ideas for mods


Jun 23, 2003
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ive seen quite a few unoriginal mods for half life 2(eg. wwII) if youre like me and too lazy and/or incompetent to make your own mod, post here with ideas you might have to inspire would-be moddmakers.
i cant thnk of any good ones right now but please post if you have one
Yes, there are an extreme amount of wwII mods out there, and re-repeats of the mods for HL... which annoys me to levels of annoyment not before reached...

I have one thing to say:

More Ideas Like Fire PLEASE For The Sake Of The Community (and for religious personages out there God's) Original Ideas!?!
I don't remember if I posted this somewhere else but heres an idea:

Grenade volleyball.

Using grenades and those gravity guns you'd toss the grenades back and forth over large distances until someone died.

And another:

A mod that takes place entirely underwater. Maybe like some of the sci-fi ones people are planning, but underwater.

Drug Runner
Team A) Are the cops, they've to to stop those drug delivering punks.

Team B) They have to get the drugs to the client before being shot or time runs out or something.
Originally posted by Noodlygod

Grenade volleyball.

Using grenades and those gravity guns you'd toss the grenades back and forth over large distances until someone died.

hehe, I like that one, but it'd have to be a big grenade, so people could see it... hehe, keep the ideas coming people...
singleplayer sex mod, you go around trying to pimp it to the ladies, and if they dont give it up to u, u get to use the gravity gun and do twisted things to them
/me stone edges away from the strange people....

Really that's just wierd.... Ok original yes, but still wierd

Hmmm, how bout a game like I think it was called mechiniods or something, on the C64, where you were restricted to a circle and had to keep this green (virus or something) thing in check in the middle, slowly riddling it down to nothing before it reached the circle on the outside......

EDIT: just thought bout this, and this is basically the FIRE!!! idea, DOH :p
Billiards Mod - Utilize the Havok physics engine for pool. Multiplayer support. Much free beer, which will cloud and confuse your vision.

The Orient: Feudal Ages - third person mod where you're a wandering warrior embroiled in Great House Wars of the Orient.

Legendary Warriors - Design your own anime-style hero and kill people randomly in cool ways. Save recordings of these deaths. Maybe a story line. I dunno, that's kinda risky.

I think I'm gonna start re-posting all of my ideas. This is the thread I wanted to make, but couldn't because everyone was already tired of reading my ideas.

Here -

Aerial K9 - You're in some sort of flight-enabled craft, and you shoot each other. As for the title "Aerial K9", it implies dogfights. I think it would work well with the HL2 Source engine's vehicle support. However, it would not be a flight-sim game. It would be third-person to show off the shiny models.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Little in the way of an interface hinders your third person movement or combat. However, the rules are still there, just hidden behind an Oni-like combat system.

Make a Movie - forget a mod, since they're so close to cinema animations, why not just make a movie out of it?

Xiao Xiao mod - based off the Xiao Xiao stick-figure flash animations that we all know and love. And if you don't love it, LEARN RIGHT NOW! GO TO WWW.XIAOXIAOMOVIE.COM!

Godzilla Mod - Make a lot of towns and play as godzilla (3rd person) as you rampage through tokyo!

Anime Mod - Use cel-shading and create an anime-style mod. Use third person. Ninjas. Samurai. Everything that looks good cel-shaded.

HL2: Fallout - Add features to HL2. Bullettime, physical bullets, perhaps liquid physics, others
Originally posted by Draklyne

Make a Movie - forget a mod, since they're so close to cinema animations, why not just make a movie out of it?

Well there is a whole profesional industry based around this already...when I remember what it's called I'll post it...
Yer, I saw the first one, anyone know where I can get the rest :cheese:
yes thats basically the same as the Grenade one, although I'd of thought the grenade would be more fun...
Yeah but i mean a proper tennis mod, with championships and real players.
How about a post apocalyptic themed mod where you drive around looking for things to help you survive while fighting off other people and gangs doing the same thing. It would be basicly similar to The Road Warrior. There's a BF1942 mod that has the road warrior look, but I forget the name. Anyhow this would be cool.

---- OR ----

How about a re-made Interstate '76. You could call it something else and change all the names, but it would still be the same idea. Big cars, big Guns, big Afro's and a funky pre-disco 70's soundtrack. HL2 should be able to do most evrything that I76 did without much coding required for the normal gameplay. And I dont think coding the vehicle repair/upgrade part inbetween missions would be all that hard either.

----- OR -----

Anybody ever read any "Deathlands" books? If you have, then I dont even need to go into any detail on this one.

----- OR ------

You play John or Ponch "7m3 and 4". You ride youre Kawasaki KZ1100 around southern california freeways in the world of the early 80's. You pull over people who are supposedly breaking the law and deal with them however you see fit. you'll get evry sort of stop from the mildly annoying, to the super bizarre, to the very dangerous.
You gain and loose points according to how mant offenders pass through youre "Beat" which would be a section of freeway. Sometimes you'd see multiple violaters and have to choose the right one to avoid loosing the most points.
This is a serious copyright infringment.... but how about:

Tom Clancy's Without Remorse (I am seriously thinking about making this.... lawsuit alert!!)

