I Love You


Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
I love Razziar because he is a cow.
I love Samon because he is daffy ****.
I love Ennui because he is a engineer.
I love KineticAesthitic because his name is long.
I love Kamikazie because he is a suicide soldier.
I love FarrowleSparrow because he is Zapp Branigan.
I love <RJMC> because he is from south America.
I love pulse because he pumps blood around my body.
I love Sam-2k because he is bender.
I love Seppo because he is a skeleton with a top hat.
I love lefty because he is actually Que-Ever.
I love Krynn72 because he is a puppy with a santa hat.
I love Zombieturtle01 and toaster-chan because they're both camera whores.
I love VirusType2 because he steals gifs from this website.
I love Corp. Sheepo because he is a corporal who is a sheep.
I love Dog-- because he I love dogs.
I love Emporius because he can't hold up a rock.
I love CptStern because he is 5678 years old. (see I went for the old CptStern is old joke there.)
I love Koola Mena because he is a nostalgia attack (Metal Slug).
I love Cormeh because he sounds loosely like my favorite indian dish: Korma.
I love TollBooth Willie because he makes me want to touch myself.
I love Test because he stole his account.
I love Darkside55 because he is ginger.
I love sulkdodds because he is from my hometown.
I love DEATHMASTER because he is the master of death.
I love Pi Mu Rho because he is bald.
I love No Limit because he is Homer Simpson?
I love highlander because he is name after the most well known part of Scotland.
I love French Ninja because he is a dancing bug thing.
I love Hectic Glenn because he loves Michael MacIntyre and Ricky Gervais.
I love Nicky0123 because he is my surf buddy.
I love Taviow because he was the first one to post and comment on my profile.
I love Phobie because she has a big heart.
I love Nurizeko and Scotland1 because
they're both from Scotland.
I love GreatBlackthorn because I can shove my enemies into him.
I love Lucid because he changed his name.
I love Stigmata because he sounds like the stigma which is what I'm currently studying in Biology.
I love AtomicSpark because he sparks up my life.
I love SamuraiKenji because he is a samurai.
I love Qonfused because he is confused?.
I love Silver because he introduced me to Half-Life mods.
I love Shamrock because he has curly hair.
I love riomhaire because he is a Vortigaunt.
I love Enzorr because we joined in the same month.
I love mocho locho because he has a mexican name.
I love Iron Kat because she's a Kat.
I love Ravioli because he is name after a Italian Dish.
I love Combine_Advisor because he has pokemon avatar.
I love Wanted Bob because his avatar is from my favourite Meet The.. vids.
I love Bad^Hat because I love Garfield.
I love Cheomesh because he is all like lolwut?
I love TheMonkey because he is a monkey.
I love Pesmerga because he was the first person to add me as a friend.
I love Mikael Grizzly because he is a bear rawr.
I love Slug Advisor because he is a slug who advises.
I love Crushenator 500 because he CRUSHES THINGS!
I love Tyguy because he sounds like he is from Thailand.
I love Van_Halen because I love him.
I love Soulslicer because he SLICES SOULS!
I love Smoke because he is the result of a fire.... and he can kill people.
I love mindless_modder because he mods things MINDLESSLY.
I love Rizzo89 because he is named after a muppet character.
I love -Kashmir- because he has that Kashmir touch.
I love llama because he is teh llamas.
I love V-Man339 because he sounds like an internet superhero.
I love ShinRa because he is a running cactus.... I think.
I love xcellerate because he helps my car go faster.
I love Bam23 because he is obsessed with humping that tree.
I love Azner because he is well..... Azner.
I love Vegeta897 even though he hates me.
I love Jintor because I can look at his avatar whenever I facepalm.
I love poo poo head because he is made of poo poo.
I love Skaadi because he sounds like a Jamaican reggae singer.
I love Hellrider because he is like ghost rider.

And finally I love you Munro for making the awesome community.



PS. Don't get offended 'cause your not in that list, just ask and I will put you in. <3
That's actually a much better description than I thought I'd get. Let me at 'em!
Hey, I just borrowed it.

"I love Test because he stole his account."
Your description of me is wholly lackluster and only serves to expand my hatred of you and everything you stand for.


See that? Guess what I'd like you to do in it.
mellish, after everything we have gone through!!!!!


yeah, that's all you guys. Not me though, 'cuz I'm already loved.
<3 :D

I'm not just your Surf buddy...

I'M YOUR ****ING BOSS!!!!! :flame:

<3 Pi, your a legend.

After what? I have a bad memory, but anyway gonna addz.

i was kidding, we probably have never even spoken directly, besides this....and this....and this.
Yay! Superficial lover! That's exactly what I want!

It really hurts to not be included on that list :(

I'm not so bad, once you get to know me.
There's a big lack of Rizzo in that list.

Oh well, guess that means you on my list...
Awwww!!!!! I <3 you too, Mellish!!!! <3333333333333333333
Just a reminder; that blood ain't being pumped for free yo.

"I love SamuraiKenji because he is a Samurai"

Too right mate :D
I'm happy you included me
Hoots min!.

Auch, yer a wee little charmer ey laddie?.

Auch aye the <3.