How long does it take gabe to reply to emails?


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
I know gabe is busy, but I sent him an email on the 17th of june and haven't gotten a reply back yet...
Does he usually take this long?
I can post my questions, maybe he was offended or something 0_0, but i don't see how that could happen...

here's my email

I try to avoid bugging game developpers, they're busy and I'd rather they focus on the game than answering a constant stream of emails. It seems though, that you guys are quite happy to answer some questions. Keep in mind though I have quite a few suggestions and questions, so feel free to do this whenever it's convenient. I'm not in a rush. You can elect not to answer some if you don't feel like it and I won't feel at all disappointed.

1. Will Valve-lisenced mods such as Day of Defeat and Counter Strike be released as seperate games that you have to pay individually for? (P.S. i know about the steam subscription, so you don't have to repeat that to me)

2. If you've ever heard of Lineage 2, it's an mmorpg that just hit the market. It's got great graphics (but it's boring like hell), one of the neat things about it is that they load all their areas dynamically.. So the only time you ever go through a "loading screen" is when you start the game up. The rest of the areas are loaded "on-the fly" as you progress through the world. Do you think this is possible with half life 2? I would really recommend it, since it would add to the immersion you are trying to acheive. Now, one of your answers might be is that Half Life 2's maps are very large and you cannot link them and have them automatically loading and unloading as it would cause large performance hits. My response to this is to suggest that you chop up some of the maps into smaller bits so that loading and unloading is not a big deal. I know for large areas it may become a problem. But if lineage 2 can manage to do, i'm positive Valve can do it and 10x better.

3. This is from a previous question asked by someone
I have question about Half-Life 2, so if you have some time to answer me.
Can we see Gordon from mirrors, from screens where camera is pointed at
Gordon and picture comes to that screen or from reflective object etc.?
Thanks for your time and keep up that good working!
No, you'll have to keep Gordon's image in your head... At least for
It got me thinking what would we see? Just a gun, arms and nothing else? I'm just curious as to whether you actually modelled gordon, since we never see him. Or, for kicks, did you make the model:

4. I understand the difficulties in programming fluid dynamics. It'd be a bitch to code and ever worse to try to render... In your personal opinion, how soon do you think before a gaming company does a decent replication of fluid dynamics? (be it valve or some other company)

5. There has been a lot of speculation about enemies reacting to hits. I'd just like to add my bit in: I think you should code it in, mainly because the underlying technology is there and you'll want the tech for Half Life 3 anyways. I think doing it now would give you a bit of a break later... As well, it would mean that you still have reached and surpassed games such as far cry in some aspects of visual detail.

6. About rag-doll physics, while playing Thief 3 I saw some moves the knocked-out/dead bodies pulled that would make a cirque de soleil acrobat cringe at (arched backs such that their shoulders touching their feet and what not). I know your source has an underlying virtual bone structure, so does the rag-doll physics adhere to that? I'd like to make sure that dead creatures all of a sudden are not really "rag-dolls" but, "dead-bodies".

7. Do you apply post-mortem limb stiffening for realism in half life? If not, that'd be a neat feature you could (or modders could add in)

8. How realistic is the blood/gore in the singleplayer? I'm not concerned about aliens, but will your human counter parts wimp out when it comes to losing blood. I'm not expecting a Soldier of Fortune 2 level of gore, but if after a buddy of yours was shot (and killed) would a pool of blood slowly form and extend out?? Is there gibbing?

9. How much does movement affect Gordon, if you get smacked or shot, how much do you see him react. Ie: if you got shot in the head, would your head snap back?

10. I hear you are using MP3s in the HL soundtrack. Are you going to have to pay royalties to either Fraunhofer or Thompson Comsumer electronics?

11. Has anyone ever come to work looking like freeman(or any of the other characters for that matter)? By chance or on purpose? (if not, it'd be a great joke, would relieve some pressure! you should put someone up to it, crowbar, glasses, the works :D Then, at e3 2005, you could break out the costume again for kicks :D)

12. Being a programmer myself, I'm know that coders can sometimes go on code binges, and forget about either their health and/or personal appearances. Any funny or shocking stories you have the time or the wish to share?

You're going to make an awful lot of money from this game. I appreciate your time and your dedication.
Good Luck (not that you need it),
Peter McLean
Wow, that's an assload of questions.
Heh, maybe just try e-mailing him one or two questions at a time. I know I wouldn't mind responding to questions of fans if I was him, but it looks like he'd have to write a small essay to answer your barrage of questions. ;)
If you haven't recieved an answer by now, you won't get one. He doesn't reply to everyone.. Valve usually responds within 1 day from my experiance (15 emails replied :p)
Grrrr... I hate you. :p

I sent him one awhile ago but with no reply. :(
Six Three said:
If you haven't recieved an answer by now, you won't get one. He doesn't reply to everyone.. Valve usually responds within 1 day from my experiance (15 emails replied :p)
Yes, but the question is: how many did you have to send to get 15 replies :p?
If I were him, I wouldn't take the time to read through an e-mail that long
Frosty207 said:
Yes, but the question is: how many did you have to send to get 15 replies :p?

about 30 :p
SMT said:
Wow, that's an assload of questions.

Wow, that is a long list of questions. You should have sent only a couple. I can't blame Gabe for not wanting to write an essay's worth of responses for you while he has a game to fininish up and ship. :dozey:
Synthos said:
and you're an assload of comments
thanks for adhering to the thread
You're so out of line for making this comment.

He was just telling it how it is, giving you the reason why Gabe has yet to, and will not, reply to your email.

I've only ever seen them reply to 4-5 sentence questions. Especially now that they're really working overtime to get the game finished.
That is an assload of questions.

Gabe certainly has better things to do right now.