the destructible objects don't succumb to the 'Before-After' Syndrome. I.E. where there's an object, and you hit it five times, but it's still functioning. It still looks perfect, no damage whatsoever. However, after the sixth hit, it explodes, and there's that same object, but completely wrecked, as if that last hit with your crowbar was swung with the strength of Thor. Strange, huh?

i just want one deliciouse thing....

COLT python or Anaconda with scope.
i dont like revolvers

theres nothing better than hearing brass clinking on the floor after each shot or sliding a clip out ;)
are u insane??

in hl1 the revolver so owned that puny glock.
Cloth system is in HL2 to an extent.... your right AbraXus but look at the charachters. I would love to see some real-life moving clothes on them....like to move when they move their arm. Look at the big video when Alyx is talking you will see what I mean.
i'd love to see you call a glock puny when i empty 33 rounds from a glock 18 clip into you in about 1.5 seconds ;)

i just think revolvers are too 1970s - rolling over a cop car and the generic pow pow pow of the gun, followed by a freeze crouch position and a pat on the back
Revolvers taking getting used too.

I used to hate them and avoid them in video games, but they've become my favorite weapon.

They're quite stylish :afro:
fine YOU do that with ure glock...

but im talkin about Half-LIfe ONE!!! in that game the glock was shit compared to the sleak silver kick ass revolver.

Give me a brand new The Taurus Raging Bull (aka most powerful pistol ever) over any USP MATCH in hl2. Remember i said in "hl2", cause its a game. IN real life yah give me the usp match.
Originally posted by subs
fine YOU do that with ure glock...

but im talkin about Half-LIfe ONE!!! in that game the glock was shit compared to the sleak silver kick ass revolver.

Give me a brand new The Taurus Raging Bull (aka most powerful pistol ever) over any USP MATCH in hl2. Remember i said in "hl2", cause its a game. IN real life yah give me the usp match.

The Taurus is NOT the most powerful pistol ever. Smith & Wesson just made a new .50 revolver that would beat the crap out of it.
- amazing AI (Im pretty sure HL2 has this but it is definatly first on my list, get the AI wrong and its the whole game down the pan)

- random level maker (this is a near impossibility, but ive seen projects for NS to make a random map generator it works of several modules, and the ability to know which peice fits in to the next. The levels wouldnt be amazing but its a step in the right direction)

- F**kIN huge mod support

- Less lag

- conc/bunnyhopping/some ub3r speed thing that takes skill to do. Personally i love (well loved :( ) bunnyhopping, it wasnt really unbalanced, I saw it as something to aim for and once u have mastered it you can reap the benefits.

- And a dingo, dingos are the most inportant things to make a game, without them they are nothing
I would like to see some kind of body movement like in trespasser, but more advanced, where u could manually lay on the ground (instead of like in DoD) and where u can climb manually and push urself tru the smallest holes in the wall, and where u could hang on some kind of wire in the air between 2 buildings, stuff like that (also bit tombraiderish)

Ok so I know it isnt exactly HL but it could be done in a HL way.

I also would like to see some Thief/System Shock gadgets aswell, like lockpick maybe and other things and computers u can use and so on

not really original ideas and they actually dont fit in HL, but thats just my wishlist :)

yeah... ...its my wishlist so...

why not an dungeonsand dragons exp system :dork: (hehe ok j/k about this one ;p )
I would like to see a bone breaking system, it could be possible to mod it by adding joints to models that only come into play after a certain amount of damamge is dealt ;) :)
Ok, i just hought this one up and i'm not sure if its already in HL2 but i will definatly want to see it in HL3:

-Realistic volutmetric clouds for outdoor environments. Clouds move realisticly and look realistic aswell. Clouds can be generated randomly to form random cloud shapes.

This may be part of a more detailed weather engine as well with night/day cycle. I dont even want to go in the details...realistic sun, realistic snow...etc.
I'd like to see actual physical bullets coming out of the guns. The physics and damage systems would have to be tweaked a bit, but it would be rewarding to see that your bullet pushed/pierced something, even if it wasn't immediately destroyed.

Mmmm, bullettime would be good.

What about Oni-style martial arts?

Cel shading and anime-style art/graphics.

While we're talking about cel-shading, why not throw Link in there as well?

I have no idea how to do this, but natural-looking plants. Fibbonacci sequence, anyone?
Yeah, I think natural-looking plants are the holy grail of video game design..
Originally posted by Dizzy.Iznogood
I would like to see some kind of body movement like in trespasser, but more advanced, where u could manually lay on the ground (instead of like in DoD)

Just on tresspasser, aparently hl3 will have more interaction with the environment.

Ive heard that in hl3 you will be able to cup materials in your hand, and make for example a sand castle out of it.

Red faction esk games would be a really big let down for multiplayer, as would randomisor maps. The only way it could work would be for the mapper to make several slightly different variations on the one map, which each play randomly. Even then people would get used to them. Good maps are ones that are made with alot of care and skill. For them to be random would just not work. Too many possible bugs, clipping problems etc etc.

Think about say wake island on bf with a red faction engine. After the planes have made a few passes, and the tanks have had a little battle, all that is left is some piles of rubble, and flat flat land. Where is the fun in that. No cover, no blockage of your LOS. The end of the map will be like playing on a desert island. Not much fun in that.
i just want to add my wishes, just 2 ;)

Large servers with 128 players or more. Now b4 u say nethin hl2 supports 64bit proccessors and i have done sum research and in theory hl2 should support 128 players now! wow eh. imagine that. it would be like total war on dod. lol. crazie fun.......

Number two: Extremely large maps. to go with the players and so that my mod can be done ;). By the looks of things they are huge but i want to know just how big they can be.
yeah, HL2 can have very big maps now. as for what kind of maps those will be who knows
What would be cool for single-player:

When you are killed and have to reload the scene, enemies don't always spawn in the same place. Random enemy spawns and random number of enemies every time you play through the same level.

I hope that is what Valve means when they say no-scripting.
Physical bullets coming out of the gun. I assume you mean if you went up to a bullet proof vest and shot it, you could see the bullet stuck in it?