Those who have read the book will know what I mean..... but this is a good idea.... mostly realistic game.... VERY gritty.... will carry an 18 cert for sure... city model..... max payne style gameplay....

yes that would be very nice: I even have an alternate name for it : Urban Legends

/me wanders off cackling as ideas seep into my brain :)
/me STALKS mrBadger with a taperecorder and steals his idea's .. MMMwuahahaha!!.. EVIL
i like punisher's ideas for mods set in different eras of america. if they got the atmosphere, clothes, lingo, music, etc right it could work really well. I would liketo see a mod set in the 60s in a big city during heavy rioting. y'know run around looting stores, setting police cars on fire, spraying grafitti.

I also think a mod that plpayed out like an episode of cops would be cool. as long as it remained humorous. lets say your a silent rookie cop ( like gordon in half life) paired with an overweight, donut eating, veteran showing you the ropes and always telling you these stories about his prowess and heroics as a police officer, then running out of breath every time your chasing down a crook. You'd meet all sorts of strange characters (trailer trash, prostitutes, potheads) trying to talk their way out of getting arrested. Throw in some fights with mobsters, bank robberies,etc. so it wouldn;t get boring.

i hope modmakers make a lot of Singleplayer mods. the new realistic character expressions and lip syncing technology are too good to go to waste
No-ones ever going to do a Without Remorse game.... so methinks Urban Legends could be quite cool

/me leaps over a pit that EVIL doesn't see.... he plummets

who wants to take bets on how many counter-strike mod duplicates we're going to see 2 months into the games release
Well, I've seen about 15+ already, so bout 200+ before the game is even released...
200 Oo.. thats a bit to much IMO.. but cince 99% wont make it 2 CS games.. hmm thats not that big of a problem
i wouldnt mind another cs clone, but itd have to be good, and not EXACTLY the same
Originally posted by mrBadger
I don't want to EVER see CS again... at least not in this life :P :cheese:

:devil: That can be arranged
/me walks a couple of pases back while slowly revieling a shotgun :D
I wouldn't mind seeing some alternate history type mods. Like what if the Civil War was more "High Tech" (Stirling powered Airships, Tanks with a primitive internal combustion engine, steam powered gatlings, a clock-based submachine gun, etc).
hence the name :P

however... i don't have black hair and and white stripe down the middle... but i am vicious when cornered...

mod idea:

Avatar deathmatch.... players create (or get someone to create for them.... a cool avatar and train it offline and then pit them against each other in frenzied dm :cheese:
I also think a mod that plpayed out like an episode of cops would be cool. as long as it remained humorous. lets say your a silent rookie cop ( like gordon in half life) paired with an overweight, donut eating, veteran showing you the ropes and always telling you these stories about his prowess and heroics as a police officer, then running out of breath every time your chasing down a crook. You'd meet all sorts of strange characters (trailer trash, prostitutes, potheads) trying to talk their way out of getting arrested. Throw in some fights with mobsters, bank robberies,etc. so it wouldn;t get boring

You know, youre COPS mod and My CHiPs mod could be combined into one. At the beginning of the game you choose which department you go to work for. Your idea sounds like a you joined a big city's poilice department, Mine had a Highway Patrol theme(similar to State Police or State Troopers depending on what state your from). If you wanted it to be a bit of an RPG you could also make it so you have to choose how corrupt you are. and events would play themselvs out depending on youre corruption level.
For example: You mentioned geting paired up with an overweight donut feind veteran. At one point he gets into a chase with a teenager who did something real minor(skateboarded off of a rail at city hall, or did some Graffitti) The old timer gets winded while chasing the kid to give him a ticket, so he pulls his piece and blows the kid away. You show up as the old timer is planting his drop gun on the kid. Now you have a choice to make when the detectives start their investigation. Do you tell the truth, and get stuck with a lame beat to patrol and an undesireable partner, or do you LIE and keep the time honored tradition of the code of silence. If so youre rewarded afterwards with extra perks and possible even a raise, and of course a medal. However doing so will increase the level of hostility and decrease the level of co-operation you recieve from citizens.
You could also have some interactions with the Mob. This could give tou the oportunity to get "on the take".
Your arch enemy could turn out to be an investigative reporter following up on some fishy cases.
BTW, Does anybody think the "G-Man" looks a bit like Lenny Brisco ("Law and Order" detective)?
id love to see a mod called city massacre. a single player game. with HUNDREDS of civilians and scientists walking the streets, and u have unlimited ammo and all weapons. in a big city, with all the proper odds and ends in it. and all u do is killlll killll killl!!
/me runs away from guinney, remembering not to turn his back incase he tries something....

I like the combined Idea... And you could have it dark and keep it humourus in parts... or have it start quite humuorus and then fade to a dark and sinister game ( as if the character at the start of the game is a rookie and things life's all perky and fun, but as the game progresses realises, what life is really like and the evilness in things :p ....just a thought
Thats cool.

