HL2.net Arma 2 Ace 2 Information Videos

Language bearing 60!

Also, when did bitch become infractionable language on these boards? I've always said things much worse. It's one of the reasons I like these boards... it's not prudish.
Only when Vegeta says it. It's fine with me when Krynn & Koola say it.
Oh I get it. I like that policy. Sorry I just woke up and I feel like shit.
So me and Vegeta were talking about Red Orchestra, which lead us to talking about WWII mods for ARMA2, and we found this mod called Invasion 1944. If you guys would be interested in playing it, let us know, because we want to.


Here's a brief summary of what is included in version 2.0. Be sure to check the classlist.txt for a full list of units objects weapons and ammunition:

German, British and US ground forces - (Heer and FsJ for the Germans), (British Commandos), and (Army and Rangers for the Americans).
15+ infantry weapons

20+ German vehicles - including tanks, recon vehicles and troop carriers.
10+ Allied vehicles - including tanks, recon vehicles, troop carriers and landing craft.

P-51, C47 & Bf109

LCM and LCVP landing craft

7 MP Missions
5 SP Missions

Over 30 minutes of original music by SFG

Ambient Environment objects - ships and aircraft for atmospheric purposes, not actually playable.
Ballistics coding

Dat Band of Brothers Garand gunshot sound.

Downloading now. I'll try it out tonight.
Looking forward to trying this out, hope we can get enough people downloaded for a good session.

And in case the big bold text in the thread didn't explain well enough how to DL, you need to get the installer (3 mirrors provided) and both patches and the sound fix IN THAT ORDER.

Download @ ArmedAssault.info
Size: 813MB

Size: 822MB

Download @ Blackwater France Team:
Size: 822MB

Thanks for the hosts!

Patch 2.1

Patch 2.2

DAC_Sounds fix
Oh yes yes yes, I'm totally up for it. I can play today or at weekends as usual.
If I install this WW2 mod do I need to disable all of the ACE stuff in my shortcut? Or can I just add this WW2 mod to the shortcut and everything will be ok?

Looks like fun I'd be up for it. :)
Looks like Suppressing Fire: The Mod. Game of no kills.

EDIT: 1st vid. Dat scale!
After some testing I think the best way to run this mod with ACE is as follows:

Delete (or back up) these 3 files from @I44/addons


Change your shortcut target line mods to this:


(plus your shack tactical HUD folder at the end, wherever you have it installed)

Did some testing and things seem to be working, including ace features such as ammo checking and weapon resting.

STEAM users remember to install the mod to your ArmA 2 OA folder
I tried that and it all worked. Thanks Veggie. :)

Let me know if you're playing, if I'm not already in a match of something or too busy/tired then I'll play. :)
You guys are going to need to have yourself a fallback host for the times I don't want to play.
Can someone explain why modding Arma 2 is so damn complicated?
Can someone explain why modding Arma 2 is so damn complicated?

Show me another game that has a modular modification system that is simpler than this.

It's as simple as can be when you consider what you can do with it. You can place these .pbo modules in any assortment of mod folders, and choose which mod folders to run. It's only as complicated as you make it. Since we're running multiple mods at once here, how easy do you expect it to be?

Honestly the only thing that would make it more convenient is if you could enable/disable mods on the fly while in-game.
Can someone explain why modding Arma 2 is so damn complicated?
It's because of two things:

1. Updates. The difficulty with ACE is caused by its constant updating. It's by far the most updated mod of any game I've known. How frustrating would it be to download cs1.3.274.exe every week? Weekly updates are made much, much easier by a streamlined autoupdater. Unfortunately, BIS never envisioned this, so they have no central server system to autoupdate the game. Instead, Sixupdater was developed by the ACE team independently. Latching such a system on a game that by default is unprepared for it is complicated, so of course a lot of compatibility problems arise.

2. We're basically running two completely independent mods on top of each other: ACE and I44. That's how modular Arma 2 modding can be. Imagine running Counterstrike on top of Day of Defeat. Ludicrous, right? Well, with a bit of tweaking, it's possible with Arma (for you techier people: it's NOT just content that's being put together. ACE does a LOT of things to the engine, so it's not just combining two mods' models and sounds into one). The most comparable game in terms of modability in recent memory is Stalker. It's the same in that you can run multiple mods together without much issue, however it's much more basic because you can only have one gamedata folder, and thus only one set of files replacing the core files. Also, Stalker is very, very unforgiving if the mod doesn't work or if two are incompatible.
I don't see myself playing this weekend, but you guys go right ahead, and make sure vegeta plays too.
I just got my Trackir this afternoon, it works great. The way I normally sit the headphone tracking clip sits just level with the camera. After tweaking the settings and sensitivies for a while it didn't take that long to get used to it for me, the only thing for me is it's just a little awkward leaning. I also disabled the z movement so it wouldn't constantly zoom in and out, holding right click is much more reliable for zooming.
I just got my Trackir this afternoon, it works great. The way I normally sit the headphone tracking clip sits just level with the camera. After tweaking the settings and sensitivies for a while it didn't take that long to get used to it for me, the only thing for me is it's just a little awkward leaning. I also disabled the z movement so it wouldn't constantly zoom in and out, holding right click is much more reliable for zooming.

I can't get the leaning to work fluidly. Maybe I need to crank up the sensitivty or something. I also disabled the zoom as well like you. Also be sure to use that key to reset it at center again. Very useful. It recalibrates everything and uses that position from which you set it as your new zeroed spot.
Anyone playing tonight? ACE or that WWII mod next on the list?
I'll play if anyone else is playing.

Can someone invite me to the stream group? My username is "Phoenixx86".
HL2.net Arma 2 Session

21st January 2011 (22nd January BadHat)


1900 EST / 000 GMT / 1300 BadHat

Mods needed: updated ACE
Islands needed: updated Lingor

Be in Mumble 10 minutes prior or I will **** you up.
Hopefully if Dinnesch plays he can have the latest version. Dinnesch and fridays don't mix well.

This is Vegeta's last game for a whole month or so guys. Last chance to get the full experience until like march.
Is this tomorrow as in Saturday? Vipers post was made at 12:21 AM on Friday (today).

If its today, I may have to join in a little late, I have a meeting i need to attend at 1800 EST.
Because we can't all be as bad at voting as you.

(Thanks for posting it in Hat-time. :3)
What do you guys want to do? Takistan domination? Some missions?
I'd like to do some Invasion 1944 stuff with a bunch of people, but I don't know who all installed it.