So many mods, so little time.
What I need is one of those self clonig machines like in that movie where the guy is totaly overloaded so he makes a double of himself, the the double makes a double of himself and so on...
problem is that by double number 3 or so they start getting retarded and wouldnt be much good for mod making :(

And you could have it dark and keep it humourus in parts... or have it start quite humuorus and then fade to a dark and sinister game ( as if the character at the start of the game is a rookie and things life's all perky and fun, but as the game progresses realises, what life is really like and the evilness in things
alright, here's another mod - nevermind, I'm writing this as a book, I don't want any hooligans making it into a mod and ruining my name. Anyhow, here's the background. I posted it here before.

the year is 2038. all is well with the world, and technology has run rampant to the point where it seems magical to the naked eye. people control electronics through mental commands to their nanobots, giving the illusion of telekineses and other psychic/magical powers.

in the center of the slums, an old power is called forth. A homeless child, malnourished and innocent, attempts to control the world without touch, mirroring with wonder the world she sees on on public media. Though she has no nanobots, the world responds. She can levitate objects, create fire out of air, freeze lava. Magic has reawakened.

Corporations of the world join forces across continents, having already subjugated the major nations. Faced with the impossibility of producing cheap alternatives to a magical way of life, they become inhibitive. Magic is discouraged, portrayed as a dirty thing in the media. A group of magic users forms, defying WorldCorp's views. Relationships grow tense as magical miracles grow to equal technological miracles. Technological cities vie with magical cities over splendor.

The first shot is fired in Chicago, Il. Fights break out, and there are several casualties. No one knows who started it, or why, but it inflames the once-neutral groups into choosing sides. The majority join WorldCorp. The rest are either fighting for their rights, hiding their magical gift, or profiting off the war.
punisher i think that movie is called Muliplicity.

Murray_H a tennis mod would be pretty tight. I dont know about you guys, but Virtua Tennis was a badass game and would be 10x better on hl2 ;] the game could be a bunch of 1x1 matches to a score of around 5. And winners face each other etc. The ultimate winner gets a "Champion point" ( ;P ) and the matches restart.

like a tournament basically... only much shorter...

ive been reading some of your guys replys and frankly i think you guys are going way off track... too detailed... and too wide open. Remember these are mods ;] not videogames. Keep it simple and fun and u'll always get good feedback.

Some of you guys think of things taht will take ages to make.. a whole story line.. 10,000 weapons.. able to fly across the world.
Think of mods like bumper cars and snow wars... what dumbass ideas. but those are the mods that put a smile on your face. You can always go the extra mile and make nicer mods like dod or flf, but it takes a lot more to make those. Basically what im saying is you shouldn't spend your time letting your imagination run too freely, but enough to make the viewer subconsciously think, "hey cool idea" ;]

All of your mod ideas sound great, just dont get too sophisticated.
And all of the mods which are simple and too the point (cs, dod, sw) will be the mods that make a difference.

Just putting that smile on your face is worth millions ;]
Right on Infinyte4D. Don't disappoint yourselves modders ;( :frog:
S'No Wars like Snow Wars - Snowball fights. There's a certain 2d game in particular that I'm thinking of, but I can't remember what it was. It consisted of a plain field with multiple controllable characters on it. It was pretty cool. I'll try to get a link. Hmmmm, nevermind. There's a Snow War mod for halflife 1.

Wizard War - if anyone's played the game King's Quest, you might remember a game called Wizards Chess or Wizard's War. Basically, you have a minion on the game board who reacts to stimula that you "cast" and moves toward/away from it. You can trigger certain terrain to change. The point of the game is to make your minion get to the end of a maze. You can screw with your opponent's minion as well, and vice versa. What I'm saying is, the physics engine could make for easy triggers.

TAG! - A tag game! Except since no one could be given any advantages, the people who aren't "it" would get a period of time to hide. And the maps would be complex. Maybe the characters would be small, say the size of a bug.

Speaking of bugs -

Ant - live the life of an ant. serve the queen, feed the colony, fight the other ants.

Mech game - ummm. rip off of Armored Core and Mechwarrior. Mech Core? Armored Warrior? Or Transformers. Either way, it's always fun to see giant robots duke it out.

EDIT - A card game! You could played cards. Just like in real life. And just like the Solitaire game that comes with windows. Except with Half-Life 2 detail! Yayyy. - EDIT
The thing with the tennis game is it would actually take skill to play if the ball and racket are based on real world physics. I love Vitua Tennis :D
Ping Pong - Right click would be back-spin, left click would be top spin, side spins would be controlled by moving the mouse left or right.
Originally posted by Draklyne

Speaking of bugs -

Ant - live the life of an ant. serve the queen, feed the colony, fight the other ants.

Play SIMant, if you want this game... it's really boring and uninteresting.... :(
an Indy racing game, but not those indy cars...but maybe

today i was watching a race on TV, they had Porshes, Ferraries, and Mazda's